T3 Machine Model
This section discusses the "machine model," which is how a programmer writing T3 byte code views the execution environment. The machine model defines the datatypes that a program can use, the way a program manages memory, and the mechanisms for controlling program execution.Table of Contents
Storage ConventionsText and Unicode
Memory Model
Object Model
Transient Objects
Metaclass ID's
Value Comparisons
Data Conversions
Machine Registers
Stack Organization
Method Headers and Function Organization
Pre-defined Objects and Properties
Intrinsic Functions
External Native Functions
Input/Output and the Display
Garbage Collection
Virtual Memory and Swapping
Image Loading
Saving and Restoring
Storage Conventions
Among the goals of the T3 virtual machine are binary portability of program files and saved state files, fast initial program loading, and fast saving and restoring of machine state.In order to achieve binary portability, program files and saved state files must use a canonical format that is invariant by machine. The only thing that we can without reservation rely upon is the bit; this is unfortunately too unwieldy for our purposes, so we will presume that all platforms that can run the T3 VM are capable of working with bytes (octets of bits). In other words, we will presume that we can manipulate data in memory and from files in units of 8-bit bytes, and that a byte written to a file on one computer will have exactly the same bit pattern when read from a copy of the file on a different type of computer. Practically every type of computer in widespread use today can work efficiently with 8-bit bytes.
We cannot make any assumptions about common data formats beyond 8-bit bytes; modern computers have a variety of word sizes and byte orderings, so no datatype larger than a byte has a single representation that it used by all computers. Hence, we must define our own standard format, built out of 8-bit bytes, for each datatype. We will then interpret data stored in these standard formats such that a particular value in a particular standard format will always be interpreted the same way by the T3 VM on all platforms.
The basic T3 datatypes and their storage representations are:
- 16-bit signed integer. Stored as a two-byte array. The least significant 8 bits are stored in the first byte, and the most significant 8 bits are stored in the second byte. The value obtained by concatenating the two bytes into a single 16-bit value uses 2's complement notation.
- 16-bit unsigned integer. Stored as a two-byte array, with the least significant 8 bits first byte, and the most significant 8 bits in the second byte.
- 32-bit signed integer. Stored as a four-byte array. The least significant 8 bits are in the first byte, the next more significant 8 bits are in the second byte, the next more significant 8 bits are in the third byte, and the most significant 8 bits are in the fourth byte. The value obtained by concatenating the four bytes into a single 32-bit value uses 2's complement notation.
- 32-bit unsigned integer. Stored as a four-byte array. The least significant 8 bits are in the first byte, the next more significant 8 bits are in the second byte, the next more significant 8 bits are in the third byte, and the most significant 8 bits are in the fourth byte.
- Text. All text is stored as 16-bit Unicode characters. Strings are stored in UTF-8 format, which encodes 16-bit Unicode characters in one, two, or three bytes; each character in the subset of Unicode from code points 0x0000 to 0x007F, which maps the 7-bit ASCII character set, is encoded with a single character, so text that contains mostly ASCII characters can be encoded with one byte per character, and text that contains mostly characters from European languages can be encoded with one or two bytes per character.
The byte arrays used to store these values do not observe any alignment; they may appear at any byte offset within a file, and any byte offset within a memory structure.
In order to facilitate fast loading, saving, and restoring, the T3 VM uses the same representation for certain structures in memory as it uses in a file. All data loadable from a program file, and all data that can be stored to a saved state file, are stored in portable format in memory. This allows load, save, and restore operations to be performed as bulk transfers between memory and disk; no computation is needed to transform between the file storage format and the in-memory format, because the formats are identical. The trade-off is that the cost of transforming data between the portable format and the native representation is incurred each time the VM manipulates data.
In-memory structures that use the portable file format include the following:
- Byte-code instructions
- List constants and objects
- String constants and objects
- Vector objects
- TADS objects
Structures that are kept only in memory and are not loaded from a program file nor stored in a saved state file are kept in native format. These include stack elements, local variables, and machine registers.
Text and Unicode
UTF-8 Encoding Details
All text is stored internally as 16-bit Unicode characters. Text strings are encoded in UTF-8 format, which encodes each 16-bit Unicode character as follows:
From | To | Binary Encoding |
0x0000 | 0x007f | 0bbbbbbb |
0x0080 | 0x07ff | 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb |
0x0800 | 0xffff | 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb |
The bits of the 16-bit value are encoded into the b's in the table above with the most significant group of bits in the first byte. So: 0x571 has the 16-bit Unicode binary pattern 0000011001110001, and is encoded in UTF-8 as 11011001 10110001.
UTF-8 has the desirable property that a 7-bit ASCII character can be represented in one byte (because the 7-bit ASCII character set is assigned to code points 0x0000 through 0x007f in 16-bit Unicode), and characters from most European languages can be encoded in two bytes (because most European language characters that are not in 7-bit ASCII are assigned to code points 0x0080 through 0x07ff in 16-bit Unicode).
The UTF-8 encoding has the undesirable property that it uses a varying number of bytes per character, which makes certain operations on strings more difficult (finding the number of characters in the string, for example, requires examination of all of the bytes of the string, even if the byte length is known, and finding the next character in a string requires incrementing a byte index into the string by one, two, or three positions, depending on the type of character encoded there).
However, the savings in space for 7-bit ASCII text seem to justify the added complexity of manipulating this format, and compared to other varying-length encodings, UTF-8 is unusually convenient:
- Given a byte index into a string, it's always possible to determine if the byte is on a charater boundary: if ((byte & 0xC0) == 0x80), the byte is in the middle of a multi-byte character sequence, otherwise it is the first byte of a character.
- Given a byte index into a string, it's simple to increment or decrement the index to find the next or previous character: simply increment or decrement the index until it points to the first byte of a character.
- Given a byte index to the first byte of a character, it's easy to determine how many bytes are in the character: if (byte & 0xE0) == 0, the character is one byte long; if (byte & 0xE0) == 0xC0, the character is two bytes long; and if (byte & 0xE0) == 0xE0, the character is three bytes long.
Control Sequences
The T3 VM treats all character strings as opaque; the VM itself does not attempt to interpret the contents of character strings. All rendering and other interpretation is up to the host application environment.
For an example of special character interpretation, refer to TADS Special Characters.
Character Set Translation
UTF-8 is the internal character set that the T3 VM uses to store text strings in program image files and saved state files, and is also the format that the VM uses to represent strings in memory. However, it is likely that few (if any) operating systems on which the VM runs will use this same encoding for file, display, or keyboard input/output operations. Therefore, it is necessary to translate between UTF-8 and the native character set used by each operating system when performing I/O.
Note that file I/O operations relating to program image files and saved state files do not require any character set translation, because in-memory data structures represent text in UTF-8 just as these files do. The only file I/O operations that require translation are those involving text files.
The VM, as part of its I/O interfaces, automatically translates the text character set. Each I/O interface that sends data to the display or a file, or receives data from the keyboard or a file, is defined to use text in the native character set. The VM will translate to and from the native character set when invoking these interfaces.
In order to perform translations, the VM uses a character set translator. Four character set translator classes are defined in the basic set:
- Single-byte character set translator. This translates between UTF-8 and a single-byte character encoding. Most computer character sets for European languages use single-byte encodings.
- Multi-byte character set translator. This translates between UTF-8 and a varying-length multi-byte character encoding. Most computer character sets for Asian languages use multi-byte encodings.
- Double-byte character set translator. This translates between UTF-8 and a two-byte character set encoding. Some computer character sets for Asian languages use a double-byte encoding.
- Unicode character set translator. This translates between UTF-8 and 16-bit Unicode. A number of computer systems use the 16-bit Unicode character set as their native encoding, and more are likely to do so in the future. This translator is really a special case of the double-byte translator, but can be somewhat more efficient because it can translate through a simple formula and does not require a translation table.
The Unicode Consortium provides tables that specify mappings between 16-bit Unicode and numerous widely-used character sets. These mapping tables can be mechanically converted to a form that the character set translators can use directly. The Vm will be provided with a set of these converted mappings, so the operating system code for a given port will in most cases merely need to identify the correct current mapping to the VM, and will not otherwise need to be aware of any character set issues.
The following primitive datatypes are supported:- Integer. A 32-bit signed integer value expressed in two's complement notation.
- Object ID. A reference to an object. See the Object Model section for details of how an object is stored and how an object ID is resolved to an object in memory. We use a 32-bit value to represent an object ID. Note that dynamic strings, dynamic lists, and arrays are represented as objects of the string, list, and array metclasses. Constant strings and lists are not objects but are represented as separate primitive types.
- Enumerator. Stored as a 32-bit unsigned integer, but with the special datatype "enumerator." An enumerator is simply a named constant integer value, but cannot be used in arithmetic or other calculations. An enumerator can merely be stored and compared for equality with other values.
- Property ID. A unique code specifying a particular property. This is represented as a 16-bit value.
- String constant. This is an offset into the static string pool. Note: we also refer to string constants as "single-quoted strings," because these values are expressed in TADS language source code by enclosing the string's text between single-quote marks (Unicode 0x0027).
- Self-printing string constant. This is an offset into the static string pool. A self-printing string differs from a normal string in that it is automatically displayed upon being evaluated. The value yielded by evaluation of a self-printing string constant is nil. Note: we also refer to self-printing string constants as "double-quoted strings," because these values are expressed in TADS language source code by enclosing the string's text between double-quote marks (Unicode 0x0022).
- List constant. This is an offset into the static list pool.
- Code offset. This is an offset into the code pool. Generally, a code offset value is used when the underlying code should be executed whenever the value is evaluated.
- Function pointer. This is an offset into the code pool. This differs from the code offset primitive type in that the code underlying a function pointer is not invoked implicitly on evaluation of the function pointer value, but must be invoked explicitly. So, if an object property contains a code offset, merely evaluating the property invokes the code and yields the return value of the code; evaluating a property that contains a function pointer, in contrast, merely yields the function pointer value itself.
- Built-in function pointer. This encodes a pointer to a built-in function as a 32-bit unsigned integer: the dependency table index of the function set is encoded in the high-order 16 bits, and the index of the function within its set is in the low-order 16 bits.
Note that the representation of constant string and list values differs from dynamically-constructed values of these types.
A string constant is a value with primitive type string, and a 32-bit offset into the constant pool. In the constant pool, the string's data bytes consist of a two-byte length prefix giving the number of bytes in the string, not counting the prefix bytes themselves, followed immediately by the bytes of the string.
A list constant is a value with primitive type list, and a 32-bit offset into the constant pool. In the constant pool, the list's data bytes consist of a two-byte length prefix giving the number of bytes in the list, not counting the prefix bytes themselves, followed immediately by the list's contents. The list consists of a series of elements concatenated together. Each element consists of a one-byte type prefix, followed immediately by the value. When a constant list element is a constant string or constant list, the value is an offset into the constant pool.
Rationale: why have distinct constant and object representations of lists and strings? In other words, why not always use the dynamic (object) representation?
Using a single representation would indeed simplify the VM design in many areas and would be entirely practical. However, because the target application of the T3 VM is text-based games, and because this application makes heavy use of constant strings and lists, it seems desirable to minimize the overhead involved in using these types.
Dynamic objects require slightly more memory than constant string and list values; considering that large numbers of these constants are likely be present in a program, the more compact constant format should provide substantial memory savings in most cases. In addition, the total number of root-set objects affects garbage collector performance; using constants rather than dynamic objects for lists and strings known at compile-time should improve overall run-time performance of most programs by greatly reducing the number of root-set objects that the garbage collector must analyze on each garbage collection pass.
Memory Model
The T3 VM does not expose a simple byte-array memory map to programs, the way most physical computers do. Instead, the VM organizes memory into specific collections of values, which are accessible through typed references. Since all references are typed, the VM can prevent programs from performing invalid conversions or address arithmetic; all memory access can be validated, hence the VM can prevent many common programming errors that occur with more free-form addressing schemes.
Memory is divided into the following sections, each of which is managed separately:
- Stack. This is conceptually an array of stack locations. Each stack location is large enough to store the largest primitive type, plus a type ID code specifying the datatype of the value stored there. Items are added to and removed from the stack via two operations: push, which adds an item at top of the stack, and pop, which removes the item at the top of the stack. A "stack pointer" register holds the position of the top of the stack at any given time. In addition, a "frame pointer" register holds the position in the stack of the active frame, which is a contiguous block of stack locations that hold arguments and local variables for the currently executing function. Values can be read from and stored into stack positions relative to the frame pointer.
- Constant pool. This is a pool of static strings and lists. Constants within the constant pool are addressed by a 32-bit offset within the pool. The pool is divided into segments of a fixed size, and the segments are accessed via a segment table which contains an array of pointers to the segments. Hence, to find the memory location containing a given address, divide the address's offset by the segment size to get the segment table index, retaining the remainder of the division as the segment offset; the memory location is obtained by adding the segment offset to the value of the pointer at the segment table index. Each single string and list within the constant pool must be contained entirely within a single segment.
- Code pool. This is a pool of static byte code blocks. A code block is addressed by a 32-bit offset with in the pool. As with the constant pool, the code pool is divided into segments of a fixed size, and the segments are accessed through a segment table. The algorithm for obtaining the memory address for a given code offset is the same as for the constant pool. Note: A given method must always be stored in a single code page; a method cannot span pages.
- Objects. An object is a variable-size memory block that provides a standard function interface; the function interface itself is simply a table of method pointers, so each object may be implemented differently. An object is identified by a 32-bit object ID, and is stored in two parts: a fixed-size part, called the "header," and a variable-size part, called the "extension." The header contains a pointer to the object's virtual function table ("vtable") and a pointer to the object extension. The object extension contains additional data for the object; the interpretation of the extension varies by object type, and is up to the implementation of the standard function interface. Object headers, being of fixed size, are stored in an array, each entry of which contains an object header and additional memory management information; the array is divided into pages of a fixed size, which are in turn accessed through a page table. An object ID is simply an index into the array, so to find an array entry, divide the object ID by the number of entries per page to get the page table index, keeping the remainder as the index of the object entry within the page. Note: this arrangement of an object's memory into a fixed and variable part, and the way that object headers are stored in an array, are details of the reference implementation; other implementations need only be able to resolve an object ID to the corresponding memory and vtable for the object.
- Variable-size object heap. Each object has a variable-size block, called the object extension, which contains the instance data for the object. These variable-size blocks are managed by a heap manager. The interface to this heap manager is specified by the VM, but the details of the implementation are intentionally unspecified. Most of the memory that the VM uses is in object extensions for most VM programs, hence the heap manager is responsible for the bulk of the memory management of the entire VM. Since the heap manager has such a large role in the system, it is likely that different VM implementations will use different heap management strategies, hence we allow each implementation to provide its own custom heap manager. The default heap manager uses the system "malloc" memory manager, which is suitable for many systems but may be inefficient on some systems. Note: the existence and design of the variable-size object heap are details of the reference implementation. Other implementations may use a different design for resolving object ID's to memory.
Object Model
Generic Objects
The VM provides a "generic object," which can contain any type of data that conforms to the generic object interface. Generic objects are used for all types that are allocated dynamically at run-time; this allows a single memory manager to handle all allocation and garbage collection.
A specific implementation of the generic object interface is called a "metaclass." Each generic object has a metaclass. Metaclasses are written in native code that is linked into the application executable containing the VM.
Because the generic object interface doesn't contain information about any specific metaclasses, new metaclasses can be added through the interface. This VM specification includes a set of pre-defined metaclasses, but individual VM implementations can extend this set through the generic interface. For example, a VM could provide a high-level object type for a language other than TADS, such as for C++ or Java.
The generic object interface contains the following methods, which reflect the operations that the byte-code interpreter performs.
- Notify of deletion. This notifies the object that it's being deleted by the garbage collector; the object must release any resources, such as its extension memory.
- Load from image file. This method initializes the object with data stored in the image file. The format of the data is specific to the metaclass.
- Get metaclass. This returns a value indicating the built-in metaclass of the object (TADS object, string, list, array).
- Determine if this object is an instance of another object. Some objects (TADS objects in particular) can be related to other objects as subclasses and superclasses. This method determines whether this object is derived from the given object.
- Get a property value. This takes a property ID as the argument, and returns the value of the given property and whether the property exists in the object or not.
- Set a property value. This takes a property ID and a value (giving the primitive type and data value), and sets the given property of the object to the given value.
- Inherit a property value. This is similar to get-property, but ignores any setting in the object itself, and considers only the value it inherits from a superclass. This method can be ignored by any objects that can't be subclasses of other objects (strings and lists, for example, are never subclasses). This method should search for an inherited version of the property using the same algorithm as the "get property value" method, but should act as though the current object's definition of the property, and any definitions inherited by "self" that override the current object's definition, did not exist.
- Apply undo. This takes an undo record, previously saved by the object, and restors the state saved in the undo record.
- Notify of new savepoint. Some objects may keep records that apply to the current savepoint, so that they can quickly determine if they must create undo information for particular changes. For example, the TADS Object metaclass keeps a flag for each property that indicates whether or not the property has been saved for undo since the latest savepoint; since each property needs to be saved only once for a given savepoint, the metaclass can avoid creating redundant undo when a property's value is repeatedly updated during the same savepoint. This method allows objects that keep this type of per-savepoint information that they should initialize for a new savepoint.
- Mark referenced objects. This function is used during garbage collection to mark all of the reachable objects: it marks each object that this object references, so that the garbage collector will know not to delete those objects, and can optionally tell those objects to mark objects they reference.
- Remove deleted weak references. This function is used during garbage collection to forget any weak references we have to objects that have been deleted. After the garbage collector finishes marking all reachable objects, it calls this method in each remaining object; this function examines each of the objects that this object references, and forgets any that are no longer reachable (usually by replacing the object reference in this object with nil, or by deleting the reference in this object altogether).
- Write object to a file. This takes a file object as an argument, and writes the object's state to the file in such a way that the object's state can be restored from the file at a later time.
- Read the object from a file. This takes a file object as an argument, and restores the object's state according to the data previously stored in the file by the "write object to file" method.
- Revert the object to its initial state. This removes any changes that have been made to the object since it was initially created.
- Equals. This method takes another value as an argument, and determines if the other value is equal to this value. A string returns true for this method if the other value is also a string (constant or object), and the text of the other string is identical to this string. A list returns true for this method if the other value is also a list (constant or object), the other list has the same number of elements as this list, and each of the elements in the other list is equal to the corresponding element in this list. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to make an arithmetic comparison.
- Compare. This method takes another value as an argument, and compares this value to the other value to determine if this value is greater than, equal to, or less than the other value. If two values are not comparable, this method can throw an error (INVALID_COMPARISON). A string implements this method to perform a lexical comparison to another string. Lists do not allow comparison, so simply throw INVALID_COMPARISON. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to make an arithmetic comparison.
- Add. This method takes another value as an argument, and computes the result of "adding" the second value to this object, returning a new value (which will generally be a new object). Strings and lists implement this method to support concatenation operations. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to perform arithmetic.
- Subtract. This method takes another value as an argument, and computes the result of "subtracting" the second value from this object, returning a new value (which will generally be a new object). Lists implement this method to support sublist removal operations. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to perform arithmetic.
- Multiply. This method takes another value as an argument, and computes the result of "multiplying" this value by the argument value, returning a new value (which will generally be a new object). Strings and lists simply throw an error for this method. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to perform arithmetic.
- Divide. This method takes another value as an argument, and computes the result of "dividing" this value by the argument value, returning a new value (which will generally be a new object). Strings and lists simply throw an error for this method. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to perform arithmetic.
- Negate. This method takes no arguments; it returns the result of arithmetically negating the value, usually returning a new object as the result. Strings and lists simply throw an error for this method. Metaclasses that implement numeric types can use this method to perform arithmetic.
- Index. This takes an integer index value, and returns the value of the element at the given index. This is used by strings to return a character at a given offset, and lists and arrays to retrieve an element at a given index.
- Assign to index. This takes an integer index value and a value to store, and returns the result of setting the element at the index. Strings and lists will return a new object which contains the replaced element; arrays will simply change the array in-place and return the original array reference.
- Cast to string. This returns a string object giving the string representation, if any, of the object. Most object types are not convertible to string, so will simply throw an exception when this method is invoked.
- Get as string. This returns the string underlying the object, if the object has an associated string. Most objects do not have underlying strings, so they will simply return null from this method. Note that this differs from "cast to string" in that this method does not attempt to perform any conversions, but simply returns null if the object is not already represented as a string value.
- Get as list. This returns the list underlying the object, if the object has an associated list. Most object types do not have underlying lists, so they will simply return null from this method.
Object References
An object is referenced by its ID, which is a 32-bit value.
The object ID is an index into the object header table. The object table is conceptually an array of object descriptors. The object table is structured as multiple subarrays ("pages") in order to enable efficient dynamic growth of the table; each page contains a fixed number of object descriptors, and a master page table contains an array of pointers to the pages. Thus, given an object ID, the object descriptor's address can be found by this formula:
page_number = (object_ID / DESCRIPTORS_PER_PAGE); page_offset = (object_ID % DESCRIPTORS_PER_PAGE); object_descriptor = &page_table[page_number][page_offset];
An object descriptor is a fixed-size data structure that describes an object. It contains a combination free list entry and object header, described below, plus some additional information for memory management: a forward link pointer to the next object in the garbage collector queue, a bit indicating whether the object is allocated or free, a bit indicating whether the object is part of the root set or not, and one bit giving the garbage collection state of the object. The purpose of this bit is described in detail in the garbage collection section.
The combination free list entry and object header is expressed in C code as a union of these two values. If the "free" bit in the object descriptor is set to true, then the free list entry is valid; otherwise, the object header is valid. The free list entry is simply the object ID of the next object in the free list.
An object header describes an active object. The header contains the vtable for the object's metaclass, which holds function pointers to the native C code that implements the system object interface, and a pointer to the variable-size data block associated with the object.
The variable-size data block is stored in a separate memory area. The purpose of separating the fixed-size portion and the variable-size portion is to simplify memory management. Since the variable part may grow and shrink dynamically, we may need to relocate the variable part to a new memory location from time to time. When we relocate the variable part, we need only update the single pointer to the variable part in the fixed part; since this is the only direct pointer to the variable part, we do not need to update any other references to the object. Similarly, this design allows us to compact the memory storing the variable parts, closing holes created by moving or deleting objects, with only a single pointer update when we move each variable block.
The use and interpretation of the variable-size data block is up to the object metaclass.
Metaclass Construction
In addition to the virtual methods in the generic object interface, each metaclass must provide certain static construction methods. These methods are static rather than virtual, because they construct new objects (a virtual method by its nature can only be called for an existing object; constructors are inherently static since they must obviously be callable before an object instance exists). These static methods must conform to a common interface; using a registration mechanism, the VM maintains a table that associates a metaclass's identification string with its construction methods. When the VM needs to construct an object given the metaclass's identifier string, it looks up the appropriate constructor in the registration table and invokes the method, which creates a new instance of the metaclass.
There are several standard ways to construct any metaclass; individual metaclasses may provide additional construction techniques that they use privately or that the VM may use for specific purposes, but each metaclass must minimally provide the standard construction methods:
- Construct from image file data. This construction method uses data stored in an image file to construct the object. Each metaclass has an associated image file storage format; this method reads the image file data and initializes an object accordingly. Compilers use the metaclass image file format to create static instances in image files.
- Construct from saved state data. This method uses data stored in a saved state file to construct the object. Each metaclass has its own method for saving its state; this method reads the information generated by the state saving routine and restores the object to the saved state.
- Construct programmatically. This method uses data in the VM run-time stack to create the object. The VM provides the metaclass constructor with the number of arguments that the program specified, and the metaclass constructor reads the arguments from the VM stack. Arguments on the VM stack are pushed in last-to-first order (as is the convention with all function and method calls), hence the first value popped off the stack is the first argument, the second value popped is the second argument, and so on. The constructor must remove all of its arguments from the stack before returning. The number and meaning of the arguments is specific to each metaclass.
Transient Objects
By default, all objects are "persisent," which means that they automatically participate in the built-in Save, Restore, Restart, and Undo mechanisms. However, objects can be specifically marked as "transient," which means that they do not participate in these mechanisms.
Transient objects are marked in the image file with a special flag in the object block data. In addition, a dynamically-created object can be marked as transient via a special form of the NEW instructions.
The VM must keep a flag for each object record indicating whether the object is transient or persistent.
Metaclass Identifiers
Programs written for the T3 VM must have some way to refer to the system metaclasses so that they can specify the metaclass used by each static object and can create new objects dynamically. To provide a means for T3 VM programs to make these specifications, we specify a fixed set of metaclass identifier values.
A metaclass identifier is a string. The set of metaclasses identifiers is defined centrally; a given metaclass identifier string value always refers to the same metaclass for all implementations of the T3 VM. Metaclass identifier strings are "universally unique": two different metaclasses will never share the same name, and a given metaclass always uses the same name, for all implementations of the T3 VM.
A given VM implementation may not provide all of the defined metaclasses, for two reasons. First, new metaclasses may be defined as the VM evolves, so a VM implementing an earlier version of the specification will not provide metaclasses added in a newer specification. Second, some metaclasses may be specific to a particular application domain; a VM built for one application domain may not implement metaclasses specific to a different domain. The image file format contains information on the metaclasses that a program requires, so the VM can detect when loading a program image if the program requires metaclasses that are not provided by the implementation.
For code size reduction, the image file contains each metaclass string that it uses only once, in its metaclass dependency table. This table establishes a correspondence between a metaclass string and a small integer; each entry in the table is numbered, starting at zero and incrementing by one for each additional entry. The image file refers to metaclasses everywhere else using this table index. For example, if the table lists (in order) "tads-object", "string", and "list" as the three metaclasses it uses, these are assigned index values 0, 1, and 2, respectively; to create a new TADS Object metaclass instance dynamically in byte code, the NEW1 instruction would be coded with operand 0, since the TADS Object metaclass was listed first in the metaclass dependency table.
The compiler is responsible for constructing the metaclass dependency table and for generating the appropriate metaclass index values in the image file.
Refer to the Metaclass Identifier List Appendix for a list of the defined metaclasses.
Metaclass Versioning
Some metaclasses may evolve over time. In particular, metaclasses that provide access to functionality via get/set property calls must be able to extend the set of calls they provide over time by adding new properties they recognize. To allow this, metaclasses can be versioned.
When a metaclass is versioned, it is required that each new version is a complete superset of the functionality of the previous version. This means that all of the methods provided by the previous version must be identically provided in the new version, with the same method table layout. Since each new version is a complete superset of previous versions, an image file that requires an older version of a metaclass will be able to use an implementation of that version or any later version with complete transparency.
A metaclass's version information is encoded in the metaclass name string (the universally unique identifier stored in the image file that specifies the metaclass implementation). A metaclass identifier string is structured into two parts: the metaclass name, which is the registered, universally unique identifier; and the metaclass version string. The two parts are separated by a virgule (a forward slash, "/", ASCII and Unicode 0x002F).
A metaclass version is a string of six digits encoded as ASCII characters. The digits are given in descending order of significance (the first digit is the most significant, the last digit is the least significant). For example, consider these two identifier strings:
dictionary/030005 dictionary/030102
The second string's version ("030102") is greater than the first string's version ("030005"): the strings are identical in the first three digits, but the fourth digit is higher in the second string than in the first ("1" vs. "0").
When loading the metaclass dependency table, the system should follow this algorithm for each metaclass string in the image file:
- Search the metaclass table for a match to the string only up to the forward slash in each string. If neither string contains a slash, compre the entire strings. If one string contains a slash and the other doesn't, compare the part up to the slash in the one string with the entire other string (for example, "test/010000" matches "test", but does not match "test2").
- Once a match is found, compare the version strings. If either
string lacks a version, use "000000" by default. Compare the strings
character by character to determine which is greater.
- If the image file string's version is lower or equal, consider it a match. In this case, the VM provides at least as recent a version as the image file requires; since newer versions are complete supersets of older versions, the version that the VM provides will satisfy the image file's requirements even if it's not an exact version match.
- If the image file string's version is greater, it is not a match. In this case, the image file requires a version of the metaclass that is newer (and hence can be assumed to have greater functionality) than the version provided by the VM, so the image file cannot be loaded.
Note that compilers should take care to include each metaclass only once in the dependency table. Compilers should follow the same matching procedure as the loader when adding a new metaclass to the dependency table, and should always keep the highest version number they see for a given metaclass.
Value Comparisons
The VM defines two types of value comparisons: test for equality, and compare magnitude. These two types of comparisons behave differently, primarily in that tests for equality always yield meaningful results, whereas magnitude comparisons are meaningful only for certain combinations of types.
Testing for Equality
In general, two values are not equal unless they have the same type. However, because certain types have both constant and object representations, there are cases when an object type can match a static type.To compare two values, we inspect the type of the first value, and compare the value accordingly:
- nil: equal to nil.
- true: equal to true.
- object: compare via the object's "equals" method.
- property ID: equal to another property ID with the same ID value.
- integer: equal to another integer with the same integer value.
- enumerator: equal to another enumerator with the same ID value.
- string: if the second value is a string constant, it is equal if the second string's text matches the first string's text exactly. If the second value is an object, compare via that object's "equals" method. If the second value has any other type, it is not equal.
- list: if the second value is a list constant, it is equal if the second list's number of elements is the same as this list's number of elements, and each element in the list is equal, applying the equality test to each element in the first list and the corresponding element in the second list. If the second value is an object, compare via that object's "equals" method. If the second value has any other type, it is not equal.
- code offset: equal to another code offset with the same offset value.
- function pointer: equal to another function pointer with the same offset value.
- empty: always unequal.
- self-printing string: always unequal.
- any other type: always unequal.
Magnitude Comparisons
To compare the magnitude of two values, we inspect the type of the first value, and compare the value accordingly:
- nil: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- true: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- object: compare via the object's "compare magnitude" method.
- property ID: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- integer: if the second value is also an integer, compare the
- enumerator: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful. magnitude of the integer values.
- string: if the second value is a string constant, we compare the lexical ordering of the two string values. If the second value is an object, we compare via its "compare magnitude" method. Otherwise, the comparison is not meaningful.
- list: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- code offset: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- function pointer: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- empty: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- self-printing string: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
- any other type: magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.
Object Subclass Implementations
By default, an object returns true for an equality test only when the second value has the same object ID as the first object (in other words, two object references are equal only if they refer to the same instance), and magnitude comparisons are not meaningful.The String and List object subclasses override the equality test so that they behave the same way as would a string or list constant with the same underlying value.
The String subclass overrides the magnitude comparison so that it behaves the same way as would a string constant the same underlying value.
Data Conversions
The VM performs implicit data conversions in the course of certain operations. For example, if a value is used as the second operand of an ADD operation, and the first operand is a string, the VM automatically converts the second operand to a string.The defined conversions are listed below.
Conversion to String
Several operations implicitly convert values to strings. Several of the built-in datatypes can be converted to strings:- nil: converted to the literal string "nil".
- true: converted to the literal string "true".
- integer: converted to a string giving the decimal representation of the number. If the value is negative, the string is prefixed with a dash (to indicate a minus sign). The string has no leading zeros (except that a value of zero is represented as "0").
- String constant: no conversion is necessary.
- String object: no conversion is necessary.
Machine Registers
The T3 VM has several "registers" which control the state of the machine.Data Register 0 (R0): this register is used for temporary storage of data values. This register can contain any value that can be stored in a stack location. The Return Value (RETVAL) instruction, for example, stores the return value of a function in this register.
Instruction pointer (IP): this register points to the next byte of byte-code to be interpreted by the VM execution engine.
Entry pointer (EP): this register points to the entrypoint of the current function. This allows us to calculate the offset of any given instruction within the function from the start of the function, which allows us to find any given instruction within certain tables that describe the function; in particular, exception tables and debugging tables specify information on ranges of instructions, stored relative to the start of the function.
Stack pointer (SP): this register points at any given time to the next free element of the machine stack. A "push" operation stores a value at the stack location to which this register points, and then increments the register. A "pop" operation decrements this register, then retrieves the value at the stack location to which it points.
Frame pointer (FP): this register points to the current stack frame. See the section on stack organization for details on how the frame pointer is used.
Current Savepoint: this register is used for undo operations.
Savepoint Count: this register is used for undo operations.
Stack Organization
The T3 VM is a stack-based machine: most operations are performed through the stack, rather than through a set of machine registers. For example, to add two values, a program pushes the pair of values to added onto the stack, then executes an ADD instruction, which computes the sum, discards the two values from the stack, and pushes the result back onto the stack.
The stack is organized as an array of value holders. Each value holder contains a type code and a value.
A stack pointer register (SP) points to the next available element of the stack at any given time.
A separate frame pointer register (FP) points to the current stack frame. The stack frame specifies the reference point for local variables and parameters. Local variables are at locations above the frame pointer, and actual parameters are at locations below the frame pointer (because they are pushed onto the stack by the caller, before the current function's frame was activated). The frame pointer always points to a stack location that contains the frame pointer of the enclosing frame; immediately below the enclosing frame pointer in the stack is the enclosing frame's entry code offset; below this is the return address (i.e., a pointer to the next instruction to execute when the current function returns), and immediately below the return address are the actual parameters, if any, to the current function.
Pushing a value: a "push" operation stores a value at the stack location to which SP points, and then increments SP.
Popping a value: a "pop" operation decrements SP, then retrieves the value at the stack location to which SP points.
Calling a function or method: the compiler will generate byte-code that pushes the arguments onto the stack, then invokes the function or method. In a method call, the object whose method is to be called may be encoded in the instruction as immediate data, or may be at the top of the stack (as the result of an intermediate evaluation); likewise, the target property to be invoked can be encoded as immediate data or as a stack value.
Method invocation is the same as property evaluation, so the byte-code instruction to call a method is a GETPROP instruction. This instruction performs the following operations:
- Retrieve the argument count operand of the GETPROP instruction, which indicates the number of actual parameters that were pushed onto the stack for invoking the function. Increment the IP register, leaving IP pointing to the first byte of the next instruction.
- Push the property ID of the property being invoked.
- Push a reference to the object whose method is to be invoked; this is the "target object" value. This differs from the "self" value in that it reflects the original target; a DELEGATE operation targets a new object but leaves "self" unchanged, so we must distinguish between "self" and "target object."
- Push a reference to the object which defines the property containing the method to be invoked. This is not necessarily the same as "self," because we might not find the method defined in the target object and must instead find it in a superclass of the target.
- Push a reference to the object whose method is to be invoked; the "self" object is thus always the implicit first parameter to any method. When invoking a stand-alone function, push nil in place of the "self" object.
- Push a reference to the "invokee". In the case of a call to a static function or through a variable containing a function pointer, this is the function pointer value. For a call to an object method, this is the function pointer value for the method. For a call to an anonymous function, this is the AnonFunc object. For a call to a dynamic function, this is the DynamicFunc object. The invokee is important because it contains information on the function's enclosing local variable context.
- Push nil. This slot is reserved for use for StackFrameRef objects; initially, a frame has no frame reference, since these are only created when the code specifically asks for them (via the t3GetStackTrace() intrinsic function).
- Look up the property ID in the object. If the property is not defined or is a primitive value other than Code Offset, discard the item at the top of the stack (the "self" object) and the arguments (the argument count tells us how many items to discard). If the property is not defined, push nil, and we're done. If the property is of primitive type Self-Printing String, display the string, push nil, and we're done. If the property is of any other primitive type other than code, push the value, and we're done. If the property is of primitive type Code, note the code offset and proceed to the next step. If the property is of primitive type other than code, and the number of arguments is non-zero, throw an exception (WRONG_NUM_OF_ARGS).
- Push the current program counter onto the stack. The representation of the value stored is up to the implementation; in an implementation where code pool and object contents are fixed at physical memory addresses, this can simply be a byte pointer. (The original MJR-T3 implementation instead stored this as an integer value giving the offset from the current entry pointer's resolved address, to allow for software memory swapping of VM pages by the VM. Starting with 3.1, MJR-T3 officially rules out swapping, so it simply stores a native byte pointer now.)
- Push the current entry pointer (EP) register.
- Push the actual parameter count onto the stack.
- Push the frame pointer (FP) register. This is pushed directly as a physical pointer.
- Store the current stack pointer (SP) register value in the frame pointer (FP) register. This establishes the new function activation frame.
- Compute the physical address of the code by translating the code offset to a physical memory pointer.
- Load the EP register with the entrypoint pointer (the offset, not the physical pointer).
- Compare the argument count that we obtained from the GETPROP instruction with the argument count in the method header at the EP register. If the value in the method header has its high bit set, it indicates that the function is a "varargs" function (i.e., it can take a varying number of arguments), so the actual parameter count must be greater than or equal to the header value (masked with 0x7f to remove the high bit). Otherwise, the actual parameter count must exactly equal the header value. Throw a run-time exception if the argument count is incorrect.
- Read the number of local variables from the method header at the EP register. Push nil for each local variable.
- Load the IP register with the value of the translated value of the EP register plus the size of the method header. IP now points to the first instruction in the method, so we're finished.
Note that invoking a function differs from invoking a method only in that a function has no "self" or target property. However, the stack frame arrangement is identical for methods and functions, so in a function call, the VM pushes nil values for "self" and for the target property pointer.
Returning from a function or method: this effectively reverses the sequence of events from calling a function or method.
- If we're returning a value, pop the item at the top of the stack and store it in data register 0 (R0).
- Inspect the StackFrameRef slot in the stack frame. If this slot is not nil, notify the StackFrameRef object that the frame is exiting. (The StackFrameRef will use this notification to detach itself from the frame. This involves making a separate copy of the local variables in the frame, to allow continued access to the values after the frame has been destroyed. It's thus important to notify the object before discarding the local variable slots in the frame.)
- Load SP with the value in FP. This effectively disards all local variables and any intermediate calculation results still on the stack.
- Get the argument count from the element immediately below the top of stack. Store this while we're working.
- Pop the item at the top of the stack and store it in FP. This should be the enclosing frame pointer, thus we restore the caller's activation stack.
- Pop the item at the top of the stack; this is the enclosing frame's entrypoint code offset. Load EP with this value.
- Pop the item at the top of the stack; this is the return address's code offset. Add this offset to the result of translating the EP register to a physical address; this gives us the physical address of the next byte of code to execute in the calling function. Load this value into the IP register.
- Discard the four items at the top of the stack: the "self" object, the defining object, the target object, and the target property.
- Discard the number of items at the top of the stack given by the actual parameter count that we noted earlier. This discards the arguments to the function.
- We're now finished; the IP register points to the next instruction to be executed after the caller's invocation of the function we just exited, the FP register points to the caller's frame, the EP register points to the caller's entrypoint, the arguments have been discarded, and the return value (if any) is in R0.
Method Headers and Function Organization
A "function" is a block of data containing byte code and associated metadata. Each method is associated with a function; functions are stored in the code pool.
A given function must be stored entirely within a single code page. A function cannot span pages. Note that this means that an instruction can never span pages (that is, all of the bytes of a given instruction, including all operand bytes, are guaranteed to be on the same page), because an instruction must always be contained within a function.
Each function starts with a method header, which is block of data that describes the function. The size of this block must be the same for every method in a given image file.
To facilitate forward and backward compatibility, the size of the header is stored in the image file itself, as part of the ENTP record. The VM must use the stored size rather than assuming that the image file uses the size from any given version of this spec, since the image file might have been created by a compiler targeting a different spec version. Any changes in the size from version to version will always be additions at the end of the header, so the VM can check to see if newer fields are present simply by checking the size from the ENTP record, and applying a default value if the size is smaller than required to hold the newer field.
The method header (in its current version incarnation) contains:
- The number of parameters the function expects to receive. This is a single byte. If the high-order bit of the byte is set, it indicates that the function takes a variable number of parameters, and will accept any number of parameters greater than or equal to this value masked with 0x7f (to remove the high bit); if the high-order bit is not set, the number specifies the exact number of arguments that the function expects. For example, a value of 4 indicates that the function must receive exactly four arguments; a value of 0x82 indicates that the function will accept two or more arguments.
- The number of optional additional parameters the function can receive. 0 means that there are no optional arguments, so the argument count must match the fixed argument count; 1 means that the arguments are allowed to include one additional item beyond the fixed count, but aren't required to; 2 means that two additional arguments are allowed; and so on. Note that if the function takes varying arguments (as indicated by the high bit of the fixed argument count), the optional argument count can simply be ignored, since there's no upper limit anyway on account of the varying flag; but the compiler can still set this field for documentation purposes. (Note that this is new as of the December 2009 T3 VM spec update, file format v2. In previous versions this field was reserved and required to be set to zero, which is backwards compatible in that older versions didn't allow any optional arguments and so effectively had zero optional arguments for every method header.)
- The number of local variables that the function uses as a portable UINT2 value. This does not count the implicit argument counter local variable.
- The total stack space required by the function, measured in stack slots. This value includes all local variables, as well as space needed for intermediate results of calculations and actual parameters to functions that this code calls. This does not include the parameters passed to this function, since those are effectively allocated in the caller's frame. This is a UINT2 value.
- The byte offset from the start of the method header of the function's exception table. This value is zero if the function has no exception table. This is a UINT2 value.
- The byte offset from the start of the method header of the function's debugger records. This value is zero if the function has no debugging records. This is a UINT2 value.
Here's a more compact picture of the header:
UBYTE parameter count (high bit set indicates variable arguments, in which case the value bitwise-AND 0x7f is the minium number of parameters) |
UBYTE additional optional parameter count |
UINT2 local variable count |
UINT2 maximum number of stack slots required by the function |
UINT2 offset from start of method header of exception table; 0x0000 if there is no exception table |
UINT2 offset from start of method header of debugging records; 0x0000 if there are no debugging records |
The first byte-code instruction for the method immediately follows the method header.
Following the last byte of executable code is the exception table. The exception table consists of a count, which indicates how many elements are in the table, followed by an array of elements. Each element specifies:
- The starting position (as a byte offset from the start of the function's method header) of the byte code range of the code protected by this exception handler. This is stored as a UINT2.
- The ending position (as a byte offset from the start of the function's method header) of the code range for this exception handler. The code range is inclusive of this offset. This is a UINT2 value.
- The exception class (as an object ID) caught by this handler. This value is the invalid object ID if the handler catches all exceptions. This is stored as a UINT4 value.
- The byte code position (as a byte offset from the start of the function's method header) of the handler code. This is stored as a UINT2 value.
Following the exception table are the debugger records. The debug records contain information for source-level symbolic debugging: the names and scopes of the local variables, and the byte code position of the first instruction of each line of executable code. Debug records are optional; if debug records are not present, the debug table offset in the method header is set to zero. Debug records are not required to execute a program; they're needed only to provide information to an interactive debugging utility so that it can show source-level information on the program as it executes.
Pre-defined Objects and Properties
The VM must at certain times make reference to certain objects and properties to which the loaded program must also be able to refer. In general, the VM uses these objects and properties to call code in the user program in response to VM events.- The "RuntimeError" exception class. When a run-time error occurs in the VM (for example, if the program attempts to evaluate a property of a nil object reference, or divides a number by zero), the VM must be able to create an instance of the RuntimeError class to represent the exception.
- The "exceptionMessage" property. When the VM creates a RuntimeError object, it sets this property to a string containing an error message describing the run-time error. In addition, when the VM terminates program execution due to an unhandled exception, it will display the string contained in this property (if any) of the unhandled exception object.
- The "Constructor" property. Whenever the VM creates a new object, it must invoke the object's constructor by evaluating its "construct" property.
- The "Destructor" property. Whenever the VM is about to destroy an object that is no longer reachable, it will invoke this property, if defined, to notify the object of its pending collection.
- The "LastProp" property. This is the last property ID that the compiler has assigned. The VM is free to use any property ID with a value higher than this property for its own internal purposes.
- The "propNotDefined" property. This is the property ID that the GETPROP instruction and related instructions invoke when a property is evaluated on an object and found not to be defined or inherited by the object.
Hypothetically, one way to ensure that the VM and the user program agree on the ID's of the pre-defined objects and properties would be to define these ID's in this spec. For example, we could assert that object #1 is always the RuntimeError class object; the compiler would be obligated to generate the appropriate object under this ID value. This approach would work, but has a substantial problem: it is inflexible with respect to future additions to the specification. Any object ID's not assigned in the spec would be available to the compiler to use for other objects; as a result, if a new object were added to the spec, it might conflict with an ID that the compiler assigns to a different object, hence the program produced would not be compatible with future versions of the VM.
To ensure forward and backward compatibility, the VM assigns each pre-defined object and property a symbolic name. The compiler is free to choose any ID for each of the pre-defined objects; once the compiler chooses these values, it stores in the load image file a symbol table, which provides the correspondence between the symbolic names and the compiler-assigned ID's. The compiler is only obligated to store in the symbol table those objects and properties that are pre-defined in the version of the VM specification for which the compiler is designed.
During loading, the VM scans the symbol table for each of the pre-defined symbols, notes each one, and caches the information in global variables (or in a structure associated with the load image, if the VM is capable of loading multiple image files simultaneously). It's important to cache these values, because the VM may need to refer to some of them quite frequently. During program execution, the VM uses the cached values to refer to the pre-defined objects and properties.
The symbol table mechanism is reasonably flexible for future changes. When loading a program compiled with an older compiler into a newer VM, some symbols may be missing; the VM can simply allocate new values (unused by the load image), since the absence of the symbols means that the user code will not be aware of the new objects or properties. When loading a newer program with an older VM, the VM will simply ignore any symbols that it does not recognize.
The compiler is free to provide its own names for the pre-defined objects and properties, or not to name them at all. The compiler is also free to use any means to determine the contents of the pre-defined objects; for example, some compilers may use hard-coded definitions that are built into the compilers themselves, while others may obtain the definitions from source code provided by the user or in standard header or library files.
Note that each object referenced by a pre-defined symbol must always be part of the root set loaded from the image file. (This is probably obvious, since the compiler would otherwise have no way to assign these ID's statically in the load image in the first place.)
The current set of assigned symbols is shown below.
Symbol | Description |
RuntimeError | The object ID of the exception class to use for run-time errors. When a run-time error occurs, the VM will construct an instance of this class and invoke its constructor with the VM error number (an integer value), and optionally additional arguments describing the error. The VM then throws the new object in the same manner that the program code would throw an exception. |
exceptionMessage | The property ID that exception objects use to store the text of a message describing the exception. The VM uses this property for two purposes. First, whenever the VM creates a RuntimeError instance in response to a run-time exception condition, the VM will store a default message for the error in the new instance's exceptionMessage property. Second, if program execution terminates due to an unhandled exception, the VM will look in this property of the unhandled exception object for a message to display. |
Constructor | The property ID to use for notifying new TADS objects of their own creation. Whenever a new object is created programmatically (for example, via the NEW instruction), the VM evaluates this property of the new object. |
Destructor | The property ID to use for notifying TADS objects of their imminent destruction. Whenever the garbage collector determines that a TADS object is unreachable, the VM invokes this method on the object prior to actually destroying the object. |
LastProp | The last property ID value that the load image itself uses. The VM is free to use any property ID value greater than this number for its own internal purposes. In particular, the VM may use this value in future versions to assign values to pre-defined properties that are not provided by the load image file, to ensure that the values assigned do not conflict with any used in the loaded program. |
ObjectCallProp | The property ID that the PTRCALL instruction invokes if an object is used as the function operand to this instruction. |
propNotDefined | The property ID that the GETPROP instruction and related instructions invoke when a property of an object is evaluated and the object does not define the property. |
Intrinsic Functions
The T3 VM is designed to be independent of the source language used to prepare user code, and is also meant to be independent of the host application and operating environment. In order to accomplish this independence, the VM does not specify a fixed set of built-in functions, but instead allows multiple sets of built-in functions.An intrinsic function is simply a native-code routine that can be called from byte code, and which is part of the VM in the sense that it can access internal VM methods and data structures. Intrinsic functions can perform computational operations, such as extracting a substring from a string, and can also provide access to the host application and operating environment, such as displaying output.
Intrinsic functions are provided in "function sets." Each function set has one or more unique identifiers (i.e., names), and consists of a vector of native code function pointers. A function set is essentially equivalent to an interface, as the term is used in CORBA or COM: it provides a fixed set of entrypoints with specific invocation protocols, all packaged together and assigned a universally unique identifier. Given a particular identifier, a program can rely on obtaining a specific set of services with a particular invocation protocol.
A single function set may have more than one identifier, because each version of a function set gets a new identifier. Each new version can, if it is desired, incorporate previous versions as subsets, simply by placing the same functions in the old versions at the same locations in the vector. Since each old version is a subset of the new version, the function set can be used equally well as an old version or as the new version. This scheme allows safe evolution of a function set over time; older programs will continue to run unchanged on newer VM's, since their older function sets will still be available as subsets of new function sets, but new programs will correctly detect when the newer function sets they rely upon are not available in an older VM.
Each program image file contains a function set selector. When the VM loads the program image, it reads the function set selector, which consists of one or more function set names (i.e., a universally unique identifier for each selected function set). The VM creates a function set selector vector, with one entry for each function set listed in the program image file. For each entry in the file, the VM attempts to find a function set with the same identifier; if found, the VM puts a pointer to the function set into the function set selector vector at index specified in the file.
The function set mechanism allows the VM to be independent of the underlying intrinsics. In fact, in a dynamically linked configuration, where the intrinsics are in separate dynamic link libraries, new function sets could be installed without making any changes to the VM executable binary. Furthermore, compilers can likewise be designed to be independent of the built-in functions by allowing programs to specify function sets as input (via declarative syntax in the source code, for example), thus allowing access to new versions of the run-time function set without making any modifications to the compiler.
To call an intrinsic function, the program uses the BUILTIN byte code instruction. This instruction specifies the function set number, which is the index into the function set selector vector, and the function number, which is the index into the function set vector itself. The VM retrieves the function set vector from the selector vector based on the function set number, and retrieves the function pointer from the function set vector based on the function number.
A special form of the instruction, BUILTIN0, calls an intrinsic in the first (zeroeth) function set in the selector vector. This is simply an optimization; most programs will rely mainly on a single intrinsic function set, so their byte code size can be reduced slightly by using this form of the instruction for this most frequently-invoked function set, since this instruction omits the implicit function set number.
Note that configurations of the VM may have different function sets available. The function set selection process will ensure that a program prepared to expect a particular function set will only load into a VM that has been configured with that function set. However, one function set is required in all T3 implementations: the "t3vm" function set.
External Native Functions
Deprecated: As of TADS 3.1, this feature is officially removed. It's never been implemented, but we made an allowance for it in the VM design because TADS 2 has an equivalent feature. But it's almost never been used in TADS 2, and there's been no hint of any demand for it in TADS 3, so we don't see any reason to keep referring to it as a future feature. The following is for historical reference only.
The VM is designed in such a way that it can be extended in the future to provide a mechanism for invoking functions implemented in native code but not linked directly into the VM. This feature, if and when implemented, would allow users to write VM programs that access external hardware or operating system features that are not available through the intrinsic functions.
This feature will depend upon the dynamic linking or loading capabilities of each operating system, and the specific implementation will necessarily vary by operating system. The VM will specify an interface that must be provided by the host application environment for loading and invoking external functions.
The VM will provide a set of interfaces to external functions that allow an external function to call back into the VM to perform certain operations. For example, these functions will allow an external function to retrieve its actual parameters, return values, and manipulate objects in the VM.
To facilitate addition of this feature in future versions, this specification reserves the opcode CALLEXT (0xB7).
At the current time, there is no specific plan for implementing the external native code invocation feature. This feature will be given further consideration in the future if sufficient demand arises among the system's users.
Exception handling is a structured method of performing non-local jumps within user code. The T3 VM supports exceptions as a native feature.Exception handling has two parts: throwing exceptions and catching exceptions.
Throwing an exception is simple. User code creates an exception object, initializes it with any data that describes the exception, and then throws the exception. A VM instruction, THROW, performs this operation. (Note that the exception object does not actually have to be newly created, since a pre-existing exception object would serve just as well. In practice, most programs will create a new exception object to describe each exception condition that arises, but an exception object is often re-thrown several times by separate nested exception handlers.)
To catch an exception, VM code must specify a block of "protected" code, and one or more exception handlers which catch exceptions for the block. An exception handler can handle a specific type of exception (including subclasses of the exception type), or can be a "finally" block, which is executed unconditionally for a given block of code and hence implicitly catches all exceptions that occur within the corresponding protected block.
An exception is specified by an exception object, which is simply any TADS object instance. The TADS object inheritance mechanism is used to determine whether a particular exception instance is a subclass of a given exception type.
The compiler must build an exception table for a particular function; the compiler stores the location of the exception table (as an offset from the start of the function) in the method header for the function. When an exception is thrown, the VM locates the exception table by reading its location from the method header at the EP register.
The exception table consists of an array of handlers. Each handler specifies the range of code that it protects (expressed as the offset from the start of the function's method header of the beginning of the protected range, and the offset from the start of the function's method header of the last byte of the protected range), the exception class that it catches (given as an object ID), and the offset within the function of the first byte of the handler. A "finally" clause, which catches any exception, is simply represented as a handler for an invalid object ID; this causes the handler to be invoked for any exception.
When protected code is nested within other protected code, the compiler is responsible for generating the exception table with the innermost exception handler appearing first in the table; the VM simply scans the table for the first handler for the exception, so nesting is handled simply by ensuring that the innermost handler for a range appears earlier in the table than any enclosing handlers for the same range.
When an exception is thrown, the VM starts out by scanning the exception table for the current frame; the VM locates the table by getting its location from the method header table at the EP register. If the exception is not found in the exception table, the VM restores the enclosing frame (using the same procedure that it would to return from the current function, although a few steps can be omitted due to the lack of a return value) and tries again with the exception table of the enclosing frame. This continues until a suitable exception handler is located, or the outermost frame is reached. If the outermost frame is reached and no handler is found, the VM terminates and returns to the host environment. (The host environment may at this point restart the VM at a particular entrypoint, or may display the exception and abort the application, or take whatever other action is appropriate.)
If the VM finds a suitable handler, it pushes the exception object onto the stack, then transfers control to the handler. An exception handler's first instruction thus normally removes the item at the top of the stack and stores it in a local variable (via a GETLCLn instruction).
The exception table is stored after all of the executable instructions in the function. The compiler is expected to construct the exception table in the course of generating byte code for the function; when the compiler has finished geneating byte code for the function, it sets the method header's exception table offset field to the offset of the next available byte, then writes out the exception table. (Because the exception table's offset is stored in the method header, it doesn't actually matter whether the table immediately follows the last byte-code instruction or follows other intermediate tables, so the compiler is free to put other information, such as debugging records, between the last byte-code instruction and the exception table. However, the exception table is considered part of the method, in the sense that it is required to be located in the same code pool page as the method; this ensures that the exception table is always loaded in memory when the method's code is loaded in memory, and that its location can be calculated as a simple offset from the physical location of the method header in memory.)
Input/Output and the Display
The T3 VM does not specify a display model or an input event processing model. All display and input event processing are handled by user code in cooperation with the host application environment, via the intrinsic function set.The T3 VM has one set of primitive operations related to displaying text, however. The VM must handle the "self-printing string" datatype by displaying the text of such strings whenever they're evaluated in most contexts. In order to accomplish this, the VM needs a default display function that it can call whenever a self-printing string must be displayed.
The VM actually defines two default string display mechanisms. The first is the default display method. This is simply defined as a property pointer. Any time a string is to be displayed, and a valid "self" object is active, and a default string display method is defined, and the "self" object defines or inherits this method, this method is invoked with the string to be displayed as the method's single argument. The second mechanism is the default display function, which is simply a function pointer. Any time a string is to be displayed, and the conditions aren't right to invoke the default display method, the default display function is called instead, passing the string as the function's argument.
In order to avoid any dependencies on a particular display model, the VM requires the program image file itself to define the default display method and function. The user program must specify these by calling an intrinsic function in the "t3vm" function set (this function set must be supported by all T3 VM implementations).
Because the user program itself handles all self-printing strings through its defined default display function, self-printing strings are nothing more than a short-hand for displaying strings through other, more general means. Given that the target application of the VM is interactive fiction games, however, it is highly desirable to make this operation as compact to represent in an image file as possible, hence this special short-hand mechanism.
Garbage Collection
This discussion is meant as an aid to implementation. The details of implementing the garbage collector are up to each implementation, so the details here are not meant to require a particular design.
The garbage collector uses a simple "mark-and-sweep" algorithm, which runs synchronously; in other words, all other VM operations must be suspended to perform garbage collection.
The garbage collector operates by starting with the "root set" of objects, and marking each of these objects as reachable. Then, it goes through all of those objects, and marks all of the objects to which they refer as reachable; this continues until every object that is reachable from the root set, directly or indirectly, has been marked. Finally, the garbage collector scans through all of the allocated objects and deletes each one that has not been marked as reachable.
The "root set" is the set of objects that are directly referenced from a global pointer of some kind. First, the entire active machine stack is always reachable, because machine stack locations correspond to local variables, parameters, and intermediate results that the program can reference. Second, all of the objects that have a symbol name in the program are always reachable, because code, constant lists, and image-loaded TADS objects can always refer to these objects directly. All of the objects that are directly loaded from an image file are considered part of the root set; we mark all of these objects as part of the root set by setting the appropriate bit in the object header when we load them. Third, machine registers that contain values (data register R0) are also always reachable.
The garbage collector requires some per-object state information:
- The "reachability" state. This can assume one of three values: Reachable, Finalizer-Reachable, or Unreachable. An object is Reachable if it is part of the root set, or if it can be reached directly or indirectly through references from the root set. An object is Finalizer-Reachable if it is not Reachable (i.e., it cannot be reached directly or indirectly from the root set), but it is in the Finalizable state, or can be reached directly or indirectly from an object in the Finalizable state. An object is Unreachable if it is not Reachable or Finalizer-Reachable.
- The "finalizable" state. This can have one of three values: Unfinalizable, Finalizable, or Finalized. All objects are initially Unfinalizable; this indicates that the garbage collector cannot invoke the object's "finalize" method. An object becomes Finalizable when the object is Unfinalizable, and the garbage collector determines that the object is not Reachable. In the Finalizable state, the VM can invoke the object's "finalize" method at any time. An object becomes Finalized when the VM is about to invoke the object's "finalize" method.
- The link pointer. This points to another object header; the garbage collector uses these link pointers to construct a queue of objects yet to be processed for various purposes. An object may be in zero or one queue at any given time.
The mark-and-sweep algorithm assumes the following initial conditions. These conditions must be in effect at all times when the garbage collector is not running.
- All objects in the load image root set (i.e., each object whose "root set" bit is set to true) are in the garbage collector pending work queue, and these are the only objects initially in the queue. These objects all are in the Reachable and Unfinalized states.
- All objects in the Finalizable state are in the finalizer queue and are marked as Finalizer-Reachable.
- All objects not in the work queue or the finalizer queue are marked as Unreachable.
- For each element of the active stack, if the stack element refers to an object, call reference_object(Reachable) for that object.
- If data register R0 refers to an object, call reference_object(Reachable) for that object.
- For each undo record, call the object associated with the undo record to have it mark as referenced any object reference by the saved value in the undo record. The undo records call reference_object(Reachable) on each of the objects they reference.
- Go through the GC pending work queue. For each object in the queue, remove the object from the work queue and call mark_all_references() on the object, passing the object's current reachability state as the reachability state to assign to the referenced objects. Continue until the work queue is empty. Note: this step can be performed incrementally, so that it processes only a set number of queue entries and then returns, and then continues for another set number of entries on a subsequent call. This can be used to interleave garbage collection with long-running I/O operations that do not invoke any other VM operations; for example, this can be used to perform garbage collection while awaiting user input.
- For each object in the finalizer queue, remove the object from the queue, and add it to the main work queue with the object's current reachability state.
- Process the pending work queue once again until it's empty, following the same procedure as above.
- Go through all of the active objects. For each object:
- If the object is not Reachable, and the object is Unfinalizable, change the object's state to Finalizable. If the object has no finalizer method, skip the Finalizable state and mark the object Finalized instead.
- If the object is Unreachable and Finalized, delete the object by marking the object as free, releasing the memory in the variable-size object extension, and adding the object to the free list.
- Mark the object as Unreachable in preparation for the next garbage collection pass.
- If the object's "root set" bit is set, add the object to the garbage collector pending work queue and mark it as Reachable, in preparation for the next garbage collection pass.
- If the object's state is Finalizable, mark the object as Finalizer-Reachable and add the object to the pending finalize queue.
- Go through all of the objects again. For each object that is still active, call delete_weak_references() on the object, to remove any references that the object has to objects that have been deleted during this garbage collection pass.
- Go through the undo records. For each undo record, call the object associated with the undo record to have it delete obsolete weak references from the undo record. A reference is obsolete if the object to which it refers was deleted during this garbage collection pass.
The reference_object(object, state) routine consists of these steps:
- If object is marked as Unreachable, add it to the pending work queue.
- If state is "stronger" than the object's current reachability state, set the object's reachability state to state. Otherwise, leave the object's reachability state unchanged. Finalizer-Reachable is stronger than Unreachable, and Reachable is stronger than Finalizer-Reachable.
The mark_all_references(state) routine consists of the following procedure:
- For each object X to which this object directly refers, call reference_object(X, state).
Performance Discussion
The algorithm described above scales linearly in the total number of objects allocated (reachable plus unreachable).
Several garbage collection algorithms of considerably greater sophistication have been developed for other virtual machines. Most notably, several GC algorithms can run concurrently with other VM operations, allowing GC to be performed continuously in a background thread.
The T3 VM specifies a synchronous GC algorithm for two reasons: first, it's very simple; second, the T3 VM's targeted application provides an ideal environment for a synchronous GC. The added complexity (both in terms of the GC algorithm and of the overall VM architecture) of concurrent garbage collection does not seem warranted for this application.
The T3 VM is designed for an interactive environment with frequent and slow user input. We expect to spend the vast majority of wall-clock time waiting for a human user to enter input, and we do not expect to perform very much computation at a stretch between input events. These user input pauses provide a perfect opportunity to perform garbage collection.
Three configurations are possible for the garbage collection algorithm described above during user input. The first configuration is trivial, but the other two configurations can be used to take maximum advantage of the delay waiting for user input, by allowing the user to work on input while the garbage collector is running.
- Run the GC before or after each user input. This is the trivial configuration; the GC simply runs to completion at each input event. This has the undesirable characteristic that it may cause slight delays that are perceptible to the user, but given the scaling characteristics of the GC algorithm, the delays should never be substantial.
- The GC can run in a background thread, running asynchronously relative to the main VM thread. Even though this thread runs asynchronously, the GC is still effectively running synchronously, because we require that the GC fully complete its operations before any other GC operations can be performed. This can be coordinated through a global exclusive VM semaphore: the main VM thread starts off owning the semaphore; before each user input event begins, the main VM thread releases the semaphore, since it does not need to perform any VM operations during input processing; then, as soon as user input is completed and before performing any VM operations, the main thread reacquires the semaphore. The GC thread runs in a loop: it acquires the semaphore, runs one GC pass, releases the semaphore, then starts over. Since the GC and main VM thread can never access VM resources at the same time, no other concurrency protection is required. This approach is extremely simple, and allows us to take full advantage of the input delay while waiting for the user; since we can continue processing user input while the GC is running, the user will never notice any delay for garbage collection. This approach is ideal for any platform that supports threading.
- The GC can run in an incremental mode. In this mode, the step in which the pending work queue is processed does not run until the queue is empty, but instead processes a set number of elements and then returns; the code handling the user input must repeatedly invoke this step throughout user input processing until the queue is empty, at which point the final steps of the garbage collection process can run. To take advantage of this configuration, the user input processor must be event-based. Just before user input, the user input processor calls the GC to begin a new GC pass. Then, throughout user input, the input processor calls the GC to perform an incremental GC pass whenever the user input event queue is idle, or until the GC indicates that it is finished. Finally, when user input is finished, the user input processor calls the GC to complete garbage collection. Each incremental pass is designed to run quickly, so that there is no user-perceptible delay between the arrival of an event and the processing of the event. This configuration is relatively simple, and takes reasonably good advantage of the user input delay; this is a good choice for event-based systems that do not provide threading.
The T3 memory management system provides a mechanism that notifies an object of its pending deletion. T3 notifies an object via its "finalizer" method; this is a special method that the VM invokes directly.
The VM invokes an object's finalizer method at some point between the time that the garbage collector determines that the object is "finalizable" and the time that the garbage collector makes the object's memory available for re-use.
An object becomes finalizable when the object is not directly reachable from the executing program, and that the object's finalizer method has never been called before. See the garbage collection discussion above for details on the finalization state and reachability.
The VM invokes the finalizer method with no arguments. If a finalizer method throws an exception that it doesn't catch within its own code (or invokes a method that throws an exception that the finalizer doesn't catch), execution of the finalizer terminates, but the exception has no further effect; the VM internally catches and ignores the exception.
Finalizers can be invoked at any time after the garbage collector determines that an object has become Finalizable. The garbage collector can never free or re-use an object's memory until after the object's finalizer method returns.
The effect of the finalizer method varies by metaclass. The String and List metaclasses ignore the finalizer method. The TADS Object metaclass invokes the property designated by the symbolic name "Destructor" in the predefined properties in the image file, if any.
Virtual Memory and Swapping
In version 1 of this spec, there was a discussion about software memory swapping within the VM for the constant pools. As this has become essentially irrelevant for modern computers, we've removed this discussion. Implementations can, of course, still create memory swapping systems of their own, but the MJR-T3 reference implementation simply relies on the operating system to manage memory to create a large virtual memory space.
The T3 VM has an integrated "undo" system that allows changes to be reversed. Undo applies to all state stored in objects. Other state (such as the machine registers and the stack) are not part of the undo system. Since the undo feature is part of the VM, programs written for the VM automatically take advantage of the undo capability, without any need to pay attention to this feature in the design of the user code.
The undo mechanism records changes relative to "savepoints." A savepoint is effectively a snapshot of the system at a given time. Once a savepoint is created, all changes made are recorded with the savepoint, so that all changes since the savepoint can be undone as a group.
Transient objects are not affected by undo. There is no need to save undo information for changes made to transient objects.
The undo mechanism allows only a limited number of savepoints. If a new savepoint is created, and the number of existing savepoints equals the maximum number allowed, the undo mechanism automatically discards state associated with the oldest savepoint.
Programmatic Access
The undo system is controlled through a set of intrinsic functions accessible to a byte-code program through the "t3vm" system interface function set (which must be supported by all T3 VM implementations):
- Set savepoint. This function establishes a savepoint.
- Undo to savepoint. This function applies undo to the most recent savepoint. All objects are restored to the state they had at the time the last savepoint was created, and the savepoint is then forgotten. Repeating this operation without creating an intervening savepoint will undo to the previous savepoint, and so on until no more savepoints exist.
Savepoints and Machine Registers
Savepoints are identified by a number from 1 to 255. Each time a savepoint is created, the number is incremented; if the result is 256, the number wraps to 1. Note that this imposes an architectural limit on the number of savepoints; in practice, however, the actual number of savepoints to be kept will probably be much smaller, because the practicality of more than twenty or thirty savepoints is small and does not justify the amount of memory needed to store that much undo information.
The VM defines two global register values associated with undo. The Last Savepoint register contains the savepoint number of the most recent savepoint that was created. The Savepoint Count register contains the number of active savepoints. If Savepoint Count is zero, it means that there are no active savepoints.
Undo Records
The undo mechanism uses a double-ended queue of undo records. The queue is double-ended because we must add records to one end (when saving a record, it's added at the "newest" end), but remove records from both ends (when applying undo, records are removed from the "newest" end; when discarding an obsolete savepoint, records are removed from the "oldest" end).Note that an efficient implementation of the double-ended queue uses an array, which is used as a circular buffer of undo records. Two indices must be kept into the array: the index of the next available record, and the index of the oldest record in use. To allocate a record, we simply advance the next available record index; if the next available record index meets the oldest record index, the queue is full and we must discard one or more savepoints.
Each undo record contains the object associated with the undo; an identifying key, used by the associated object to identify the change; and a data holder, used to store the original value of the data changed by the operation for which undo is being kept.
The identifying key is meaningful only to the object that created the undo record. The key may be a property ID or an integer. TADS Objects, for example, store undo for property changes, so they use property ID's as undo keys; arrays use integer keys to store undo for element changes.
Creating a Savepoint
To create a savepoint, we increment the Last Savepoint register, wrapping back to 1 if the value was already 255. We then increment the Savepoint Count register. If Savepoint Count is greater than or equal to the maximum number of savepoints allowed (this value is determined through the host application environment, and may be set using, for example, configuration options such as preference settings or command line switches in the host application; in any case, this value is never more than 255), we must discard an old savepoint.
To discard an old savepoint, we subtract the savepoint count from the Last Savepoint value, adding 255 to the result if the result is less than 1. This tells us the savepoint number of the oldest active savepoint, which is the savepoint we will discard. We then remove from the "oldest" end of the undo record queue all of the records associated with the oldest savepoint.
Applying Undo
When asked to apply undo, we first check to make sure undo is available. If the Savepoint Count register is zero, no undo information is available, so the operation fails. Otherwise, we proceed with the undo.
Starting with the undo record at the "newest" end of the undo record queue, we remove from the queue each record associated with the savepoint and apply that record. This allows us to apply records in reverse order of creation, which ensures that we restore state correctly by essentially running the clock backwards.
To apply an undo record, we find the object associated with the undo record, and call its method to apply the record. The object is responsible for interpreting the identifier in the record and restoring its state accordingly.
After applying all undo records for the savepoint, we decrement the Last Savepoint register, wrapping to 255 if the result is below 1, and we decrement the Savepoint Count register.
Undo Handling by Metaclass
Lists and Strings: these metaclasses do not need to store any undo information at all, since their state cannot change.
Vectors: the vector metaclass must store undo information on each element changed in the vector. In order to avoid storing redundant information, the vector keeps one bit per element indicating whether undo has been stored for the element in the current savepoint; when this bit is set for an element, thevector does not create another undo record when changing for the element, since the record would be redundant with the record already saved for the element in the same savepoint. If when setting an element's value we find that the element does not already have undo saved in the current savepoint, we create a new undo record, set the record's integer key to the element's index, and save the element's original value in the undo record.
LookupTables: these work similarly to vectors, storing undo information for each change in a value/key relation.
TADS Objects: the TADS object metaclass must store information on each property changed in the object. This metaclass maintains a bit array, with one bit per property table slot; each bit indicates whether undo has been saved for the property slot for the current savepoint. Whenever we set a property value, check the undo bit array element for the property slot: if the bit is set, we do nothing, since the original value for this savepoint has already been saved; otherwise, we add an undo record, setting the key to the property ID being changed, and storing the old value of the property. If the property did not previously exist, we must store the value "empty" in the undo record, that undoing the change will delete the property.
Interaction with Garbage Collection
A subtle question about saving and applying undo information is: how do we undo a change that made an object unreachable, and thus eligible to be deleted during garbage collection? In other words, what happens if we restore a reference to an object, and the object has already been deleted by the garbage collector?The simple answer is that we never delete any objects referenced by undo information in the first place. The way we accomplish this is equally simple: when the garbage collector asks an object to mark all of the objects it refers to as reachable, we mark not only the objects to which we directly refer, but we also mark the objects to which any active undo records refer.
For example, suppose object A has a property P that contains a reference to object B (A.P := B). During garbage collection, assuming A is reachable, then A will mark B as reachable because one of A's properties refers to B. Now suppose that we set a savepoint, and then execute code that changes A.P to nil. Now, A no longer directly refers to B. However, A does have an undo record saving the fact that A.P formerly contained a reference to B. So, during garbage collection, A will still mark B as reachable, because it can reach B through an undo record, even though it can't reach B directly. If we then apply the undo record, restoring A.P to a reference to B, we don't have to worry about whether B still exists, because the presence of the undo record prevents B from being deleted.
But, isn't this terribly inefficient, since we can't collect objects that are effectively unreachable except through undo? Yes, it does take up memory, but only to the extent that undo takes up memory anyway. Consider the alternative: if we allow the garbage collector to delete B when A.P is nil but A still has an undo record that refers to B, then applying undo will set A.P to B again, and hence we need some way to un-delete B. The only way to un-delete B is to store a copy of B somewhere when we deleted it in the first place, and then create a new object from this saved copy. We clearly need to keep the saved copy of B for as long as we have any undo records that refer to the original B. So, in this alternative scheme, we need to keep a copy of B around for exactly as long as the first scheme keeps the original B around -- in other words, it uses exactly the same amount of memory, but with considerably greater complexity! Keeping around the original is simple, because it fits into the main garbage collection scheme naturally.
Undo and Save/Restore
We do not save undo information in saved state files. Saving has no effect on the current undo state, so it is still possible after saving to undo to a savepoint prior to the save operation.When restoring a saved state file, we simply discard all accumulated undo information. Undo information currently in memory obviously has no meaning after we've restored a saved state file, and the saved state file itself has no undo information stored, so we simply cannot perform undo after restoring.
Image Loading
The image file format is the subject of a separate document. However, we'll discuss here the details of how the VM loads image files into memory.Image files have three main sections: constants, code, and objects.
Constants and code are arranged into "pool" structures. A pool is an array of fixed-size pages. Data within a pool is referenced by a 32-bit offset value; the specific page containing a given offset can be obtained by dividing the offset by the page size to get the page index (the first page is at index 0), and the offset within that page obtained from the remainder of this division. The image file contains a header for each pool that describes the structure of the pool (specifically, the number of pages and size of each page); the VM uses this information to load the pages into memory, either at start-up or on demand, depending on the memory management configuration of the VM implementation.
Objects are arranged into variable-size blocks. The VM always loads all object data at start-up, since all objects must be resident in memory throughout VM execution. The image file contains header information giving the number of object data blocks and the size of each block; within each block, the image file contains information describing each object within the block. Each object must be entirely contained within a single object block; an object may not span multiple blocks.
The arrangement of objects into blocks is purely a convenience for certain smaller environments where the size of a single memory allocation block is limited (for example, on MS-DOS, blocks cannot exceed 64k, even when more than 64k of total memory is available to be allocated). Hence, we place an upper limit of 64k on the size of a single object data block. The compiler should use as large a size as possible less than this limit, since each block has some space overhead (both in the image file and in memory at run-time). The recommended algorithm for the compiler is to fill up each block as much as possible (up to the 64k limit), creating a new block whenever adding another object to an existing block would exceed the limit.
Each block has an associated object metaclass. Hence, every object in a particular block is of the same metaclass. (This saves space in the image file, by saving us the need to specify a metaclass with each object.)
To load objects, the VM loader performs the following steps at start-up:
- For each object data block, read the header information to determine the size of the block.
- Allocate memory to hold the object data block, and load the bytes from the object data block in the image file into the allocated memory.
- Scan the data block. For each object in the block, perform these
- Create a new VM object of the appropriate metaclass (based on the metaclass type for the block).
- Invoke the new object's load_from_image method, passing in the address and size of the object's data in the block. (Each object's data are stored as a contiguous array of bytes in the block.)
Note that all objects in an image file are implicitly part of the root set.
One important feature of the loading model is that it allows a memory-mapped file to be used directly, without duplicating any of the data in the file separately in memory. This is especially important for diskless platforms (such as handheld computers), since all files are inherently memory-mapped on such devices. With a memory-mapped file, the memory that holds the image file is directly used without duplication as the memory containing the executing program.
Restarting the machine involves simply restoring the machine state to its initial state. Given that the VM is designed to make initial program load very fast, restarting can be accomplished simply by reloading all objects.
Note that transient objects (i.e., objects specifically marked with "transient" status) are not affected by a Restart operation. These objects should simply be ignored during Restart processing.
When restarting, all undo state must be dropped, since it can no longer be meaningfully applied after objects have reverted to their initial state.
Note that only objects in the root set will be reverted to their initial state by a reload. We can simply leave all other objects in their current state; we can't simply delete all non-root set objects, since stack elements may still refer to non-root set objects. (Transient objects in particular could continue referring to non-root set objects.)
Saving and Restoring
The T3 VM has the ability to save the machine state to a file, and later restore the machine state from a previously saved file. This capability allows programs to be written for the VM to take advantage of this save/restore mechanism, without the need to pay any attention to this feature in the design of the user code.
Saving the machine state involves writing the state of all non-transient objects to a file. Only object state is saved; the state of the stack and machine registers is not saved. In addition, it is unnecessary to save constant data and code, since these do not change in the course of execution and can simply be reloaded from the program image.
Because objects are maintained in memory in a format suitable for portable file representation, we can save objects simply by writing out their internal state directly to the file, as a direct binary transfer.
All non-transient objects, both root set objects and non-root set objects, are written to the saved state file. The state of the objects effectively captures the state of the machine.
Note that we do not save or restore the state of the stack or machine registers. This allows us on restore to continue processing code without jumping into a new context suddenly, so that user code that restores a saved state can continue with post-restore processing directly. If we restored the stack and machine registers, the code immediately after the original save would suddenly be executing after a restore (giving the same effect as a setjmp/longjmp in C).
There is one complication, which is that a non-transient object can contain a reference to a transient object. The non-transient object will be saved, but the transient object will not be. We address this by saving, for each transient object, a record that the object is transient; we don't save the transient object itself, but merely a placeholder indicating that a transient object was there. When we restore, we can use these placeholders to set to "nil" each reference to a transient object.
Restoring a saved state essentially reverses the serialization process of saving the objects. However, there is an added dimension: we must "fix up" references among objects in the saved state with the new ID's we assign to the newly-loaded instances of the saved objects.
In order to restore saved state, we must first delete all non-root set objects. This is necessary because the objects in the saved state file must be restored using the same object ID that they had when they were saved, since the file may contain references to objects by ID. In addition, we must set to "nil" any references from a saved object to an object that was transient at the time of saving.
The typical Restore implementation is to start by loading the "table of contents" from the saved state, to find the ID's in the saved file's numbering scheme of all saved objects. We then assign a new ID for each object, remembering the association between the file's numbering scheme and the new ID numbering scheme. Then we load each object, deserializing the data saved for the object. We must fix up the deserialized data by translating each object reference in the data from the file's numbering scheme to the new numbering scheme, by looking up the old object number in our table of contents and substituting the new ID number.
Interaction with Undo
Saving has no effect on undo. However, undo information is not saved to the state file.
When restoring, all undo information must be discarded, since the undo information is not meaningful in the context of the restored state.
Revision: September, 2006