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Why another introductory Arduino and Raspberry Pi Tutorial Site?

There are SO many tutorials out there already. Why should you choose this site?

These tutorials will take you step by step through the process just like all the other sites and books that are readily available. With this site, I am here to answer YOUR questions. If you ask a question on the FOS discussion forum, you will be starting a two way conversation with an experienced secondary school teacher. I taught in public school for 15 years after being a successful consulting chemist. My Far Out Science elective course was always my favorite and my students favorite! I am now retired, this is the way I give back to the community. The ability to get YOUR questions answered along with personal feedback make this site different from the others. Give us a try.

I am a certified secondary science teacher in the State of Texas.

Please note:

The course work offered on this site are meant to be introductory in nature suitable for secondary level students. While we can go beyond this basic level with questions, the primary purpose is to expose young students to computer programming and literacy. We have decided to teach the relevant programming languages (Python3 and C/C++) with the Arduino and Raspberry Pi development boards. Both are inexpensive and readily available.

Page last modified on January 07, 2021, at 02:16 pm