Further Programming Concepts and Constructs
We have only scratched the surface of the TADS 3 language here, but further details are available in the System Manual, and in the meantime we have covered most of the basic features of the language that you need to follow this Guide. A few more will be introduced as we go along. There are, however, a few more fairly basic TADS 3 programming concepts we haven't covered yet, and as you'll probably need them sooner rather than later they're introduced here. It is not necessary to master these in order to use the rest of this Guide, however, so you may prefer to skip this section for now and get on with the more interesting business of discovering how to construct your first TADS 3 game, returning to this section later on if you need to.
a. Comments, Identifiers and Scope
(i) Comments
Outside of a quoted string, two consecutive slashes, //, indicate that the rest of the line is a comment. Everything up to the next newline is ignored. Alternatively, C-style comments can be used; these start with /* and end with */; this type of comment can span multiple lines.
// This line is a comment. /* This is a comment which goes across several lines. */
ii) Identifiers
Identifiers must start with a letter (upper or lower case), and may contain letters, numbers, dollar signs, and underscores. Identifiers can be up to 39 characters long. Upper and lower case letters are distinct (so that, for example, cloakroom, Cloakroom and CloakRoom are three different identifiers).
iii) Scope of Identifiers and Local Variables
All objects and functions are named by global identifiers. No identifier may be used to identify different things; that is, no two objects can have the same name, an identifier naming a function can't also be used for an object, and so forth.
Property names are also global identifiers. A name used for a property can't be used for a function or object, or vice versa. However, unlike functions and objects, the same property name can be used in many different objects. Since a property name is never used alone, but always in conjunction with an object, the TADS compiler is able to determine which object's property is being referenced even if the same name is used in many objects.
Function arguments and local variables are visible only in the function in which they appear. It is permissible to re-use a global identifier as a function argument or local variable, in which case the variable supersedes the global meaning within the function. However, this is discouraged, as it can be a bit confusing.
Local variables in functions and methods must be declared with the keyword local before they are used. Local variable declarations can appear anywhere within a code block. A local variable definition that appears in the middle of a code block creates a variable that is in scope from that point in the code block to the closing brace of the code block. (TADS 2 only allowed local variable declarations at the start of a code block.)
You can define local variables for the current code block. This is done with a statement such as this:
The identifier-list has the form:
identifier [ initializer ] [, identifier-list ]
An initializer, which is optional, has the form:
= expression
where the expression is any valid expression, which can contain arguments to the function or method, as well as any local variables defined prior to the local variable being initialized with the expression. The expression is evaluated, and the resulting value is assigned to the local variable prior to evaluating the next initializer, if any, and prior to executing the first statement after the local declaration. Local variables with initializers and local variables without initializers can be freely intermixed in a single statement; any local variables without initializers are automatically set to nil by the run-time system.
The identifiers defined in this fashion are visible only inside the function or method in which the local statement appears (actually, the situation can be slightly more complex than this when anonymous functions are involved - see the section on Anonymous Functions in the System Manual for the full story). Furthermore, the local statement supersedes any global meaning of the identifiers within the function or method.
An example of declaring local variables, using multiple local statements, and using initializers is below.
f(a, b) { local i, j; /* no initializers */ local k = 1, m, n = 2; /* some with initializers, some without */ local q = 5 * k, r = m + q; /* OK to use q after it's initialized */ for (i = 1 ; i < q ; i++) { local x, y; /* locals can be declared in any block */ say(i); } }
b. Loops
A common programming requirement - and one that can turn up quite frequently in TADS programming - is the need to repeat a statement or set of statements a number of times. This may either be a fixed number of times or, more commonly, a number of times determined by some condition, such as the number of objects in a set we wish to examine. For example at the start of the game we might want to go through every object in the game and ensure that it is has been added to the contents property of its immediately container (the library in fact does this for us). It would be tedious indeed to have to write code to do this on every single object that might be affected; it's far better to write a set of statements once and have that same set of statements executed for every relevant object in our game. A programming construct that accomplishes this sort of task is traditionally called a loop, and the TADS 3 language provides four types of loop: while, do-while, for and foreach. It also contains a number of statements to help control how loops function.
i) While
The while statement defines a loop: set of statements that is executed repeatedly as long as a certain condition is true.
while ( expression ) statement
The expression is evaluated before the first time through the loop; if the expression is false at that time, the statement or statements in the loop are skipped. Otherwise, the statement or statements are executed once, and the expression is evaluated again; if the expression is still true, the loop executes one more time and the cycle is repeated. Once the expression is false, execution resumes at the next statement after the loop.
For example, suppose we had a custom class called Book and we wanted to loop through every Book in our game setting its hasBeenRead property to nil unless its author property refers to the Player Character. We could write:
local obj = firstObj(Book); while(obj != nil) { if(obj.author==gPlayerChar) obj.hasBeenRead = true; else obj.hasBeenRead = nil; obj = nextObj(obj, Book); }
ii) Do-While
The do-while statement defines a slightly different type of loop from the while statement. This type of loop also executes until a controlling expression becomes false (0 or nil), but evaluates the controlling expression after each iteration of the loop. This ensures that the loop is executed at least once, since the expression isn't tested for the first time until after the first iteration of the loop.
do statement while ( expression );
local x = 1, res = 1;
res = res * x;
while (x <= n);
return res;
iii) | For
for ( init-expr; cond-expr; reinit-expr ) statement
The first expression, init-expr, is the "initialization expression." This expression is evaluated once, before the first iteration of the loop. It is used to initialize the variables involved in the loop.
The second expression, cond-expr, is the condition of the loop. It serves the same purpose as the controlling expression of a while statement. Before each iteration of the loop, the cond-expr is evaluated. If the value is true the body of the loop is executed; otherwise, the loop is terminated, and execution resumes at the statement following the loop body. Note that, like the while statement's controlling expression, the cond-expr of a for statement is evaluated prior to the first time through the loop (but after the init-expr has been evaluated), so a for loop will execute zero times if the cond-expr is false prior to the first iteration.
The third expression, reinit-expr, is the "re-initialization expression." This expression is evaluated after each iteration of the loop. Its value is ignored; the only purpose of this expression is to change the loop variables as necessary for the next iteration of the loop. Usually, the re-initialization expression will increment a counter or perform some similar function.
Any or all of the three expressions may be omitted. Omitting the expression condition is equivalent to using true as the expression condition; hence, a loop that starts "for ( ;; )" will iterate forever (or until a break statement is executed within the loop). A for statement that omits the initialization and re-initialization expressions is the same as a while loop.
Here's an example of using a for statement. This function implements a simple loop that computes the sum of the elements of a list.
local len = length(lst), sum, i;
for (sum = 0, i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++)
sum += lst[i];
Note that an equivalent loop could be written with an empty loop body, by performing the summation in the re-initialization expression. We could also move the initialization of len within the initialization expression of the loop.
local len, sum, i;
for (len = length(lst), sum = 0, i = 1 ; i <= len ;
sum += lst[i], i++);
You can define new local variables in the initializer part of a for statement by using the local keyword in the initializer. For example:
This declares two new local variables, j and k, and uses the existing variables i and l. Note that l is not a new local, even though it comes after the local k definition, because each local keyword in a for initializer defines only one variable. Note also that an initial value assignment is required for each new local declared.
The new locals declared in a for initializer are local in scope to the for statement and its body (this is the same rule that Java uses, although note that it differs from the (undesirable) way C++ works). The effect is exactly as though an extra open brace ("{") followed by a local statement for each new local appeared immediately before the for statement, and an extra close brace ("}") appeared immediately after the end of the body of the loop.
iv) | Foreach
The syntax of the foreach statement is:
The foreach_lvalue specifies a local variable or other "lvalue" expression which serves as the looping variable. This can be any lvalue (any expression that can be used on the left-hand side of an assignment operator), or it can be the keyword local followed by the name of a new local variable; if local is used, a new local variable is created with scope local to the foreach statement and its body. (Note that as of TADS 3.1.0 we can use for in place of foreach in such loops, and that there are also other varieties of for..in loop that we needn't worry about here.)
The expression is any expression that evaluates to a Collection object (for which see the System Manual), such as a List or Vector value.
The statement loops over the elements of the collection. For each element, the statement assigns the current element to the lvalue, then executes the body.
Here's an example that displays the elements of a list.
local lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
foreach (local x in lst)
v) | Break and Continue
The break statement also is used to exit a switch statement. In a switch statement, a break causes execution to resume at the statement following the closing brace of the switch statement.
The continue statement does roughly the opposite of the break statement; it resumes execution back at the start of the innermost loop in which it appears. The continue statement may be used in for, while, foreach, and do-while loops.
In a for loop, continue causes execution to resume at the re-initialization step. That is, the third expression (if present) in the for statement is evaluated, then the second expression (if present) is evaluated; if the second expression's value is non-nil or the second expression isn't present, execution resumes at the first statement within the statement block following the for, otherwise at the next statement following the block.
For example, suppose we want to loop through a player's possessions until we find one that is of class LightSource; we might do something like this:
local obj;
foreach(obj in gPlayerChar.contents)
When a label is used with break, the statement transfers control to the statement immediately following the labeled statement. If the target statement is a loop, control transfers to the statement following the loop body. If the target is a compound statement (a group of statements enclosed in braces), control transfers to the next statement after the block's closing brace. Targeted break statements are especially useful when you want to break out of a loop from within a switch statement:
for (i = 1 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
case '+':
case '-':
case 'eof':
break scanLoop;
Targeted break statements are also useful for breaking out of nested loops:
for (i = 1 ; i <= val.length() ; ++i)
for (j = 1 ; j < i ; ++j)
if (val[i] == val[j])
break matchLoop;
vi) | Alternatives to Loops
local obj = gPlayerChar.contents.valWhich({x: x.ofKind(LightSource)});
c. Inheritance
TADS 3 is an object-oriented language which makes heavy use of inheritance (that is to say, the language supports inheritance and the library makes heavy use of it). At its simplest inheritance allows us to have the best of both worlds: to modify the behaviour of an existing object or class but still make use of the behaviour defined on that class. For example, suppose we defined a Switch class with a method that defines what happens when it's switched on and off:
isOn = stat;
"You flip the switch << stat ? 'on' : 'off' >>. "
isOn = nil
Now suppose you wanted a LightSwitch class that did exactly the same as the Switch class, but also turn on an associated light source when turned on. You could derive this from Switch as a subclass, and you'd still want its makeOn method to do everything Switch's makeOn method does, but you'd also want it to light the light source. It would be tedious to have to retype the whole makeOn(stat) method, particularly in cases where it was something rather more substantial than here; instead we can inherit it and then add our own modifications:
if(myLight != nil)
myLight = nil
i) | Inherited
You can use inherited in an expression anywhere that you can use self.
Here is an example of using inherited.
MyClass: object
sdesc = "myclass"
prop1(a, b)
"This is myclass's prop1. self = << sdesc >>,
a = << a >>, and b = << b >>.\n";
myobj: MyClass
sdesc = "myobj"
prop1(d, e, f)
local x;
"This is myobj's prop1. self = << sdesc >>,
d = << d >>, e = << e >>, and f = << f >>.\n";
x = inherited.prop1(d, f) * 2;
"Back in myobj's prop1. x = << x >>\n";
This is myobj's prop1. self = myobj, d = 1, e = 2, and f = 3.
This is myclass's prop1. self = myobj, a = 1, and b = 3.
Back in myobj's prop1. x = 246.
You can also specify the name of the superclass after the 'inherited' keyword; this is otherwise similar to the normal 'inherited' syntax:
This specifies that you want the method to inherit the actionDobjTake() implementation from the Fixture superclass, regardless of whether TADS might normally have chosen another superclass as the overridden method. This is useful for situations involving multiple inheritance where you want more control over which of the base classes of an object should provide a particular behavior for the subclass.
If the last example had been called from within the actionDobjTake() method of the object in question, we could simply have written:
inherited Fixture();
myObj: myClass
myMethod(a, b)
inherited(a*2, b*2);
This invokes the inherited myMethod(), as though we had instead written inherited.myMethod(a*2, b*2). Because the current method is myMethod when the inherited expression is evaluated, myMethod is the implied property of the inherited expression.
ii) | Multiple Inheritance
multiObj: class1, class2, class3
Here we have defined multiObj to inherit properties first from class1, then from class2, then from class3. If all three classes define a property prop1, multiObj inherits prop1 from class1, since it is specified first.
Multiple inheritance can be a very useful feature. For example, suppose you wanted to define a huge vase; it should be fixed in the room, since it is too heavy to carry, but it should also be a container. With multiple inheritance, you can define the object to be both a Heavy and a Container (which are classes defined in the standard library).
If a property is inherited from more than one of its superclasses (and is not overridden in the object's own property list), the property is inherited from the superclass that appears earliest in the list. For example, suppose you define an object like this:
vase: Container, Heavy;
If both Container and Heavy define a method named m1, and vase itself doesn't define an m1 method, then m1 is inherited from Container, because it appears earlier in the superclass list than Heavy.
There is a more complicated case that can occur. You do not need to master this in order to follow this guide, so skip this section if you find it confusing. Suppose that in the example above, both Container and Heavy have the superclass Thing, and that Thing and Heavy define method m2, and that neither Container nor vase define m2. Now, since Container inherits m2 from Thing, it might seem that vase should inherit m2 from Container and thus from Thing. However, this is not the case; since the m2 defined in Heavy overrides the one defined in Thing, vase inherits the m2 from Heavy rather than the one from Thing. Hence, the rule, fully stated, is: the inherited property in the case of multiple inheritance is that property of the earliest (leftmost) superclass in the object's superclass list that is not overridden by a subsequent superclass. An alternative way of expressing this is "The first (left-most) superclass has precedence for inheritance, so any properties or methods that it defines effectively override the same properties and methods defined in subsequent superclasses, except that an ancestor class does not override a method or property on any of its descendent classes."
Don't worry if this is less than crystal-clear at the moment; simply think of it as something you may need come back to. In the meantime bear in mind two simple consequences: (1) it may not always be immediately obvious (in a situation of multiple inheritance) what the keyword inherited will inherit from; and (2) the order of classes in an object definition can be important (e.g myDoor: Lockable, Door works properly while myDoor: Door, Lockable doesn't).
iii) | Replace and Modify
These keywords allow you to make changes to objects and classes that have been previously defined. In other words, you can use the standard adv3 library, and then make changes to the objects that the compiler has already finished compiling. Using these keywords, you can make four types of changes to previously-defined objects: you can replace a function entirely, you can replace an object entirely, or you can add to or change the methods already defined in an object, or you can modify a function.
To replace a function that's already been defined, you simply preface your replacement definition with the keyword replace. Following the keyword replace is an otherwise normal function definition. The following example replaces the addToScore() function defined in score.t (part of the standard adv3 library):
libScore.addToScore_(points, desc);
seeThru = transparent
hearThru = transparent
smellThru = distant
touchThru = transparent
You can also modify an object or class, retaining its original definition (including inheritance information, vocabulary, and properties). This allows you to add new properties and vocabulary. You can also override properties, simply by redefining them in the new definition.
For example, you might want to change one of the standard library responses and add one of your own:
cannotTurnMsg = '{The dobj/he} just will not turn. '
shouldNotSpitMsg = 'It's rude to spit in public. '
Note that no superclass information can be specified in a modify statement; this is because the superclass list for the modified object is the same as for the original object.
In a method that you redefine with modify, you can use inherited to refer to the replaced method in the original definition of the object. In essence, using modify renames the original object, and then creates a new object under the original name; the new object is created as a subclass of the original (now unnamed) object. (There is no way to refer to the original object directly; you can only refer to it indirectly through the new replacement object.) Here's an example of using inherited with modify.
sdesc = "testClass"
testObj: testClass
modify testObj
"modified testObj...";
modified testObj...testObj...testClass
replace sdesc
"modified testObj...";
This would result in a different display for testObj.sdesc:
modified testObj...testClass
The modify keyword can also be used in a function definition. Modifying a function is just like replacing it (using the replace keyword), except that the new definition of the function can invoke the old definition of the function (i.e., the definition that's being replaced). This allows the program to apply incremental changes to a function, such as adding new special cases, without the need to copy the full text of the original function.
To invoke the previous definition of the function, use the replaced keyword. This keyword is syntactically like the name of a function, so you can put a parenthesized argument list after it to invoke the past function, and you can simply use the replaced keyword by itself to obtain a pointer to the old function. Here's an example.
case TypeObject:
return val.name;
return 'unknown';
// later, or in a separate source module
modify getName(val)
if (dataType(val) == TypeSString)
return '\'' + val + '\'';
return replaced(val);
Note how the modified function refers back to the original version: we add handling for string values, which the original definition didn't provide, but simply invoke the original version of the function for any other type. The call to replaced(val) invokes the previous definition of the function, which we're replacing.
Once a function is redefined using modify, it's no longer possible to invoke the old definition of the function directly by name. The only way to reach the old definition is via the replaced keyword, and that can only be used within the new definition of the function.
iv) | Delegated
The delegated keyword can be useful for these situations. This keyword is similar to the inherited keyword, in that it allows you to invoke a method in another object while retaining the same "self" object as the caller. delegated differs from inherited, though, in that you can delegate a call to any object (or class), whether or not the object is related to "self." In addition, you can use an object expression with delegated, whereas inherited requires a compile-time constant object.
The syntax of delegated is similar to that of inherited:
For example:
book: Thing
handler = Readable
doTake(actor) { return delegated handler.doTake(actor); }
In this example, the doTake method delegates its processing to the doTake method of the object given by the "handler" property of the "self" object, which in this case is the Readable object. When Readable.doTake executes, its "self" object will be the same as it was in book.doTake, because delegated preserves the "self" object in the delegatee.
In the delegatee, the targetobj pseudo-variable contains the object that was the target of the delegated expression.
d. Afterword
There is more to the TADS 3 language than has been described here, but hopefully we have now covered the basics, and once you have mastered those you will be able to glean the rest from the System Manual. There's no need to do that until you've worked your way through this guide, although of course if you're burning with curiosity to find out what else is there, there's nothing to stop you!
Getting Started in TADS 3
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