Action Reference

How To Use This Reference

This reference section is designed to fulfil two purposes: (1) to make it easy for you to find the name of the Action you want if you only know the grammar (the form of the command) that leads to it (e.g. KILL FRED); and (2) to provide basic information to help with the customizing of action responses (for fuller information you may need to consult the library source code).

If you know the name of the action you're looking for, you can go straight to the Action List below to find it (and follow the directions there). If you don't, you can use the Grammar List immediately below to find it. For example, to find what action would be triggered by KILL FRED, click on K in the list of letters at the start of the Grammar List, and find the line that reads 'kill something'. At the end of the line you'll see the hyperlinked action name Attack. Clicking on the link will take you to further information about the Attack action in the Action List.

Grammar List



a topic AskAboutImplicit
a someone about topic AskAbout
a someone for topic AskFor
a someone how/if/when/where/whether/who topic QueryAbout
a for topic AskForImplicit
a for topic from someone AskFor
a how/if/what/when/where/whether/who QueryVague
a how/if/when/where/whether/who topic Query
about About
activate something SwitchOn
aft Travel
again Again
affirmative SayYes
are topic Query
ask topic AskAboutImplicit
ask someone about topic AskAbout
ask someone for topic AskFor
ask someone how/if/when/where/whether/who topic QueryAbout
ask about topic AskAboutImplicit
ask for topic AskForImplicit
ask for topic from someone AskFor
ask how/if/what/when/where/whether/who QueryVague
ask how/if/what/when/where/whether/who topic Query
attach something Attach
attach something to something AttachTo
attack something Attack
attack something with something AttackWith


back GoBack
blow something out Extinguish
blow out something Extinguish
board something Board
break something Break
brief Brief
bye Goodbye
buckle [up] something Fasten
buckle something to something FastenTo
burn something Burn
burn something with something BurnWith


c Continue
can topic Query
clean something Clean
clean something with something CleanWith
climb something Climb
climb down ClimbDownVague
climb down something ClimbDown
climb in/inside/in to/into something Enter
climb on/on to/onto something Board
climb out GetOut
climb out of something GetOutOf
climb up ClimbUpVague
climb up something ClimbUp
close something Close
cogitate Think
cogitate about topic ThinkAbout
consult something about/on topic ConsultAbout
connect something Attach
connect something to something AttachTo
consume something Eat
continue Continue
could topic Query
credits Credits


d Travel
debug DebugI
debug actions/doers/messages/spelling/status/stop/off Debug
deactivate something SwitchOff
destroy something Break
detach something Detach
detach something from something DetachFrom
dig something Dig
dig something with something DigWith
disconnect something Detach
disconnect something from something DetachFrom
disembark GetOut
do/does topic Query
doff something Doff
don something Wear
douse something Extinguish
down Travel
drag something direction PushTravelDir
drag something down something PushTravelClimbDown
drag something in/in to/into something PushTravelEnter
drag something out/out of something PushTravelGetOutOf
drag something through/thru something PushTravelThrough
drag something up something PushTravelClimbUp
drink something Drink
drop something Drop
drop something on/onto/on to/upon something PutOn


e Travel
east Travel
eat something Eat
enter GoIn
enter something Enter
enter literal in/in to/into/on/with something EnterOn
eval literal Evaluate
examine something Examine
extinguish something Extinguish
exit GoOut
exit something GetOutOf
exit colo[u]r off/on/blue/green/red/yellow ExitsColour
exits Exits
exits all ExitsMode
exits colo[u]r off/on/blue/green/red/yellow ExitsColour
exits look ExitsMode
exits none ExitsMode
exits off/on ExitsMode
exits status/status line/statusline ExitsMode


f Travel
fasten something Fasten
fasten something to something FastenTo
feel something Feel
fiat lux FiatLux
find topic ConsultWhatAbout
find topic in/on something ConsultAbout
flip something Flip
follow something Follow
fore Travel
full/full score/fullscore FullScore


g Again
get something Take
get something from/out of/off/off of something TakeFrom
get down GetOut
get down from something GetOff
get in/inside/in to/into something Enter
get off GetOut
get off/off of something GetOff
get on/on to/onto something Board
get out GetOut
get out of something GetOutOf
get up Stand
give something GiveToImplicit
give someone something GiveTo
give something to someone GiveTo
gn something GoNear
goodbye/good-bye/good bye Goodbye
go VagueTravel
go direction Travel
go back GoBack
go down ClimbDownVague
go down something ClimbDown
go in/inside/in to/into something Enter
go near something GoNear
go through/thru something GoThrough
go to|to the direction Travel
go to somewhere GoTo
go up ClimbUpVague
go up something ClimbUp
gonear something GoNear
greet someone TalkTo


hallo Hello
have/has topic Query
hello Hello
hi Hello
hit something Attack
hit something with something AttackWith
hint Hints
hints Hints
hints off HintsOff
holler Yell
how topic Query


i Inventory
if topic Query
ignite something Burn
ignite something with something BurnWith
imbibe something Drink
in Travel
insert something in/into/in to/inside/inside of something PutIn
inspect something Examine
inv Inventory
inventory Inventory
is topic Query


jump Jump
jump something JumpOver
jump off JumpOffIntransitive
jump off something JumpOff
jump over something JumpOver


kick something Attack
kill something Attack
kill something with something AttackWith
kiss something Kiss


l Look
l something Examine
l topic up ConsultWhatAbout
l topic up in/on something ConsultAbout
l around Look
l at something Examine
l behind something LookBehind
l for topic ConsultWhatAbout
l for topic in/on something ConsultAbout
l in/inside something LookIn
l tests (/fully) ListTests
l through/thru something LookThrough
l under something LookUnder
l up topic ConsultWhatAbout
l up topic in/on something ConsultAbout
leave GoOut
leave something GetOutOf
let there be light FiatLux
lie down Lie
lie down in something LieIn
lie down on something LieOn
lie in something LieIn
lie on something LieOn
light something Light
light something with something BurnWith
list tests (/fully) ListTests
listen Listen
listen to something ListenTo
lock something Lock
lock something with something LockWith
look Look
look something Examine
look topic up ConsultWhatAbout
look topic up in/on something ConsultAbout
look around Look
look at something Examine
look behind something LookBehind
look for topic ConsultWhatAbout
look for topic in/on something ConsultAbout
look in/inside something LookIn
look through/thru something LookThrough
look under something LookUnder
look up topic ConsultWhatAbout
look up topic in/on something ConsultAbout


move something Move
move something direction PushTravelDir
move something down something PushTravelClimbDown
move something in/in to/into something PushTravelEnter
move something out/out of something PushTravelGetOutOf
move something to/under something MoveTo
move something through/thru something PushTravelThrough
move something up something PushTravelClimbUp
move something with something MoveWith


n Travel
ne Travel
negative SayNo
no No
north Travel
northeast Travel
notify Notify
notify off NotifyOff
notify on NotifyOn


offer something GiveToImplicit
offer someone something GiveTo
offer something to someone GiveTo
open something Open
out Travel
out of something GetOutOf


p Travel
peer through/thru something LookThrough
pick something up Take
pick up something Take
place something behind something PutBehind
place something in/into/in to/inside/inside of something PutIn
place something on/onto/on to/upon something PutOn
place something under something PutUnder
plug something in PlugIn
plug something in/in to/into something PlugInto
plug in something PlugIn
pn something Purloin
ponder Think
ponder about topic ThinkAbout
port Travel
pour something Pour
pour something in/in to/into something PourInto
pour something on/on to/onto something PourOnto
press something Push
pull something Pull
pull something direction PushTravelDir
pull something down something PushTravelClimbDown
pull something in/in to/into something PushTravelEnter
pull something out/out of something PushTravelGetOutOf
pull something through/thru something PushTravelThrough
pull something up something PushTravelClimbUp
punch something Attack
purloin something Purloin
push something Push
push something direction PushTravelDir
push something down something PushTravelClimbDown
push something in/in to/into something PushTravelEnter
push something out/out of something PushTravelGetOutOf
push something to/under something MoveTo
push something through/thru something PushTravelThrough
push something up something PushTravelClimbUp
put something down Drop
put something behind something PutBehind
put something in/into/in to/inside/inside of something PutIn
put something on Wear
put something on/onto/on to/upon something PutOn
put something out Extinguish
put something under something PutUnder
put down something Drop
put on something Wear
put out something Extinguish


q Quit
quaff something Drink
quit Quit


read something Read
read about topic ConsultWhatAbout
read about topic in/on something ConsultAbout
record [filename] RecordOn
record events [filename] RecordEvents
record events on RecordEvents
record off RecordOff
record on RecordOn
remove something Remove
remove something from something TakeFrom
replay [filename] Replay
replay nonstop/quiet [filename] Replay
restart Restart
restore [filename] Restore
return GoBack
rotate something Turn
rotate something to literal TurnTo
rotate something with something TurnWith
rq [filename] Replay
ruin something Break
run VagueTravel
run direction Travel


s Travel
save [filename] Save
say topic Say
say topic to someone SayTo
say bye/goodbye/good-bye/good bye Goodbye
say hallo/hello/hi Hello
say hello to someone TalkTo
say no SayNo
say that topic Say
say that topic to someone SayTo
say yes SayYes
sb Travel
screw something Screw
screw something with something ScrewWith
score Score
scream Yell
script [filename] ScriptOn
script off ScriptOff
script on ScriptOn
se Travel
search something Search
search something for topic ConsultAbout
search for topic ConsultWhatAbout
search for topic in/on something ConsultAbout
set something Set
set something down Drop
set something behind something PutBehind
set something in/into/in to/inside/inside of something PutIn
set something on/onto/on to/upon something PutOn
set something to literal SetTo
set something under something PutUnder
set down something Drop
set fire to something Burn
set fire to something with something BurnWith
sit Sit
sit down Sit
sit down in something SitIn
sit down on something SitOn
sit in something SitIn
sit on something SitOn
sleep Sleep
smash something Break
should topic Query
shout Yell
show something ShowToImplicit
show someone something ShowTo
show something to someone ShowTo
shut something Close
smell Smell
smell something SmellSomething
sniff Smell
sniff something SmellSomething
south Travel
southeast Travel
southwest Travel
status Score
stand Stand
stand in|in to|into something StandIn
stand on|on to|onto something StandOn
stand up Stand
starboard Travel
strike something with something AttackWith
sw Travel
switch something SwitchVague
switch something off SwitchOff
switch something on SwitchOn
switch off something SwitchOff
switch on something SwitchOn


t topic TellAboutImplicit
t someone about topic TellAbout
talk about topic TalkAboutImplicit
talk to someone TalkTo
talk to someone about topic TalkAbout
take something Take
take something off Doffdobj
take something from/out of/off/off of something TakeFrom
take inventory Inventory
take off something Doffdobj
taste something Taste
tell topic TellAboutImplicit
tell someone about topic TellAbout
tell someone that topic SayTo
tell someone to literal TellTo
tell me about topic AskAboutImplicit
terse Brief
test literal DoTest
think Think
think about topic ThinkAbout
throw something Throw
throw something direction ThrowDir
throw someone something ThrowTo
throw something at something ThrowAt
throw something to/to the direction ThrowDir
throw something to someone ThrowTo
throw d/down something ThrowDir
topics Topics
toss something Throw
toss something direction ThrowDir
toss something at something ThrowAt
toss something to/to the direction ThrowDir
toss something to someone ThrowTo
touch something Feel
turn something Turn
turn something off SwitchOff
turn something on SwitchOn
turn something to literal TurnTo
turn something with something TurnWith
turn off something SwitchOff
turn on something SwitchOn
twist something Turn
twist something to literal TurnTo
twist something with something TurnWith
type literal Type
type literal on something TypeOn
type on something TypeOnVague


u Travel
unbuckle something Unfasten
unbuckle something from something UnfastenFrom
undo Undo
unfasten something Unfasten
unfasten something from something UnfastenFrom
unlock something Unlock
unlock something with something UnlockWith
unplug something Unplug
unplug something from something UnplugFrom
unscrew something Unscrew
unscrew something with something UnscrewWith
up Travel


verbose Verbose
version Version


wait Wait
walk VagueTravel
walk direction Travel
walk down ClimbDownVague
walk down something ClimbDown
walk in/inside/in to/into something Enter
walk through/thru something GoThrough
walk to|to the direction Travel
walk to somewhere GoTo
walk up ClimbUpVague
walk up something ClimbUp
wear something Wear
what/when/where/whether/who topic Query
wordy Verbose
would topic Query
wreck something Break
write literal Write
write literal in/on something WriteOn


x something Examine


yell Yell
yes SayYes


z Wait

Action List

The table below lists each of the actions defined in the adv3Lite library, and summarizes the effects of each action and the conditions under which it is allowed to proceed. The purpose is to give game authors a quick reference to the main properties they may need to customize to allow an action to go ahead or explain why it can't. System actions and debugging actions are listed in a different colour, since game code is less likely to need to customize these.

The table deals with three classes of action: (1) those that take no Thing objects (IActions, SystemActions, TopicActions and LiteralActions); (2) those that take one Thing object (TActions, TopicTActions and LiteralTActions) and (3) those that take two Thing objects (TIActions). Class (1) and (2) actions are listed in a single row of the table; class (3) actions take two rows. Class (1) actions have a dash in the obj column (indicating that no objects are involved). Class (2) actions have 'dobj' in the obj column, indicating that the information given relates to the direct object of the action. Class (3) actions have 'dobj' in the obj column in the first row, and 'iobj' in the obj column in the second row, indicating that the information given in each row relates to the direct object and indirect objects of the action respectively.

For Class (2) and (3) actions the remaining columns relate to how the action handling is defined on the Thing class. The Verify Property/Condition column holds the name of the basic property that must be true for the action to go ahead with that object, together with the default value of that property in the form propName = val. For example, the basic property determining whether something can be opened is isOpenable, which is nil by default on Thing, so it appears as isOpenable = nil. Sometimes this property depends on the value of another property, e.g. isTakeable = !isFixed, meaning a Thing is takeable if it is not fixed in place. Occasionally this colummn just holds the value nil, which means that the verfy routine on Thing fails the action unconditionally (as is mainly the case with conversational actions).

The Failure Message column then holds the name of the property that defines the message to be displayed if the action fails on account of not meeting the Verify Property/Condition requirement. For example, if the player attempts to OPEN an object whose isOpenable property is nil, the object's cannotOpenMsg property is displayed. Knowing this property name makes it easy for game authors to customize the failure messages on particular objects or classes of object.

The Action Result column attempts to summarize the main result of the action if it is allowed to proceed. Note that actions may have additional side effects not shown in the table. Where an entry is blank, no action results are defined for that action on Thing. Where the action column contains an entry like report { DMsg (so and so) }, this means that the action method does nothing, but the report phase displays the report indicated. Occasionally there is a link to another class name, such as Key; this means that more significant handling for the action is defined on the class in question and that clicking on the link will take you to an appropriate code extract where you can see the details of the handling on that class.

For Class (1) actions there are no verify routines and no corresponding properties, but where it is possible to summarize the conditions under which a Class (1) action might fail and the message that would then be displayed, this information is given in the appropriate column. The outcome of Class (1) actions is summarized in the Action Result column.

A blank cell indicates that the library defines no verify or action routine (as the case may be) for the action in question on Thing (though action handling may be defined on other classes). Actions with blank entries in the Action Result column do nothing on the Thing class (and will normally be failed at the verify stage).

Sometimes the verification conditions or action outcomes are simply too complicated to be usefully summarized in the table. Where that is the case a row of three asterisks (* * *) appears instead. If the asterisks are hyperlinked, you can click on the link to view a relevant code extract which should give you the full picture.

In any case a table like this can hardly give the full picture except for the very simplest cases. In particular, the properties listed in the Verify Property/Condition column are simply those relating to whether an action can succeed on an object because of the type of object it is. For example, there is no prospect of an OPEN command operating on an object unless that object is openable (isOpenable = true), but while isOpenable = true is a necessary condition for the OPEN command to work, it may not be sufficient. An OPEN command will also fail, for example, if the object in question is already open, or if it is locked. In some cases the presence of further such information is indicated in the table by a hyperlinked double asterisk (**); clicking on the link will take you to a code extract that should give you a fuller picture.

For some types of customization there will be no substitute for consulting the full library source code. The table below should, however, hopefully reduce the need to do so by listing the properties you will most commonly need to override.


ActionobjVerify Property/ConditionFailure MessageAction Result
Again* * *
AttachdobjisAttachable = nilcannotAttachMsgaskForIobj(AttachTo)
AttachTodobjisAttachable = nilcannotAttachMsg
iobjcanAttachToMe = nilcannotAttachToMsg
AttackdobjisAttackable = nilcannotAttackMsg
AttackWithdobjisAttackable = nilcannotAttackMsg
iobjcanAttackWithMe = nilcannotAttackWithMsg
BoarddobjisBoardable = nilcannotBoardMsggActor.actionMoveInto(self)
BreakdobjisBreakable = truecannotBreakMsg
BriefgameMain.verbose = nil
BurndobjisBurnable = nilcannotBurnMsg
BurnWithdobjisBurnable = nilcannotBurnMsg
iobjcanBurnWithMe = nilcannotBurnWithMsg
CleandobjisCleanable = truecannotCleanMsgmakeCleaned(true)
CleanWithdobjisCleanable = truecannotCleanMsgmakeCleaned(true)
iobjcanCleanWithMe = nilcannotCleanWithMsg
ClimbdobjisClimbable = nilcannotClimbMsg
ClimbDowndobjcanClimbDownMe = isClimbablecannotClimbDownMsg
ClimbUpdobjcanClimbUpMe = isClimbablecannotClimbMsg
ClosedobjisCloseable = isOpenable **cannotCloseMsgmakeOpen(nil) **
Continue* * *
CutdobjisCuttable = nilcannotCutMsgaskForIobj(CutWith)
CutWithdobjisCuttable = nilcannotCutMsg
iobjcanCutWithMe = nilcannotCutWithMsg
Debug* * *
DebugIt3DebugTrace(T3DebugCheck)DMsg(debugger not present)t3DebugTrace(T3DebugBreak)
DetachdobjisDetachable = nilcannotDetachMsg
DetachFromdobjisDetachable = nilcannotDetachMsg
iobjcanDetachFromMe = nilcannotDetachFromMsg
DigdobjisDiggable = nilcannotDigMsgaskForIobj(DigWith)
DigWithdobjisDiggable = nilcannotDigMsg
iobjcanDigWithMe = nilcannotDigWithMsg
DoffdobjisDoffable = isWearable **cannotDoffMsgmakeWorn(nil)
DoTestrun test script
DrinkdobjisDrinkable = nilcannotDrinkMsg
DropdobjisDroppable = truecannotDropMsgactionMoveInto(gActor.location.dropLocation);
EatdobjisEdible = nilcannotEatMsgmoveInto(nil)
EnterdobjisEnterable = nilcannotEnterMsggActor.actionMoveInto(self)
EnterOndobjcanEnterOnMe = nilcannotEnterOnMsg
Examinedobjdesc; examineStatus(); **
ExitsgExitLister != nilDMsg(no exit lister)gExitLister.showExitsCommand()
ExitsColourgExitLister != nilDMsg(no exit lister)* * *
ExitsModegExitLister != nilDMsg(no exit lister)gExitLister.exitsOnOffCommand(stat, stat)
ExtinguishdobjisExtinguishable = truecannotExtinguishMsgmakeLit(nil)
FastendobjisFastenable = nilcannotFastenMsgmakeFastened(true)
FastenTodobjisFastenable = nilcannotFastenMsg
iobjcanFastenToMe = nilcannotFastenToMsg
FeeldobjisFeelable = truecannotFeelMsg display(&feelDesc);
FiatLuxgPlayerChar.isLit = !gPlayerChar.isLit
FlipdobjisFlippable = isSwitchablecannotFlipMsg
FollowdobjisFollowable = nilcannotFollowMsg
GiveToImplicitdobj* * *gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor.handleTopic(&giveTopics, [self])
GoBack* * *
GoodbyegPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor != nilDMsg(not talking)gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor.endConversation(endConvBye)
GoNeardobj* * *getOutermostRoom.travelVia(gActor); **
GoThroughdobjcanGoThroughMe = nilcannotGoThroughMsg
GoTodobj* * ** * *
GoOut[Travel or GetOff]
Hello* * *
HintsgHintManager != nilDMsg(hints not present)gHintManager.showHints()
HintsOffgHintManager != nilDMsg(no hints to disable)gHintManager.disableHints()
Inventory * * *
JumpOffdobjcanJumpOffMe = [the actor is on dobj]cannotJumpOffMsggActor.actionMoveInto(location)
JumpOverdobjcanJumpOverMe = nilcannotJumpOverMsg
KissdobjisKissable = truecannotKissMsgreport { DMsg(kiss) }
LieOndobjcanLieOnMe = isBoardablecannotLieOnMsgasDobjFor(Board)
LightdobjisLightable = nilcannotLightMsgmakeLit(true)
Listen* * *
ListTestslist available test scripts
Lockdobjlockability = notLockable **notLockableMsgmakeLocked(true) **
LockWithdobjlockability = notLockable **notLockableMsg
iobjcanLockWithMe = canUnlockWithMecannotLockWithMsgKey
LookBehinddobjcanLookBehindMe = truecannotLookBehindMsg* * *
Look - gActor.outermostVisibleParent().lookAroundWithin()
LookIndobj* * *
LookThroughdobjcanLookThroughMe = truecannotLookThroughMsgsay(lookThroughMsg)
LookUnderdobjcanLookUnderMe = truecannotLookUnderMsg* * *
MovedobjisMoveable = !isFixedcannotMoveMsgreport { DMsg(move no effect); }
MoveTodobjisMoveable = !isFixedcannotMoveMsgmakeMovedTo(gIobj)
iobjcanMoveToMe = truecannotMoveToMsg
MoveWithdobjisMoveable = !isFixedcannotMoveMsgreport { DMsg(move no effect); }
iobjcanMoveWithMe = nilcannotMoveWithMsg
Notify * * *
NotifyOfflibGlobal.scoreObj.showNotify.isOn = nil
NotifyOnlibGlobal.scoreObj.scoreNotify.isOn = true
OpendobjisOpenable = nil **cannotOpenMsgmakeOpen(true) **
PlugIndobjisPlugable = nilcannotPlugMsg
PlugIntodobjisPlugable = nilcannotPlugMsg
iobjcanPlugIntoMe = nilcannotPlugIntoMsg
PourdobjisPourable = nilcannotPourMsg
PourIntodobjisPourable = nilcannotPourMsg
iobjcanPourIntoMe = (contType == In || remapIn != nil)cannotPourIntoMsg
PourOntodobjisPourable = nilcannotPourMsg
iobjcanPourOntoMe = truecannotPourOntoMsg
PulldobjisPullable = truecannotPullMsgsay(pullNoEffectMsg)
PushdobjisPushable = truecannotPushMsgsay(pushNoEffectMsg)
PushTravelClimbDowndobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsgdoPushTravel(Down) **
iobjcanClimbDownMe = nilcannotPushDownMsg
PushTravelClimbUpdobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsgdoPushTravel(Up) **
iobjisClimbable = nilcannotPushUpMsg
PushTravelDirdobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsg* * *
PushTravelEnterdobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsg
iobjisEnterablecannotPushIntoMsg* * *
PushTravelGetOutOfdobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsg* * *
iobj* * ** * ** * *
PushTravelThroughdobjcanPushTravel = nilcannotPushTravelMsgdoPushTravel(Through) **
iobjcanGoThroughMe = nilcannotPushThroughMsg
PutBehinddobj!isFixed **cannotTakeMsg
iobjcanPutBehindMe = (contType == Behind) ** cannotPutBehindMsggDobj.actionMoveInto(self) **
PutIndobj!isFixed **cannotTakeMsg
iobjcanPutInMe = (contType == In) **cannotPutInMsggDobj.actionMoveInto(self) **
PutOndobj!isFixed **cannotTakeMsg
iobjcontType == On **cannotPutOnMsggDobj.actionMoveInto(self) **
PutUnderdobj!isFixed **cannotTakeMsg
iobjcanPutUnderMe = (contType == Under) **cannotPutUnderMsggDobj.actionMoveInto(self) **
Quitthrow new QuittingException
ReaddobjisReadable = propType(&readDesc) != TypeNilcannotReadMsgdisplay(&readDesc);
Record* * *
RecordEvents* * *
RecordOff* * *
RemovedobjisRemoveable = isTakeablecannotRemoveMsgremoveDoer:doInstead(Take|Doff)
Replay* * *
Restartthrow new RestartSignal
Save* * *
ScrewdobjisScrewable = nilcannotScrewMsg
ScrewWithdobjisScrewable = nilcannotScrewMsg
iobjcanScrewWithMe = nilcannotScrewWithMsg
SetdobjisSettable = nilcannotSetMsg
SetTodobjcanSetMeTo = nilcannotSetToMsgmakeSetting(gLiteral)
SitOndobjcanSitOnMe = isBoardablecannotSitOnMsgasDobjFor(Board)
ScriptOff* * *
ScriptOn* * *
ShowToImplicitdobj* * ** * *gPlayerChar.currentInterlocutor.handleTopic(&showTopics, [self])
SleepDMsg(no sleeping)
Smell* * *
SmellSomethingdobjisSmellable = truecannotSmellMsgdisplay(&smellDesc);
StandreplaceAction(GetOff, gActor.location) | DMsg(already standing)
StandOndobjcanStandOnMe = isBoardablecannotStandOnMsgasDobjFor(Board)
TakedobjisTakeable = !isFixed **cannotTakeMsgactionMoveInto(gActor) **
TakeFromdobjisTakeable = !isFixed **cannotTakeMsgactionDobjTake()
iobj* * *
TastedobjisTasteable = truecannotTasteMsgdisplay(&tasteDesc);
ThrowdobjisThrowable = !isFixedcannotThrowMsgmoveInto(getOutermostRoom)
iobjcanThrowAtMe = truecannotThrowAtMsggDobj.moveInto(getOutermostRoom)
ThrowDirdobjisThrowable = !isFixedcannotThrowMsgmoveInto(getOutermostRoom)
iobjcanThrowToMe = nilcannotThrowToMsg
TopicsotherActor != nilDMsg(no interlocutor)otherActor.showSuggestions(true)
Travel* * *
TurndobjisTurnable = truecannotTurnMsgreport{ say(turnNoEffectMsg) }
TurnTodobjcanTurnMeTo = nilcannotTurnToMsgmakeSetting(gLiteral)
TurnWithdobjisTurnable = truecannotTurnMsgreport{ say(turnNoEffectMsg) }
iobjcanTurnWithMe = nilcannotTurnWithMsg
TypeOndobjcanTypeOnMe = nilcannotTypeOnMsg
TypeOnVaguedobjcanTypeOnMe = nilcannotTypeOnMsg
UnplugdobjisUnplugable = isPlugablecannotUnplugMsg
UnplugFromdobjisUnplugable = isPlugablecannotUnplugMsg
iobjcanUnplugFromMe = canPlugIntoMecannotUnplugFromMsg
UnfastendobjisUnfastenable = nilcannotUnfastenMsg
UnfastenFromdobjisUnfastenable = nilcannotUnfastenMsg
Unlockdobjlockability = notLockable **notLockableMsgmakeLocked(nil) **
UnlockWithdobjlockability = notLockable **notLockableMsgKey
UnscrewdobjisUnscrewable = isScrewablecannotUnscrewMsg
UnscrewWithdobjisUnscrewable = isScrewablecannotUnscrewMsg
iobjcanUnscrewWithMe = canScrewWithMecannotUnscrewWithMsg
VagueTravelDMsg(vague travel)
VerbosegameMain.verbose = true
Versionforeach ModuleID.showVersion()
WeardobjisWearable = truecannotWearMsgmakeWorn(true)
WriteOndobjcanWriteOnMe = nilcannotWriteOnMsg