The "t3vm" Intrinsic Function Set
The T3 VM uses intrinsic function sets to provide access to built-in functionality in the VM itself and in the host application environment. The T3 specification allows host environments and application configurations to define and provide their own function sets using an open extensibility mechanism. Because each host environment can provide its own set of intrinsics through this extension mechanism, the T3 VM specification doesn't define a comprehensive set of intrinsics, but merely specifies how intrinsics are added and how they're accessed by a user program.
The T3 VM specification does, however, specify one required function set that all implementations must provide. This required function set is the "t3vm" function set, which provides user programs with access to and control over the VM itself.
This section specifies the functions defined in the "t3vm" function set.
The "t3vm" Function Set External Definition
The identification string for the current version of the "t3vm" function set is "t3vm/010000". The numbers at the end are a version number; this version number will be changed in the future when new functions are added. Any future "t3vm" function set versions will incorporate the current function set as their leading subset, hence they will be compatible with past versions and can be used by programs requiring past versions.
Programs compiled for the T3 VM access the "t3vm" function set using the external definition shown below. This definition is for the TADS 3 compiler; other compilers might use different syntax, but the meaning will be the same.
intrinsic 't3vm/010000' { /* run the garbage collector */ t3RunGC(); /* set the default string display (SAY) function */ t3SetSay(funcptr); /* get the VM version number */ t3GetVMVsn(); /* get the VM identification string */ t3GetVMID(); /* get the VM version and copyright banner string */ t3GetVMBanner(); /* get the preinitialization mode flag */ t3GetVMPreinitMode(); /* debugger trace operations */ t3DebugTrace(mode, ...); /* get the global symbol table */ t3GetGlobalSymbols(); /* allocate a new property ID */ t3AllocProp(); }
Function Index 0: Run garbage collector
Parameters: None
Return value: None
This function invokes the garbage collector. This function doesn't return until a complete garbage collection cycle is completed. A program can invoke this function to force the garbage collector to run, which might be desirable because the program knows that it would pause for some time anyway while waiting for user input or other external events, or because the program is in the midst of a large number of dynamic memory operations.
Function Index 1: Set the default string display function or method
Parameters: function pointer or property ID
Return value: None
Case 1: Function pointer argument
This sets the default string display function to the given user program function; the VM simply remembers the function for future use. After this function is called, the SAY instruction invokes the given function with a single string argument. Evaluating an object property whose value is a self-printing string likewise invokes the given function.
Case 2: Property ID argument
This sets the default display method to the given property ID; the VM simply remembers the property ID for future use. After this is called, the SAY instruction invokes the given property ID on the current object any time a SAY instruction is executed when a valid "self" object is in effect. Evaluating an object property whose value is a self-printing string likewise invokes the given method.
Function Index 2: Get the VM version number
Parameters: none
Return value: Integer
This function returns the current VM version number. The returned value is a 32-bit integer value, encoded as follows: the high-order 16 bits contain the major version number; the next 8 bits contain the minor version number; and the low-order 8 bits contain the patch or maintenance release number. To decode the value, use the following formulas:
major_version = (version >> 16) & 0xffff; minor_version = (version >> 8) & 0xff; patch_version = version & 0xff;
The exact meaning of the version number varies from implementation to implementation; this value is meaningful only in conjunction with the VM identification string returned by the function at index 3.
Function Index 3: Get the VM identification string
Parameters: none
Return value: String
This function returns the VM identification string. This is a string that uniquely identifies the VM engine implementation. A given implementation's identification string should remain the same from version to version.
Programs should avoid using the VM identification string to select different code paths because of observed differences between VM implementations. When such differences arise, they should be considered bugs, either in the diverging implementations or in the VM specification itself for leaving some important behavior poorly specified. To the extent possible, whenever divergent implementation behavior tempts a developer to code a test for a particular VM implementation to work around some problematic difference in behavior, the developer should instead contact the respective implementation or specification authors to reconcile the problem in the VM's.
Function Index 4: Get the VM banner string
Parameters: none
Return value: String
This function returns the VM's banner and copyright string. This string is suitable for display to the user running the VM program. The format and contents of this string depend upon the implementation. Typically, this string will contain the VM implementation name, version number, and copyright owner. A user program can display this information at startup, in an "about" box, or in another suitable location if it wishes to let the user see information on the underlying virtual machine.
Function Index 5: Get the Preinitialization Mode Flag
This function returns true if the program is in "pre-initialization" mode, nil if not. During normal execution, this returns nil.
The purpose of pre-initialization is to allow the program to perform arbitrary initialization computations, then capture the initialized state of the program in the final image file. A compiler/linker providing a pre-initialization mechanism sets the preinit flag and then simply invokes the main program entrypoint. The program observes that it is in pre-initialization mode by checking the preinit flag through this function, and instead of starting a normal session, the program runs its special pre-initialization code and then terminates. Upon termination, the compiler/linker builds a new image file capturing the state of all objects after this session - this new image file replaces the original image file. The purpose of this scheme is to allow time-consuming initialization operations to be performed during compilation, rather than each time the program is loaded.
Function Index 6: Get/Set Debug Mode
This function queries the presence of the debugger and sets the debug trace mode. The first argument gives the trace mode to set:
- 1 - check to see if the debugger is present. Returns true if the VM has an integrated interactive debugger, nil if not.
- 2 - break into the debugger. If a debugger is present, this should set the VM trace mode to single-stepping, as though the user had been interactively stepping through program code.
Function Index 7: Get the Global Symbol Table
Retrieves the global symbol table, if present. This normally returns nil unless the program is running in pre-initialization mode or has debugger records stored in the image file (which is normally the case any time the program is compiled for debugging). This function is permitted to return nil unless the VM is in pre-initialization mode, in which case a valid symbol table must be returned. A valid symbol table may be returned in normal (non-preinit) mode if valid debug records are included in the image file, but this is not required.
The symbol table contains all object, property, function, and enumerator symbols defined in the program. The return value of this function is a LookupTable object. Each key in the table is a string giving the name of the program symbol, and each key's value is the corresponding value of the symbol.
Function Index 8: Allocate a Property Identifier
Allocates and returns a new, unused property identifier. Note that the property identifier allocation must be integrated with the "undo" mechanism and the state save/restore mechanism.
Revision: September, 2006