T3 VM Byte-code Instruction Set
This document describes the instruction set of the T3 Virtual Machine. The executable code in a T3 program is constructed from sequences of instructions, with each instruction directing the machine to execute a particular action. This document provides the details of how each instruction is encoded and how the VM implementation carries out the action specific by each instruction.Indices:
Instruction Set Design Philosophy
Stack-based machine
The T3 VM is a stack-based machine, which means that most operations are performed through the machine stack. This is an extremely natural model for translation of high-level language programs, which makes it easier to design efficient compilers that target the T3 VM.Most instructions that perform computations, perform comparisons, or otherwise operate on data values use the stack. In nearly all cases, these instructions simply operate on the top one or two (or occasionally more) elements of the stack; these instructions are hence very simple and are often completely unparameterized, in that they always operate on the top of the stack.
Instructions that operate on non-stack data generally have the effect of moving data to or from the stack. Thus, performing a computation on a non-stack item such as an object property is a matter of pushing the property value onto the stack, performing the computation (implicitly on the item on the top of the stack), then popping the value at the top of the stack and setting the property to that value.
Field Encoding
Many real computers (i.e., those implemented directly in hardware, as opposed to entirely software constructs such as the T3 VM) use an instruction encoding that divides each instruction into a set of fields, each field specifying a particular aspect of the operation to be performed. These fields are generally orthogonal, so that, for example, an instruction's addressing mode can be determined entirely by inspecting the addressing mode field, without knowing anything else about the instruction.Field-based instructions work well for real computers precisely because they're implemented in hardware. In particular, hardware computers can use circuitry dedicated to decoding each field of an instruction separately, so the various decoding tasks can proceed in parallel to an extent.
The T3 VM uses a much simpler instruction encoding. T3 instructions do not encode orthogonal fields of information; instead, each instruction encodes a separate operation, and implies all of the operation's characteristics.
This may seem less efficient than a field-based instruction set. For example, many different instructions may use the same addressing mode (accessing a local variable, for example), so one could imagine some advantage deriving from an addressing mode field so that common code could be executed for all instructions involving that address mode.
This is a somewhat illusory advantage, for a number of reasons, but mostly because nearly all T3 VM instructions simply operate on the stack. Because of this regularity, encoding such additional information as addressing modes would actually decrease execution efficiency, because the VM would have to decode the addressing mode for every instruction, even though nearly all instructions would use the same mode and hence could skip this step.
High-level instructions
The T3 VM instruction set is high-level: it operates on datatypes that are constructed out of more primitive pieces. The instruction set does not even include instructions to operate on a lower level of abstraction than that provided through the system datatypes; this vastly simplifies the machine model and makes programming the machine much safer (in that it is difficult or impossible to write a program that actually corrupts the internal state of the VM itself; even the most ill-formed or malicious programs should at worst cause run-time exceptions which the VM can detect and handle gracefully), but it means that it is not practical to implement an efficient T3 VM using the T3 VM.
Internal Redundancy
The instruction set includes a certain amount of redundancy, in that the effect of certain instructions can be constructed entirely from other, simpler instructions. For example, the OBJGETPROP instruction is not strictly necessary, because the same effect could be obtained from a combination of the PUSHOBJ and CALLPROP instructions. Similarly, the ADDILCL4 instruction could be replaced with a combination of the PUSHINT, GETLCL2, ADD, and SETLCL2 instructions.These redundant instructions are included as an optimization. Certain sequences of operations occur very frequently in typical programs; by combining some of the most frequently repeated sequences into single instructions, we allow compilers to generate smaller code that we can execute more efficiently. Compilers are, of course, free to ignore these composite instructions and generate only the more orthogonal instructions, but compilers that are capable of taking advantage of the optimizations will generally produce smaller, faster code.
Instruction Set Overview
The T3 program format is defined independently of any particular computer hardware. The byte-code format is portable to all types of computers, with no changes to the binary coding.
T3 executable code is composed of streams of byte-code instructions. Each instruction consists of a one-byte "opcode," followed immediately (with no padding bytes) by operand data. Immediately following the operand data is the next instruction.
The size and interpretation of the operand data varies by instruction. Most instructions have a fixed operand size, so the number of bytes of operand data can be deduced directly from the instruction's opcode; a few instructions, however, use varying-length operand data, in which case the size is encoded in the operand data. Some instructions have no operands; the opcode byte is the entirety of such instructions.
Operands are encoded in a portable binary format. Refer to the TADS portable binary encoding documentation for details of the portable representations used; this format specifies for each of a set of datatypes a coding that uses the same size and byte layout on all types of computers.
The opcode descriptions below give a name for each opcode. This name is provided only for documentary purposes, and never occurs in actual byte-code instructions, which are stored as 8-bit numeric codes. Each opcode description lists the numeric code for the instruction as a hexadecimal number in parentheses after the opcode name.
In the opcode descriptions below, the operands are listed after the opcode name. Instructions that take no operands are marked as such. Each operand is described with its portable binary encoding type name, and is also given an operand name; the operand name is for documentary purposes only, to allow the desriptive text to refer to the operands more easily. Note that we sometimes refer to these operands as "immediate data," since they're encoded directly into the instruction stream.
Local Variables and Parameters
Each local variable and each parameter occupies one stack location.
To call a function or method, the caller pushes the actual parameters onto the stack in reverse order. For example, if the caller wants to call a function with three numeric arguments, the first set to 1, the second to 2, and the third to 3, the caller pushes the value 3, then 2, then 1. The caller then calls the function or method. The VM sets up the callee's stack frame, which involves allocating space for local variables and storing certain values (return address, target property, "self" instance reference, method header pointer) in the stack, then transfers control to the start of the callee's code.
Locals and parameters are accessed through explicit instructions that refer to these special stack locations.
Locals are numbered from 0 through the number of locals minus one. So, if a function's header indicates that the function has three local variables, the variables are numbered 0, 1, and 2.
Parameters are numbered from 0 through the number of parameters minus 1. So, if a function has four parameters, they're numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3. Parameter 0 is the first argument, which is the last value pushed by the caller.
"Integer" vs. "Number"
This specification intentionally makes a distinction between "integers" and "numbers" (or "numeric values") as T3 primitive datatypes. The term "integer" is meant specifically as the T3 machine's 32-bit signed integer type. The terms "number" and "numeric value" are meant to include any T3 numeric primitive type.At present, the only primitive numeric datatype that the T3 machine defines is integer, so "integer" and "number" are effectively equivalent at the moment. We've nonetheless drawn the distinction in order to keep open the possibility that other numeric datatypes, such as a floating-point type, can be added in the future with minimal reworking of this document. Introducing a new numeric datatype will certainly require some additions in any case, in that issues such as promotion and rounding will arise, but we have tried to be precise about where integers specifically are required as opposed to where numeric types that may be added in the future could be used. For example, the bitwise operations (BAND, BOR, SHL, etc.) are only meaningful with integer values, so non-integer numeric types would not be usable with these operations and they therefore refer to integer operands; the arithmetic operations (MUL, DIV, SUB), on the other hand, would be meaningful with any numeric types, hence they refer to numeric operands.
Branching Instructions
Certain instructions (JMP; JT, JF, and so on; SWITCH) cause execution to branch to another location within the same function or method. These instructions encode the branch location as a relative offset. In all cases, the branch offset is given as a 16-bit signed integer in portable INT2 format, and is to be interpreted as a number of bytes to add to a pointer to the first byte of the INT2 branch offset value itself. Hence, if p is a character pointer containing the address of the first byte of the INT2 operand of a JMP instruction, and the INT2 contains the signed 16-bit value branch_offset, the address of the next instruction to execute is given by p + branch_offset.Branch instructions must always refer to addresses within the same method or function. Since any single method or function must be entirely contained within a single code pool segment, a branch will always refer to code in the same code pool segment, hence there is never a possibility that a branch will involve a separate segment. Branching therefore can always be processed without any pool swapping effects, regardless of the swapping configuration.
Stack Illustrations
The T3 VM is a stack-based machine, so most instructions modify the stack in some way. For quick reference, the description of each instruction below features a concise schematic illustrating the instruction's effect on the stack.Each stack illustration depicts the state of the stack before and after the instruction. Each schematic starts with the initial state of the stack, showing the condition of the stack just before the instruction; this is followed by a right arrow ("→"); the schematic ends with the final state of the stack, showing the condition just after the instruction.
The values depicted in the stack are either variables or constants; variables are shown in italics. In many cases, the diagrams use explicit "type casts" to indicate the type of the value; these are used in particular with "immediate" values (encoded directly in instructions), because the type of an immediate value is usually implicit in the instruction containing it. For example, the GETPROP instruction has a UINT2 immediate value giving a property ID, so the stack diagram for the instruction uses this notation to indicate explicitly that a property ID value should be constructed from the UINT2 immediate value:
In this notation, propid() is a "type cast" that states explicitly that the value contained within the parentheses is to be converted to a property ID value. We use these casts:
object() | Convert a UINT4 to an object reference, treating the UINT4 as the ID of an object |
propid() | Convert a UINT2 to a property pointer, treating the UINT2 as the ID of a property |
string() | Convert a UINT4 to a constant string (SSTRING) value, treating the UINT4 as a constant pool offset |
list() | Convert a UINT4 to a constant list value, treating the UINT4 as a constant pool offset |
int() | Convert a value (SBYTE, INT2, INT4, etc) to an integer |
function_pointer() | Convert a UINT4 value to a function pointer, treating the UINT4 as a constant pool offset |
Only the top few elements of the stack are depicted in each schematic; everything below these elements is shown as "..." in the illustration. The stack grows to the right in each schematic, and the top element of the stack is the rightmost element. So, if the top element of the stack is the integer 1, the next element is the integer 2, and the next element is the integer 3, the schematic would look like this:
... int(3) int(2) int(1)
The elements depicted after the "..." symbol are the elements affected by the instruction. The instruction never affects anything below the first explicitly listed element.
Note that, in some cases, an ellipsis occurs within the explicitly listed items on the stack, as well as at the left. An ellipsis within the listed items indicates a varying number of items; for example, if several arguments to a function were on the stack, we'd use this notation:
... argumentN ... argument1
Some instructions only add elements to the stack; in these cases, the initial state is shown simply as "...", since nothing previously on the stack is affected by the instruction. Similarly, some instructions only remove items from the stack; we show this with only "..." in the final state.
Here's an example of an instruction that simply pushes a new value, nil, onto the stack:
... → ... nil
Here's an example that simply removes an item from the stack:
... val → ...
The next illustration shows an instruction that removes two elements from the stack, computes the sum of the two elements, and pushes the result:
... val1 val2 → ... (val1 + val2)
The stack illustrations are meant to make it easy to tell at a glance how an instruction affects the stack, but they rarely tell the whole story. Note, in particular, that effects on local variables are not depicted in the diagrams, even though local variables are stored in the stack, because local variable operations don't affect the stack pointer (i.e., they don't change the number of items on the stack).
Operator Overloading
Starting with the December 2010 revision (3.1 of the MJR-T3 reference implementation), some operators in the language can be overloaded for objects. Not all operators are overloadable; only specific ones. The overloadable operators, and the affected byte-code instructions, are shown in the table below.
Description | Type | Affected Instructions | Import Symbol |
addition | binary | ADD, INC, INCLCL, ADDILCL1, ADDILCL4, ADDTOLCL | 'operator +' |
subtraction | binary | SUB, DEC, DECLCL, SUBFROMLCL | 'operator -' |
multiplication | binary | MUL | 'operator *' |
division | binary | DIV | 'operator /' |
modulo | binary | MOD | 'operator %' |
XOR | binary | XOR | 'operator ^' |
left-shift | binary | SHL | 'operator <<' |
arithmetic right-shift | binary | ASHR | 'operator >>' |
logical right-shift | binary | LSHR | 'operator >>>' |
bitwise NOT | unary | BNOT | 'operator ~' |
bitwise OR | binary | BOR | 'operator |' |
bitwise AND | binary | BAND | 'operator &' |
arithmetic negation | unary | NEG | 'operator negate' |
indexing | binary | INDEX, IDXLCL1INT8, IDXINT8 | 'operator []' |
index-and-assign | ternary | SETIND, SETINDLCL1I8 | 'operator []=' |
Operator overloading is defined on the single operand of a unary operator, or the left operand of a binary or ternary operator, as written in algebraic notation. (The only overloadable ternary operator is the index-and-assign operator. The algebraic notation for this operator is container[index]=value, so the left operand for overloading purposes is the container value.)
The handling of operator overloading is specifically designed to have zero performance impact in cases where native types are involved. In particular, native operator handling is always applied first; overloading is invoked only if no valid native handling is available for an operation, in which case a type mismatch error would result if no overloading were defined. For programs that don't use overloading, then, the presence of the feature makes no difference at all. (Assuming a correct program, anyway. A program with type mismatch errors would in fact see slightly slower error handling, because the VM has to check for an override before finally throwing the error. It seems unlikely that any program would intentionally use type mismatch errors as a control flow mechanism, especially in a performance-sensitive section of the code, so this conceivable element of performance impact seems negligible.)
For the affected byte-code instructions, the instruction spec will say "try operator overloading" as the execution step after all native-type combinations are exhausted, and before throwing a type mismatch error. "Try operator overloading" means specifically:
- Identify the controlling operand. For a unary operator, this is the single operand. For a binary operator, it's the left operand as written in algebraic notation. For the index-and-assign operator, it's the container operator.
- If the controlling operand is not of type object, operator overloading fails.
- Look up the "operator x" import symbol associated with the operator. This is a property pointer value if defined. If this import isn't defined by the loaded image file, operator overloading fails.
- Check to see if the operator x property of the controlling operand object is defined. If not, operator overloading fails.
- Call the operator x property of the controlling operand, passing as arguments the additional operands, in left-to-right order per the algebraic form. (For index-and-assign, the argument list is (index, value to assign).) For example, for "a*b", we'd call a.operator*(b).
- The return value of the method call is the result of the operator. Handle it according to the normal semantics for the instruction (e.g., push it on the stack, assign it to a local variable, etc).
- Operator overloading is successful, so the opcode is now done.
Implementation notes: the easiest way for a VM implementation to achieve the "call the operator property" step is with a recursive call into the VM. The reference MJR-T3 implementation handles this a little differently, for performance reasons. MJR-T3 handles overloading like a GETPROP instruction, via a non-recursive transfer to the property's byte code. However, because the regular method call interface returns its value in R0, and operator instructions all require some other handling for the return value (such as pushing on the stack or assigning to a local), it's necessary to set up some kind of intermediate subroutine on return to apply the instruction's return value handling. The MJR-T3 code does this by saving the true return address on the stack (along with any additional required information, such as the local variable index to be assigned on return); it then patches in a "fake" return address for the method call. On return, the VM's return handler recognizes the fake address and carries out the appropriate "subroutine" operations, and finally returns to the saved address. This approach is slightly faster than making a recursive VM call, and the extra handling on return doesn't affect overall performance because the VM already had other special handling at the same place, to handle returns from recursive invocations. The addition of new fake return addresses doesn't cost anything because we already had to check for a fake return anyway.
List-like Objects
Operator overloading makes it possible to define custom byte-code objects (of metaclass tads-object) that behave like lists. For the most part this is in the province of the metaclasses to respect, but there's one instruction that cares about it: MAKELSTPAR. This instruction must treat a list-like object the same way it treats a list.
A list-like object is defined as an object with the following characteristics:
- It defines (or inherits) the property given by the import symbol 'operator []'
- It defines (or inherits) the property given by the import symbol 'length'
- Its 'length' property requires zero arguments, and when evaluated returns a non-negative integer value
If an object meets these tests, it must be treated as list-like by MAKELSTPAR.
Instruction Set Listing
All of the T3 byte code instructions are listed below. The instructions are ordered by the numeric opcode value. For other orderings, refer to the indices:PUSH_0 (0x01)
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... int(0)
Push the constant integer value 0 (zero) onto the stack.
This instruction is redundant with PUSHINT, but is defined as a code size optimization for this frequently-used operation; this instruction requires only one byte, whereas the PUSHINT equivalent would require five bytes.
PUSH_1 (0x02)
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... int(1)
Push the constant integer value 1 (one) onto the stack.
This instruction is redundant with PUSHINT, but is defined as a code size optimization for this frequently-used operation; this instruction requires only one byte, whereas the PUSHINT equivalent would require five bytes.
PUSHINT8 (0x03)
Stack: ... → ... int(val)
Push the integer value val onto the stack. val is interpreted as a signed 8-bit integer in the range -128 and 127 inclusive.
This instruction is redundant with PUSHINT, but is defined as a code size optimization; this instruction requires only two bytes, whereas the PUSHINT equivalent would require five bytes.
PUSHINT (0x04)
INT4 val
Stack: ... → ... int(val)
Push the integer value val onto the stack.
PUSHSTR (0x05)
UINT4 offset
Stack: ... → ... string(offset)
Push the constant string at offset in the constant pool onto the stack.
PUSHLST (0x06)
UINT4 offset
Stack: ... → ... list(val)
Push the constant list at offset in the constant pool onto the stack.
Implementation note: interactive debuggers should generally not attempt to push constant lists, but instead construct lists dynamically. There is no equivalent of the PUSHSTRI instruction for constant lists, specifically because lists can easily be constructed dynamically with the NEW1 and related instructions.
PUSHOBJ (0x07)
UINT4 objid
Stack: ... → ... object(objid)
Push a reference the object with ID objid onto the stack.
PUSHNIL (0x08)
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... nil
Push the value nil onto the stack.
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... true
Push the value true onto the stack.
UINT2 propid
Stack: ... → ... propid(propid)
Push the property ID value propid onto the stack.
UINT4 code_offset
Stack: ... → ... function_pointer(code_offset)
Push the function pointer value code_offset onto the stack.
UINT2 string_length
Stack: ... → ... object(string_object_id)
Push an "in-line" string. Create a new string object using the bytes following the instruction (string_length gives the number of bytes in string_bytes; the string bytes specify characters encoded in UTF-8 format). Push the object ID of the new string object onto the stack.
Implementation note: this instruction is provided for use by debugging utilities for evaluating expressions, such as those entered interactively by the user. By encoding the string bytes in-line with the byte code, rather than referring to the constant pool, the debugger can keep the code fragment from a compiled expression entirely self-contained within the byte code. In addition, because this instruction creates a new string object when executed, the code fragment can be deleted as soon as execution is completed, since the VM will not need to retain a reference to any constant data. In contrast, the PUSHSTR instruction pushes a reference to constant pool data, so the constant pool data cannot be deleted as long as the reference remains accessible (which in practice means that the constant pool data can never be deleted, since the garbage collector doesn't keep track of references to the constant pool, specifically because constant pool data are defined as permanent).
UBYTE fixed_arg_count
Stack: ... → ... list(variable_parameters)
Construct a new list consisting of the arguments after the given fixed argument count, in the same order as they appear in the actual parameters, and push the resulting new list.
For example, if the function has two named (fixed) formal parameters, and the function was called with five actual parameters, the list consists of the third, fourth, and fifth actual parameter values, in that order. The purpose of this instruction is to set up for entry to a varargs function that wishes to receive its variable arguments in the form of a list.
Because the compiler will be unable to determine how much stack space this opcode consumes, this opcode must explicitly check to make sure enough stack space is available.
No operands.
Stack: ... argc val → ... argumentN ... argument2 argument1 argc
Pop the top element of the stack and call it val. Pop the next element of the stack and call it argc; if this value is not an integer, throw an error (INT_VAL_REQD). Check the type of val:
- If val is a list or it's a list-like object, convert it to an argument list as follows. Starting with the last element of the list in val, push each element of the list onto the stack, and increment the value in argc once for each element pushed. Finally, push argc.
- If val is not a list or list-like value, push val, then increment argc and push argc.
The purpose of this instruction is to prepare to call a varargs function using the contents of a list as the parameters to the function.
Because the compiler will be unable to determine how much stack space this opcode consumes, this opcode must explicitly check to make sure enough stack space is available to push the entire list. Since other values might be pushed later, the interpreter should be conservative and check that the stack space immediately required for the list parameters, plus the full size of the stack required for the function less the current usage, is available.
INT4 val
Stack: ... → ... enum(val)
Push the enumerator value val onto the stack.
UINT2 function_index
UINT2 set_index
Stack: ... → ... bifptr(set_index, function_index)
Push a pointer to the specified built-in function onto the stack. The function is identified by its function set index and index within the function set. The set index is an index in the function set dependency table in the image file.
NEG (0x20)
No operands.
Stack: ... x → ... (-x)
Remove the top element from the stack.
If the value is numeric, compute the arithmetic negative (i.e., the 2's complement value) of the numeric value, and push the result onto the stack.
If the value is an object, call the object's "negate" virtual (metaclass) method and push the result value onto the stack. If there's no "negate" method defined for the metaclass, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator negate".
For any other type, throw an error (NUM_VAL_REQD).
BNOT (0x21)
No operands.
Stack: ... x → ... (Bitwise-NOT x)
Remove the top element from the stack. If it's an integer, compute the bitwise NOT (i.e., the 1's complement value), and push the result onto the stack.
If the value is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator ~".
Throws run-time error (BAD_TYPE_BNOT) for any other type.
ADD (0x22)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 + val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compute the value val1 + val2 and push the result onto the stack.
The type of the result and the meaning of the "+" operator depend upon the type of val1:
- Integer: val2 must also be a number, or NUM_VAL_REQD is thrown. The result is the arithmetic sum of the two integer values.
- String: val2 is implicitly converted to a string (see data conversions). The result is the string concatenation of val1 and val2. The result is always a new object; the string contained in val1 is not altered, but instead a new string object is created.
- List: if val2 is also a list, the elements of val2 are appended to the elements of val1 to form a new list whose number of elements is the sum of the number of elements of val1 and the number of elements of val2. Otherwise, val2 is appended as a new element to val1, giving a list whose number of elements is one greater than the number of elements of val1. The result is always a new object; the list contained in val1 is not altered, but instead a new list object is created.
- Object: invoke val1's virtual (metaclass) "add" method, passing val2 as the parameter. Push the resulting value onto the stack. If the "add" method is not defined for the metaclass, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator +".
- All other types: the run-time exception BAD_TYPE_ADD is thrown.
SUB (0x23)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 - val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compute the value val1 - val2 and push the result onto the stack.
The type of the result and the meaning of the "-" operator depend upon the type of val1:
- Integer: val2 must also be a number, or NUM_VAL_REQD is thrown. The result is the arithmetic difference obtained by subtracting val2 from val1.
- List: val2 is also a list, we remove each element of val1 that is also in val2, and the result is a list containing only the remaining elements of val1. If val2 is not a list, we search for val2 in val1 and remove each matching element; the result is a list with each matching element removed, or the original val1 list if no such element is found. In all cases, the result is a new object; the original contents of val1 are not modified.
- Object: invoke val1's virtual (metaclass) "subtract" method, passing val2 as the parameter. Push the resulting value onto the stack. If the subtract method isn't defined in the metaclass, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator -".
- All other types: the run-time exception BAD_TYPE_SUB is thrown.
MUL (0x24)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 * val2)
Remove the top two elements from the stack; call the first value removed val2 and the second value removed val1.
If the type of val1 is object reference, call val1's virtual "multiply" method, passing val2 as the parameter, and push the result value.
If val1 is numeric, then val2 must be numeric as well; if it isn't, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_MUL). Compute the arithmetic product of the two numbers and push the result onto the stack. If an integer overflow occurs, the resulting value is implementation-defined, but no error occurs. For most implementations, the result of a multiplication overflow will simply be the low-order 32 bits of the algebraic product, because this is what most computer hardware platforms yield for an integer multiplication overflow.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator *".
If val1 is of any other type, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_MUL).
BAND (0x25)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 Bitwise-AND val2)
Remove the top two elements from the stack.
If both are integers, compute the bitwise AND of the two values and push the result onto the stack.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator &".
Otherwise, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_BAND).
BOR (0x26)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 Bitwise-OR val2)
Remove the top two elements from the stack.
If both values are integers, compute the bitwise OR of the two values and push the result onto the stack.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator |".
For any other types, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_BOR).
SHL (0x27)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 << val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1.
If both values are integers, shift val1 left by val2 bits, effectively multiplying val1 by 2 raised to the power val2; in C language terms, the value is val1 << val2. Push the result onto the stack.
With integer operands, this instruction specifically performs the logical left shift: vacated low bits of val1 are set to zero, and the high val2 bits of val1 are simply be discarded. For C/C++ implementations, there's no difference between arithmetic and logical shift left. Other languages, however, might make the distinction that an arithmetic left shift can trigger an arithmetic overflow exception, whereas a logical shift can't.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator <<".
For any other type, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_SHL).
ASHR (0x28)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 >> val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1.
If both values are integers, perform an arithmetic shift right on val1 by val2 bits. Push the result onto the stack.
With integer operands, this instruction specifically performs an arithmetic shift, which is defined as preserving the sign of the source value. The high bits vacated by the shift are filled with the same value as the original high bit of val1. It's particularly important to pay attention to this detail in C/C++ implementations, because the behavior of the native C >> operator with respect to vacated high bits varies by platform.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator >>".
For any other types, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_ASHR).
XOR (0x29)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 XOR val2)
Remove the top two elements from the stack. If both values are logical (true or nil), compute the logical XOR of the two values and push the result. If both values are integers, compute the bitwise XOR of the two integers and push the resulting integer. If one value is numeric and the other value is logical, convert the numeric value to a logical value by treating 0 as nil and all other values as true, then compute the logical XOR of the two logical values and push the result.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator ^".
Throw the run-time exception BAD_TYPE_XOR if any other combination of types is present.
LSHR (0x30)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 >> val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1.
If both values are integers, perform a logical right shift of val1 by val2 bits. Push the result onto the stack.
With integer operands, this instruction specifically performs a logical shift, which is defined as zeroing the vacated high bits, regardless of the original high bit's value. It's particularly important to pay attention to this detail in C/C++ implementations, because the behavior of the native C >> operator with respect to vacated high bits varies by platform.
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator >>>".
For any other types, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_LSHR).
DIV (0x2A)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 / val2)
Remove the top two elements from the stack; call the first value removed val2 and the second value removed val1.
If the type of val1 is object reference, call val1's virtual "divide" method, passing val2 as the parameter, and push the result value.
If val1 is numeric, then val2 must be numeric as well; if it isn't, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_DIV). If val2 is zero, throw an error (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO). Compute the integer quotient val1/val2 and push the result. If the result of the algebraic division of the two numbers is not exactly representable as an integer, the fractional part is discarded. (Note that this is the same behavior specified by ANSI C.)
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator /".
If val1 is of any other type, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_DIV).
MOD (0x2B)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 MOD val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compute the remainder of the integer division of val1 by val2, and push the result onto the stack. If val2 is zero, throw the run-time exception DIVIDE_BY_ZERO. If either value is not a number, throw NUM_VAL_REQD.
The result of this operation produces a value such that, for any integers a and b, (a/b)*b + a%b equals a. (Note that this is the same behavior specified by ANSI C.)
If val1 is an object, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator %".
For any other types, throw an error (BAD_TYPE_MOD).
NOT (0x2C)
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ... (NOT val)
Remove the top element from the stack, compute the logical negation of the value, and push the result onto the stack.
If the value is a number, the result is true if the number is zero, and nil if the number is nonzero. If the value is true, the result is nil; if the value is nil, the result is true. If the value is a (non-nil) object reference, a property ID, a function pointer, a (single-quoted) string, a list, or an enum value, the result is nil. If the result is of any other type, throw error NO_LOG_CONV (cannot convert to logical).
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ... (boolean of val)
Remove the top element from the stack, compute its boolean value, and push the result onto the stack.
If the value is a number, the result is nil if the number is zero, and true if the number is nonzero. If the value is true, the result is true; if the value is nil, the result is nil. If the result is of any other type, throw error NO_LOG_CONV (cannot convert to logical).
This operation is effectively the same as applying the NOT instruction to a value twice in a row. This can be used to ensure that the results of certain types of expressions (such as logical AND and OR expressions) is always a true/nil value.
INC (0x2E)
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ... (val + 1)
Increment the value at the top of the stack by adding the numeric value 1. The behavior is equivalent to that of the ADD operator with the second value set to the integer value 1. All of the same type conversion behavior of ADD should apply.
DEC (0x2F)
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ... (val - 1)
Decrement the value at the top of the stack by subtracting the numeric value 1. The behavior is equivalent to that of the SUB operator with the second value set to the integer value 1. All of the same type conversion behavior of SUB should apply.
EQ (0x40)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 == val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Test the two values for equality; push true if the two values are equal, nil if not.
The equality comparison is based on the type of the first value:
- Nil, true: the values are equal if the second value has the same type.
- Numeric: the values are equal if the second value is also a numeric value and both have the same numeric value.
- Property pointer: the values are equal if the second value is also a property pointer, and both have the same property value.
- Enumerator: the values are equal if the second value is also an enumerator and has the same internal enumerator ID value.
- String (single-quoted): the values are equal if the second value is also a string and has the same value.
- List: the values are equal if the second value is also a list, the two lists are of the same length, and all of the elements in the list are equal (under these same rules).
- Code Offset: the values are equal if the second value is also a code offset value and refers to the same code pool address.
- Empty, self-printing (double-quoted) string: these types never match any other values, even of the same type.
- Object: call the object's "equals" virtual method, passing the other value as the argument. If the method returns true, the values are equal, otherwise they are not equal.
NE (0x41)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 != val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Test the two values for equality; push nil if the two values are equal, true if not. The same equality comparison rules that the EQ instruction uses apply to this instruction.
LT (0x42)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 < val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compare the magnitudes of the values, and push true if val1 is less than val2, nil if not.
The result of the comparison depends on the type of the first value:
- Numeric. If the second value is numeric, the value with the greater arithmetic value is the greater value. If the second value is not numeric, throw an error (INVALID_COMPARISON).
- String (single-quoted): if the second value is a string, perform a lexical comparison of the two strings, character by character, comparing the Unicode code point values of the characters. If the strings are of different lengths and are identical up to the shorter of the two lengths, the longer string is greater than the shorter string. If the strings are identical in the first N characters, where N is less than the length of the shorter string, but differ in the character at position N+1, the string whose first character at position N+1 has a higher Unicode code point value (when expressed as an unsigned 16-bit integer) is the greater string. If the second value is not a string, throw an error (INVALID_COMPARISON).
- Object: call the object's "compare" virtual method, passing the second value as the argument, and use the result to determine which value is greater.
- For any other type, throw an error (INVALID_COMPARISON).
LE (0x43)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 <= val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compare the magnitudes of the values, and push true if val1 is less than or equal to val2, nil if not.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
GT (0x44)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 > val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compare the magnitudes of the values, and push true if val1 is greater than val2, nil if not.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
GE (0x45)
No operands.
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ... (val1 ≥ val2)
Remove the top element from the stack, calling this value val2, then remove the next element from the stack, calling this value val1. Compare the magnitudes of the values, and push true if val1 is greater than or equal to val2, nil if not.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
RETVAL (0x50)
No operands.
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 self enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP ... retval → ...
Return from the current function.
The value at top of stack is the value to be returned; pop this value from the stack, and store it in data register 0 (R0).
Next, restore the enclosing frame (including the instruction pointer register, the entry pointer register, and the frame pointer register), and discard the caller's arguments from the stack.
To restore the enclosing frame, set the stack pointer to the frame pointer, pop the frame pointer, pop the argument count, pop the entry pointer, pop the code offset. Then, discard the arguments by discarding (argument count + 4) stack elements (this is four greater than the argument count because of the implicit "self", defining object, target object, and target property parameters). Finally, compute the new program counter by adding the code offset to the entry pointer and translating the result to a physical address.
RETNIL (0x51)
No operands.
Stack: same as for RET with retval = nil
Return nil from the current function. Restore the enclosing frame in the same manner as the RET instruction, but store nil in data register 0 (R0).
RETTRUE (0x52)
No operands.
Stack: same as for RET with retval = true
Return true from the current function. Restore the enclosing frame in the same manner as the RET instruction, but store true in data register 0 (R0).
RET (0x54)
No operands.
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1
Return from the current function with no return value. This operates the same as the RETVAL instruction, but does not change the contents of register R0.
Note that this instruction does not change the contents of R0, so compilers can use this instruction for functions that return no value, and also to return a value obtained from calling another function or method. The called function will leave its return value in R0, so a RET instruction will pass this value back to its own caller unchanged. Hence, a peephole optimizer can convert the pair of instructions GETR0, RETVAL to a single RET instruction.
UBYTE named_arg_count
UINT2 table_offset
Stack: ... named_arg_N ... named_arg_1 ... named_arg_0 → ...
To execute this instruction: discard arg_count elements from the stack.
named_arg_count is the number of named arguments in the associated table; this should always match the number in the associated NAMEDARGTAB instruction. It's redundant to store the value in both places, but this is for faster execution, to avoid the need to find the table in order to get the argument count.
table_offset is the offset from the table_offset element to the associated NAMEDARGTAB instruction. The offset is given to the first byte of the instruction, containing the NAMEDARGTAB opcode.
This instruction can be placed after a call instruction (CALL, PTRCALL, GETPROP, etc) that passes named arguments to its callee, in lieu of a NAMEDARGTAB instruction and table. Instead of storing the table in-line directly after the call instruction, the code generator can store a NAMEDARGPTR that points to the table, and then store the table in an unreachable section of the function's byte stream, after the final "return" instruction. The reason to separate the table from the call via NAMEDARGPTR is that NAMEDARGPTR is slightly faster to execute than NAMEDARGTAB, since NAMEDARGPTR has a fixed length.
UINT2 table_bytes
UINT2 arg_count
UINT2 arg 0 offset
UINT2 arg 1 offset
UINT2 arg N offset
arg 0 name bytes
arg 1 name bytes
arg N-1 bytes
Stack: ... named_arg_N ... named_arg_1 named_arg_0 → ...
To execute this instruction: discard arg_count elements from the stack, then skip the table by adding table_bytes+2 to the instruction pointer.
This instruction prefixes a named argument caller table, which contains the names of the named arguments for a given function call that passes named actuals. This table can be stored directly after a call instruction (CALL, PTRCALL, GETPROP, etc), but more typically it's stored at the end of a function (after the final "return"), and a NAMEDARGPTR opcode is placed directly after the call instruction with a pointer to the table. Executing NAMEDARGPTR is slightly faster than executing NAMEDARGTABLE because the former has a fixed length.
Note that if this instruction is separated from its call opcode (i.e., a NAMEDARGPTR is used after the call instead), this opcode must be located in an unreachable part of the function body, because its effect on the stack is only correct when the instruction is executed immediately after its call returns. The typical code generation technique when separating the table is to place all of these tables after the final "return" for the function.
table_bytes is the size in bytes of the table, not including the table_bytes element itself. arg_count is the number of arguments. The arg n offset form an index to the strings: each entry gives the offset from the start of the index (i.e., from the arg 0 offset element) to the start of the byte string for the entry's name.
Note that the string index contains arg_count+1 elements. The last element is the offset of the next byte after the last string. This lets you calculate the length of any string in the table by subtracting arg i offset from arg i+1 offset.
The strings are stored in UTF-8 format as usual. Note that there are no separators or delimiters (no null bytes, for example) between the name strings, since the length of each string can be determined from the index.
CALL (0x58)
UBYTE arg_count
UINT4 func_offset
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ... argumentN ... argument1 nil nil nil nil enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Call the function at offset func_offset in the code pool, passing as parameters the arg_count items at the top of the stack.
To set up the new frame, push nil four times (since a stand-alone function has no target property, no target object, no defining object, and no "self" object); compute the byte offset from the current method header of the next instruction to execute, and push the result; push the current entry pointer register; push the argument count; push the frame pointer; and load the frame pointer with the location in the stack where we just pushed the frame pointer. Then, load the entry pointer register with func_offset; check arg_count to ensure that it matches the conditions required in the new method header; get the count of local variables from the new method header, and push nil for each local. Finally, load the program counter with the first byte of the new function's executable code, which starts immediately after the function's header.
If the actual parameter count does not match the expected number of parameters, throw an error (WRONG_NUM_OF_ARGS). Note that the formal parameter count is stored in the method header as follows:
- If (formal_count AND 0x80) == 0x80, then (formal_count AND 0x7f) gives the minimum number of parameters, so arg_count is greater than or equal to this value. If arg_count is less than this value, throw an error.
- Otherwise, formal_count gives the exact number of parameters. Throw an error if arg_count is not equal to this value.
PTRCALL (0x59)
UBYTE arg_count
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 function_pointer(func) → ... argumentN ... argument1 nil nil nil nil enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Pop the top value from the stack, calling the value val; if the value is of any type other than function pointer, property ID, or object reference, throw an error (FUNCPTR_VAL_REQD).
If val is of type function pointer, proceed as with CALL, but use val as the func_offset value rather than obtaining the value from immediate data.
If the val is of type property ID, proceed as with the PTRCALLPROPSELF instruction. However, if there is no valid "self" object (i.e., the code executing is inside a function rather than a method), throw an error (FUNCPTR_VAL_REQD).
If the val is of type object, check the "ObjectCallProp" predefined property ID. If the predefined symbol "ObjectCallProp" is defined in the image, and the object referenced by val defines or inherits this property, retrieve the value of this property, which must be of type function pointer; if it's not throw an error (FUNCPTR_VAL_REQD). Invoke the code at the offset given in this function pointer, using the same stack preparation that the CALL instruction uses, and using the original val object as the "self" object.
GETPROP (0x60)
UINT2 prop_id
Stack for non-code property values: ... target_val → ...
Stack for code property values: ... target_val → ... propid(prop_id) target_val defining_object target_val enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc=0 enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Get a property of the object, constant list, or constant string at top of stack. Pop the value at top of stack, calling it target_val. Evaluate the property of target_val identified by prop_id, as follows:
Case 1: If the target_val defines or inherits the property identified by prop_id, the action depends on the type of the property's value:
- If the type of the property is nil, true, object ID, property ID, integer, single-quoted string constant, function pointer, or list constant, store the value in R0.
- If the type of the property is double-quoted string constant, invoke the default string output function or method to display the string, in the same manner as the SAY instruction. Note that this involves a function call to a function or method defined in the image.
- If the type of the property is code offset, invoke the code, using the same stack frame preparation that the CALL operation uses. The object whose property is being evaluated is the "self" value, and the number of actual parameters is implicitly zero. Note that the object where the property was actually found (which might be a superclass of the target object) is pushed as defining_object.
Case 2: If the object target_val does not define or inherit the property prop_id, check to see if target_val defines or inherits the imported property with the predefined property identifier "propNotDefined". If this property is defined, push prop_id as an additional (first) argument, and then proceed with case 1 above as though the "propNotDefined" property had been invoked in the first place. If the "propNotDefined" property is not defined or inherited, simply store nil in R0.
This operation is redundant with CALLPROP, since CALLPROP has the same effect when its arg_count immediate parameter is zero. However, evaluating a property with no arguments is an extremely common operation, hence substantial code size savings can be achieved for many programs by using this shorter code sequence.
The method of property evaluation depends on the type of target_val:
- If target_val is an object value, call the object's virtual "get property" method.
- If target_val is a constant string, use the string metaclass's constant string property evaluator.
- If target_val is a constant list, use the list metaclass's constant list property evaluator.
- For any other type, throw an error (OBJ_VAL_REQD).
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 target_val → ... argumentN ... argument1 propid(prop_id) target_val defining_object target_val enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Call a method of the object, string constant, or list constant at top of stack. Pop the value at top of stack and call this target_val. Look up the property identified by prop_id, in the same manner as GETPROP. If target_val is an object, apply inheritance if the object does not directly define the property.
Case 1: If target_val defines or inherits prop_id, proceed according to the type of the value stored in the property:
- If the type of the property is code offset, invoke the code, using the same stack frame preparation that the CALL operation uses. The object whose property is being evaluated is the "self" value, and the number of actual parameters is given by arg_count.
- If the property has any other type, and the argument count is non-zero, throw an error (WRONG_NUM_OF_ARGS). If the argument count is zero, proceed in the same manner as GETPROP.
Case 2: If the object target_val does not define or inherit the property prop_id, check to see if target_val defines or inherits the imported property with the predefined property identifier "propNotDefined". If this property is defined, push prop_id as an additional (first) argument, and then proceed with case 1 above as though the "propNotDefined" property had been invoked in the first place. If the "propNotDefined" property is not defined or inherited, discard the arg_count items at the top of the stack, and store nil in R0.
UBYTE arg_count
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 target_val prop → ... argumentN ... argument1 prop target_val defining_object target_val enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Pop the property ID value from the top of stack, and call this value prop. Pop a value from the top of the stack, and call this value target_val. Proceed in the same manner as CALLPROP, but use prop as the property to evaluate rather than immediate data.
UINT2 prop_id
Stack for non-code property values: No change.
Stack for code property values: ... → propid(prop_id) self defining_object self enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc=0 enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Evaluate a property of self: proceed as with GETPROP, but rather than popping the target value whose property is to be evaluated from the stack, evaluate the property of the active "self" object. Leaves the value in register R0.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ... argumentN ... argument1 propid(prop_id) self defining_object self enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Call a method of self: proceed as with CALLPROP, but rather than popping the target value whose method is to be invoked from the stack, call the method of the active "self" object.
UBYTE arg_count
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 prop → ... argumentN ... argument1 prop self defining_object self enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Call a method of self through a property pointer: proceed as with PTRCALLPROP, but rather than popping the target value whose method to be invoked from the stack, call the method of the active "self" object.
UINT4 obj_id
UINT2 prop_id
Stack for non-code property values: No change.
Stack for code property values: ... → ... propid(prop_id) object(obj_id) defining_object object(obj_id) enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc=0 enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Evaluate a property of a specific object: proceed in the same manner as GETPROP, but rather than popping the target value whose property is to be evaluated from the stack, use obj_id.
This operation is not strictly necessary, since the same effect could be obtained with a combination of PUSHOBJ and GETPROP; however, since evaluating a property of a specific object is a common operation, many programs will derive code size and execution time reductions from the use of this single instruction.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT4 obj_id
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ... argumentN ... argument1 propid(prop_id) object(obj_id) defining_object object(obj_id) enclosing_code_offset enclosing_EP argc enclosing_FP local1=nil ... localN=nil
Call a method of a specific object: proceed in the same manner as CALLPROP, but rather than popping the object whose method is to be called from the stack, use obj_id.
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as GETPROP
This operation is the same as GETPROP, except that GETPROPDATA does not allow any side effects. In particular, if the property value has type code offset or double-quoted string, throw an error (BAD_SPEC_EVAL). So, to execute this operation, first check the property's datatype, throwing an error if the datatype is not allowed, then proceed as though performing a GETPROP operation.
If the target value target_val (see GETPROP) is not an object value, throw BAD_SPEC_EVAL, because evaluating a property of a native type requires execution of native code, which is not allowed during speculative evaluation.
This operation is used in place of GETPROP when the compiler generates code in "speculative evaluation" mode, which the debugger uses to evaluate certain expressions automatically (without the user specifically asking). For example, a GUI debugger implementation may attempt to parse text near the mouse cursor when the user holds the mouse cursor in one place for a few moments, then speculatively evaluate the expression represented by the text; since the debugger is attempting this evaluation as a convenience for the user, rather than in response to a direct request from the user, it would be highly undesirable for the evaluation to cause any side effects. So, the debugger uses this opcode instead of the normal GETPROP when compiling such an expression, ensuring that the evaluation will abort (with a BAD_SPEC_EVAL error) rather than cause an unwanted side effect.
No operands.
Stack: same as PTRGETPROP
Pop the property ID value from the stack, calling this value prop. Pop the target value from the stack, calling this value target_val. Proceed in the same manner as GETPROPDATA, using prop as the property to evaluate rather than immediate data.
UBYTE local_number
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as GETPROPSELF
Evaluates the given property, taking the value of the local variable local_number as the target object. This instruction behaves like GETPROP, except that rather than popping the target object from the top of the stack, we take the value of the given local variable as the target object. Leaves the value in register R0.
UBYTE arg_count
UBYTE local_number
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as CALLPROPSELF
Calls the given property, taking the value of the local variable local_number as the target object. This instruction behaves like CALLPROP, except that rather than popping the target object from the top of the stack, we take the value of the given local variable as the target object. Leaves the value in register R0.
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as GETPROPSELF
Evaluates the given property, taking the value in register R0 as the target object. This instruction behaves like GETPROP, except that rather than popping the target object from the top of the stack, we take the value in register R0 as the target object. Leaves the value in register R0.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as CALLPROPSELF
Calls the given property, taking the value of register R0 as the target object. This instruction behaves like CALLPROP, except that rather than popping the target object from the top of the stack, we take the value of register R0 as the target object. Leaves the value in register R0.
INHERIT (0x72)
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as CALLPROP
Inherit the given property from the appropriate superclass of the object that defines the currently executing code. Obtain the defining object from the activation frame; find the inherited property using the "inherit property" method of the defining object. Proceed in the same manner as CALLPROP, using the inherited property's value, and retaining the current "self" object as the new "self" object if calling code.
Inheriting a property works by using the same algorithm as we would use to find the property for the GETPROP instruction, but acting as though the definition from the current defining object (and all overriding definitions) were never defined.
Note that the target_object element of the stack frame is not affected by this operation. This operation differs from regular GETPROP-type instructions and from DELEGATE-type instructions in that it leaves both self and target_object unchanged.
UBYTE arg_count
Stack: same as PTRCALLPROP
Pop the property pointer value from the top of the stack, calling this value prop_id. Proceed in the same manner as INHERIT, using the prop_id value obtained from the stack rather than reading the property ID from immediate data.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
UINT4 obj_id
Stack: same as OBJCALLPROP
Inherit the given property from the object given by obj_id. Process this essentially the same as CALLPROP, but rather than using the target object (in this case, obj_id) as the "self" object in any code executed as a result of this evaluation, retain the current "self" object.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT4 obj_id
Stack: same as EXPINHERIT, but with the added prop_id initial parameter
Pop the property pointer value from the top of the stack, calling this value prop_id. Proceed in the same manner as EXPINHERIT, using the prop_id value obtained from the stack rather than reading the property ID from immediate data.
VARARGC (0x76)
No operands.
Stack: Not applicable.
This is not an instruction, but rather an instruction modifier. This opcode must immediately precede one of the following instructions:
- NEW1
- NEW2
This opcode modifies the following opcode so that the actual parameter count for the following instruction is taken from the stack rather than from immediate data encoded into the instruction. To execute this opcode, remove the top value from the stack; if it is not a number, throw a run-time error (NUM_VAL_REQD). Check the following instruction to ensure it is one of the instructions listed above; if it is not, throw an error (INVALID_OPCODE_MOD). Skip the byte containing the instruction opcode, and also skip the byte containing the immediate data argument counter (all of the above instructions encode the argument count as one byte immediately following the opcode byte). Finally, execute the instruction exactly as normal, but using the integer value from the stack as the argument counter.
Note to debugger implementors: Because this is a modifier, a debugger should consider this opcode and the following opcode as a single instruction for the purposes of single-stepping and setting breakpoints. It is not legal to set a breakpoint at the modified instruction, since that is effectively the middle of this instruction. Any breakpoint must be set at the modifier byte itself.
UBYTE arg_count
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: same as CALLPROP
Delegate the given property call to the object at top of stack (target_val in the CALLPROP stack parameter listing). Proceed in the same manner as CALLPROP, except that the current "self" object is retained as the callee's "self" object.
Note that the target_object element of the activation frame in the invoked method should be the target of the DELEGATE. This instruction differs from GETPROP-type instructions in that it leaves self unchanged; it differs from INHERIT-type instructions in that it does change target_object.
Remarks: This method allows the program to call a method in a related or unrelated object as though it were a method of 'self'. This can be used for explicit delegation of a method call to another object, and can also be used by compilers to implement a custom inheritance model. Suppose that the source language treated all methods as static, and required the 'self' object to be passed explicitly as the first parameter of each method call; in such a language, a normal method call would look like this:
result = targetObject::method(targetObject, arg1, arg2);
In such a language, the DELEGATE instruction would allow the implementation of a call like this:
result = targetObject::method(self, arg1, arg2);
UBYTE arg_count
Stack: same as PTRCALLPROP
Pop the property pointer value from the top of the stack, calling this value prop_id. Proceed in the same manner as DELEGATE, using the prop_id value obtained from the stack rather than reading the property ID from immediate data.
SWAP2 (0x7A)
No operands.
Stack: ... val4 val3 val2 val1 → ... val2 val1 val4 val3
Remove the top four elements from the stack, calling them in order of removal val1, val2, val3, and val4. Push, in order, val2, val1, val4, val3. This has the effect of swapping the top pair of elements with the next pair of elements on the stack.
SWAPN (0x7A)
UBYTE idx1
UBYTE idx2
Stack: see notes
Swap the stack elements at indices idx1 and idx2. These are offsets from the current top of stack; index 0 is the top element, 1 is the second element from the top, and so on. If the indices are 0 and 1, this has the same effect as the SWAP instruction.
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... value_of_argument
Push the contents of the actual parameter at the parameter index implicit in the opcode (parameter 0 for GETARGN0, etc). Index 0 is the first parameter in the frame, 1 is the second, and so on; since parameters are pushed in right-to-left (i.e., last-to-first) order, the first explicit parameter is immediately after the "self" implicit parameter in the stack.
These instructions are for optimization; they're otherwise redundant with GETARG1. A zero-opcode instruction such as these can usually be implemented to be slightly faster than a one-operand instruction such as GETARG1. Although the speed advantage is slight per instruction, it can add up to significant improvement in throughput: GETARG-type opcodes are among the most frequently executed in a typical program, and most of these refer to the first few parameters.
GETLCL1 (0x80)
UBYTE local_number
Stack: ... → ... value_of_local
Push the contents of the local variable at index local_number. Index 0 is the first local variable, 1 is the second, and so on. Since local_number is an unsigned 8-bit quantity, this instruction can only be used to retrieve the first 256 local variables (index values 0 through 255).
GETLCL2 (0x81)
UINT2 local_number
Stack: ... → ... value_of_local
Push the contents of the local variable at index local_number. Index 0 is the first local variable, 1 is the second, and so on. Since local_number is an unsigned 16-bit quantity, this instruction can be used to retrieve any local variable up to index value 65535.
GETARG1 (0x82)
UBYTE param_number
Stack: ... → ... value_of_argument
Push the contents of the actual parameter at index param_number. Index 0 is the first parameter, 1 is the second, and so on; since parameters are pushed in right-to-left (i.e., last-to-first) order, the first explicit parameter is immediately after the "self" implicit parameter in the stack. This instruction's operand is an 8-bit unsigned value and hence is limited to retrieving the first 256 parameters (index values 0 through 255).
GETARG2 (0x83)
UINT2 param_number
Stack: ... → ... value_of_argument
Push the contents of the actual parameter at index param_number. The param_number operand is given as an unsigned 16-bit value, hence it can retrieve any parameter up to index value 65535.
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... self
Push the current "self" object. This is the object invoked (in combination with the target property) to reach the current code; the value is found in the activation frame.
UINT2 local_number
UINT2 stack_level
Stack: ... → ... value_of_local
Get a debugger local: push the value of the given local variable at the given stack level onto the stack. This instruction is similar to GETLCL2, but rather than retrieving a value from the active stack frame, this instruction retrieves a value from the given stack frame. A stack_level value of 0 indicates the last active non-debug stack frame, 1 is the first enclosing frame (i.e., the frame that called the last active non-debug stack frame), 2 is the next enclosing frame (the frame that called level 1), and so on.
The "last active non-debug" frame is simply the first enclosing frame of the active frame. The current active stack frame, which is executing the GETDBLCL instruction, is a "debug" frame because it is created by the debugger (it is not otherwise special - we draw this distinction only to clarify how this instruction works). Debug frames cannot be nested (hence the debugger can never be invoked recursively). So, the first frame enclosing the active (debug) frame is always the last active non-debug frame. So, a stack_level of 0 is the first frame enclosing the active (debug) frame.
If the given frame doesn't exist (i.e., stack_level is too large), throw an error (BAD_FRAME).
UINT2 param_number
UINT2 stack_level
Stack: ... → ... value_of_param
Get a debugger argument. This instruction works the same way as GETDBLCL, but retrieves a parameter variable in the given stack frame rather than a local variable.
GETARGC (0x87)
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... argc
Get the current function's actual parameter count. Retrieve the argument counter from the current stack frame, and push the value as an integer. Note that the argument counter does not include the implicit "self" argument to an object method.
DUP (0x88)
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ... val val
Get the value on top of the stack (without removing it), and push another copy of the same value. This instruction simply duplicates the top element on the stack, which is often convenient for compilers when generating code involving an intermediate result that is needed more than once in the course of an evaluation.
DISC (0x89)
No operands.
Stack: ... val → ...
Remove the top element of the stack and discard the value. This operation is useful for the compiler in cases where the result of an intermediate calculation is not needed but is left on the stack anyway (for example, when evaluating an expression merely to trigger the side effects of the evaluation).
DISC1 (0x8A)
UBYTE count
Stack: ... val1 val2 ... val[count] → ...
Remove the top count elements of the stack and discard the values. This operation is useful for the compiler in cases where the result of an intermediate calculation is not needed but is left on the stack anyway (for example, when evaluating an expression merely to trigger the side effects of the evaluation).
GETR0 (0x8B)
No Operands
Stack: ... → ... r0-value
Push the contents of data register 0 (R0) onto the stack.
UINT2 stack_level
Stack: ... → ... argc
Get the actual parameter count from the given stack level. Retrieve the argument counter from the selected stack frame, and push the value as an integer. Note that the argument counter does not include the implicit "self" argument to an object method.
The stack_level value selects the enclosing stack frame from which to retrieve the argument count in the same manner as it does for the GETDBLCL instruction.
SWAP (0x8D)
No operands.
Stack: ... val2 val1 → ... val1 val2
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val1. Remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val2. Push val1, then push val2. This instruction simply exchanges the order of the top two elements of the stack.
UBYTE element
Stack: ... → ... value
This instruction pushes one element of the current method context onto the stack. The element to be pushed is indicated by the element code:
- 1: Target property. This is the property that was invoked to call the current method; this is stored in the activation frame.
- 2: Original target object. This is the object that was originally targeted by the instruction that called the current method. This is not necessarily the "self" object, because "self" is left unchanged by the various DELEGATE instructions, which set the original target object to their object operand. This is not necessarily the "defining object," because the original target object might have inherited the method from one of its superclasses. This is stored in the activation frame.
- 3: Defining object. This is the object that was actually found to contain the current method when the method was invoked. This is not necessarily the same as "self" or the original target object, because the defining object reflects the binding of the method currently being executed. This is stored in the activation frame.
- 4: Invokee. This is the object that was invoked to reach the
current function. This is one of the following:
- For a call to a static function or a variable containing a function pointer, this is the function pointer.
- For a call to an object method containing a code offset value (i.e., an execute-on-evaluate function pointer), this is a function pointer to the same code offset.
- For a call to an anonymous function, this is the AnonFunc object.
- For a call to a dynamic function, this is the DynamicFunc object.
DUP2 (0x8F)
No operands.
Stack: ... val2 val1 → ... val2 val2 val2 val2
Get the two values at the top of the stack (without removing them), and push another copy of each value, in the same order as they already appear on the stack. This instruction simply duplicates the top two elements of the stack. This is sometimes necessary for performing compound assignment operations (e.g., "a += b"), since it allows the compiler to evaluate elements of the lvalue only once. Evaluating the lvalue twice (once to retrieve its old value and once to assign its new value) must be avoided in some cases where side effects could occur in the repeated evaluation (consider, for example, "a[i++] += b").
SWITCH (0x90)
UINT2 case_count
INT2 default_branch_offset
Stack: ... val → ...
Each case_x operand consists of a DATA_HOLDER value case_val_x, followed by an INT2 branch offset value case_branch_x. The operand case_count gives the number of case_x operands in the table.
Pop the value at top of stack, calling this value val. Initialize a counter to zero, and initialize a pointer p to the address of case_1. Iterate through the following steps; after each iteration, increase the counter by 1, and increase the pointer by the size of a data holder. Terminate the loop when the counter equals case_count. On each iteration, compare val to the data holder to which p points; if the values are equal, branch to the offset in the INT2 value immediately following the data holder value at p and resume execution.
If the entire array of case_x entries is exhausted without finding a match for val, branch to the offset in default_branch_offset.
Each offset value (including the case_branch_x values and the default_branch_offset value) is given as a signed 16-bit integer which, when added to the physical memory address of the first byte of the INT2 giving the offset, yields the physical address of the first instruction to execute at the branch location. So, if p points to a case_x value, the physical address of the instruction to which to branch if the case_val_x value matches val is given by (p + 5 + case_branch_x), because the case_branch_x value is at offset 5 within the case_x entry (since it immediately follows the 5-byte data holder). Similarly, if p points to the default_branch_offset operand, the physical address of the next instruction for the default case is given by (p + default_branch_offset).
JMP (0x91)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: unchanged
Unconditionally branch to the given offset from the current code pointer. The offset is relative to the address of branch_offset itself, so, if the physical address pointer p points to the branch_offset operand, the physical address of the next instruction to execute is given by (p + branch_offset).
JT (0x92)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val → ...
Remove the top element from the stack. If the value is true, or a number with a non-zero value, jump to the given branch offset. If the value is nil or a number with the value zero, do nothing. If the value has any other type, jump to the given branch offset (in other words, any type of value other than nil/true or an integer is considered true).
JF (0x93)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val → ...
Remove the top element from the stack. If the value is nil or a number with the value zero, jump to the given branch offset. Otherwise, do nothing.
Note that we consider any other value to be a legal "non-false" value and do not branch. Do not throw an error regardless of the type of the value.
JE (0x94)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 is equal to val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the EQ instruction.
JNE (0x95)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 is not equal to val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the EQ instruction.
JGT (0x96)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 compares greater than val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
JGE (0x97)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 compares greater than or equal to val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
JLT (0x98)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 compares less than val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
JLE (0x99)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val1 val2 → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val2; remove the next element from the stack, calling the value val1. If val1 compares less than or equal to val2, jump to the given branch offset.
Perform the comparison using the same rules as the LT instruction.
JST (0x9A)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack if val is true: ... val → val
Stack if val is not true: ... val → ...
Inspect the top value on the stack. If the value is nil, or has the numeric value zero, simply discard the top element of the stack. If the value is anything other than nil or zero, jump to the branch offset.
Compiler note: This instruction's mnemonic means "jump and save if true." This instruction is useful for implementing a "short-circuit" logical OR operator (in other words, a binary OR operator that evalutes only its left operand if the left operand is true). To generate code for a short-circuit OR operator, generate code to evaluate the left operand, then generate a JST instruction that jumps to the end of the expression evaluation code, and finally generate the code to evaluate the right operand. This will bypass the code evaluating the right operand if the first operand is true, and will leave the value true on the stack; otherwise, it will discard the result of evaluating the first operand and leave the result of evaluating the second operand on the stack.
JSF (0x9B)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack if val is nil or zero: ... val → val
Stack if val is anything else: ... val → ...
Inspect the top value on the stack. If the value is nil or the numeric value zero, jump to the branch offset. If the value is true, discard the top element of the stack. In any other case, simply discard the top element of the stack.
Note that we consider any value other than nil or zero to be a valid "non-false" value. Do not throw an error regardless of the type of the value.
Compiler note: This instruction's mnemonic means "jump and save if false." This instruction is useful for implementing a "short-circuit" logical AND operator (in other words, a binary AND operator that evalutes only its left operand if the left operand is false). To generate code for a short-circuit AND operator, generate code to evaluate the left operand, then generate a JSF instruction that jumps to the end of the expression evaluation code, and finally generate the code to evaluate the right operand. This will bypass the code evaluating the right operand if the first operand is nil, and will leave the value nil on the stack; otherwise, it will discard the result of evaluating the first operand and leave the result of evaluating the second operand on the stack.
LJSR (0x9C)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... → ... int(return_address)
Push the address of the start of the next instruction (i.e., the byte immediately following the branch_offset operand) onto the stack. Branch unconditionally to branch_offset by adding that value to the current program counter.
This instruction's mnemonic stands for Local Jump to Sub-Routine. This purpose of the instruction is to perform a lightweight subroutine call that transfers to code within the same method, with the ability to return to the caller at a later time, via the LRET instruction.
Compiler note: This instruction is particularly useful for generating code for the finally clause of a try block. A finally block must typically be executed in several separate code paths: catching an otherwise unhandled exception, explicitly jumping out of the try block through a break, continue, or goto statement, exiting the method with return within the try block, or simply falling off the end of the block. A compiler can use the LJSR to temporarily jump to the finally block at each of these transfer points.
Implementation note: the return_adress value pushed on the stack can be in any representation. The original MJR-T3 reference implementation used an integer representing the byte offset from the current entry pointer; later versions (3.1+) use a native byte pointer instead. The value can only be used by the LRET instruction, so the representation can be anything that LJSR and LRET agree on.
LRET (0x9D)
INT2 local_variable_number
Stack: No change.
Retrieve the value of the local variable specified by local_variable_number. This value must be in the correct format defined by the implementation for the return_address value pushed by an LJSR instruction; throw an error if not. Transfer control unconditionally to the address.
This instruction's mnemonic stands for Local Return. This instruction is the complement of the LJSR instruction, and is used to return from a local subroutine invoked with that instruction.
Compiler Note: LJSR pushes a value on the stack, but LRET retrieves a value from a local variable. The target of an LJSR instruction should normally store the value at the top of the stack into a local (using a SETLCL1 or SETLCL2 instruction) for later retrieval with LRET. The LJSR pushes a value onto the stack so that the caller can call the target without knowledge of the target's local variable usage; the LRET retrieves its value from a local to avoid complicating stack management by requiring that the local subroutine maintain the return address as a temporary stack value throughout its execution.
This instruction is particularly useful for compiling a try block with a finally clause, since simplifies generating the code necessary to invoke the finally block from each of the several code paths that normally must invoke the finally block.
Implementation note: the datatype of the return address value is up to the implementation to define in LJSR. This instruction must simply complement LJSR by consuming the value produced there.
JNIL (0x9E)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val. If val is nil, jump to the given branch offset.
Note that this instruction branches only on nil. Unlike JF, this instruction does not branch on a zero integer value.
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: ... val → ...
Remove the top element from the stack, calling the value val. If val is not nil, jump to the given branch offset.
Note that this instruction branches for any non-nil value. Unlike JT, this instruction branches even on a zero integer value.
JR0T (0xA0)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: No change.
If the value in register R0 is anything other than nil or the integer value zero, jump to the given branch offset; otherwise, do nothing. This instruction has the same branch condition as JT, but branches on the value in register R0 rather than the top-of-stack value.
JR0F (0xA1)
INT2 branch_offset
Stack: No change.
If the value in register R0 is nil or the integer value zero, jump to the given branch offset; otherwise, do nothing. This instruction has the same branch condition as JF, but branches on the value in register R0 rather than the top-of-stack value.
UBYTE index
Stack: ... → ... stack[index]
Retrieve the stack value at index index and push it onto the stack. The existing element at index isn't affected; its value is merely copied into a newly pushed stack element. The top of stack is at index 0; the second from top is at index 1; and so on. If index is zero, this instruction has the same effect as DUP.
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... value_of_local
Push the contents of the local variable at the index implicit in the opcode (e.g., local number 0 for GETLCLN0). Index 0 is the first local variable in the current frame, 1 is the second, and so on.
These instructions are for optimization; they're otherwise redundant with GETLCL1. A zero-opcode instruction such as these can usually be implemented to be slightly faster than a one-operand instruction such as GETLCL1. Although the speed advantage is slight per instruction, it can add up to significant improvement in throughput: GETLCL-type opcodes are among the most frequently executed in a typical program, and most of these refer to the first few local variables.
SAY (0xB0)
UINT4 offset
Stack: same as CALL with one argument
Push a string value with the given constant pool offset, then invoke the default string display function in the same manner as for a CALL instruction with one argument. If a default string display function is not defined, throw an error (SAY_IS_NOT_DEFINED).
If there is an active "self" object (i.e., the currently executing code is a method, not a stand-alone function), and a default string display method is defined, and the active "self" object defines or inherits the default string display method, call the default string display method, in the same manner as a CALLPROPSELF instruction, rather than the default string display function.
UBYTE argc
UBYTE func_index
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ...
Invoke the built-in function at index func_index in one of the first four function sets in the function set dependency table: function set 0 (BUILTIN_A), 1 (BUILTIN_B), 2 (BUILTIN_C), or 3 (BUILTIN_D). The index of the first function in the function set is 0. These instructions each use a one-byte function index within the function set, so these instructions may only be used for the first 256 functions in each function set.
These instructions are redundant with BUILTIN1, but are included in the instruction set to allow for smaller code for the typically frequent operation of calling an intrinsic function. Four separate instructions are provided so that calls to functions from up to four instruction sets can be efficiently coded; it is anticipated that most programs will rely on a small number of intrinsic function sets for their most common operations, so four such instructions will probably allow efficient instruction encoding for most programs.
Note that the built-in function will store its return value, if any, in data register 0 (R0), just as a byte-code function would.
UBYTE argc
UBYTE func_index
UBYTE set_index
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ...
Invoke the built-in function at index func_index in the function set at index set_index. The index of the first function in the function set is 0; the index of the first function set is 0.
Note that the built-in function will store its return value, if any, in data register 0 (R0), just as a byte-code function would.
UBYTE argc
UINT2 func_index
UBYTE set_index
Stack: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ...
Invoke the built-in function at index func_index in the function set at index set_index. The index of the first function in the function set is 0; the index of the first function set is 0.
Note that the built-in function will store its return value, if any, in data register 0 (R0), just as a byte-code function would.
Deprecated. This opcode was reserved for future use for a potential VM feature that would invoke external (dynamically linked) user-defined native code. As of TADS 3.1 that feature is explicitly not in the plan.
THROW (0xB8)
No operands.
Stack: ... object(exception_obj) → ... object(exception_obj)
Note: this instruction will unwind the stack to the nearest enclosing frame that contains a handler for the exception, so the stack after the instruction is completed may look as though several RET instructions had been executed.
Pop the top element of the stack, calling this exception_obj. If this value is not of type object, throw an error (OBJ_VAL_REQD). Otherwise, handle the exception as described in the VM specification section on exceptions.
To summarize, the VM searches the exception table of the current stack frame for a suitable handler; if a suitable handler is not found, the VM unwinds the stack to the previous frame, as though returning from the current function, then searches that frame, repeating this process until a handler is found. Once a handler is found, the VM pushes the exception object back onto the stack (it must be popped at the start of the search and re-pushed at the end of the search because of the possibility of unwinding the stack during the search), then control is transferred to the code offset defined by the exception handler.
No operands.
Stack: same as CALL with one argument
Invoke the default string display function in the same manner as for a CALL instruction with one argument. If a default string display function is not defined, throw an error (SAY_IS_NOT_DEFINED).
If there is an active "self" object (i.e., the currently executing code is a method, not a stand-alone function), and a default string display method is defined, and the active "self" object defines or inherits the default string display method, call the default string display method, in the same manner as a CALLPROPSELF instruction, rather than the default string display function.
This instruction is similar to SAY, but invokes the default string display function with the value already on top of the stack.
No operands.
Stack: ... val index_val → ... (val[index_val])
Pop the value at the top of the stack, and call this value index_val. Pop the next value on the stack, and call this value val. Check the type of val:
- If val is of type list constant, check the type of index_val; if the value is not numeric, throw an error (NUM_VAL_REQD). Otherwise, convert the value to an integer. Check the value to ensure that it's in the range 1 to the number of elements in the constant list, inclusive; throw an error (INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE) if not. Get the item at the given index in the list (1 refers to the first element, 2 to the second element, and so on), and push this value onto the stack.
- If val is of type object, call the object's virtual (metaclass) "index value" method, and push the resulting value onto the stack. If the metaclass doesn't define the operator, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator []".
- If val is of any other type, throw an error (CANNOT_INDEX_TYPE).
UBYTE local_number
UBYTE index_val
Stack: ... → ... local_variable[index_val]
Check the type of the local variable given by local_number:
- If the local variable's value is of type list constant, check index_val to ensure that it's in the range 1 to the number of elements in the constant list, inclusive; throw an error (INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE) if not. Get the item at the given index in the list (1 refers to the first element, 2 to the second element, and so on), and push this value onto the stack.
- If the local's value is of type object, call the object's virtual (metaclass) "index value" method, and push the resulting value onto the stack. If the metaclass doesn't define the method, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator []".
- If the local is of any other type, throw an error (CANNOT_INDEX_TYPE).
Note: This instruction is similar to INDEX, but specifically indexes a local variable with a given constant integer value. This instruction results in a more compact encoding than would be possible with the more general INDEX instruction, and is likely to result in faster execution because of the reduced number of instructions to achieve the same effect.
UBYTE index_val
Stack: ... val → ... val[index_val]
Perform the same work as the INDEX instruction, except that rather than obtaining the index value from the stack, take it as the integer value given by index_val.
NEW1 (0xC0)
UBYTE arg_count
UBYTE metaclass_id
Stack without byte-code constructor: ... argumentN ... argument1 → ...
Stack with byte-code constructor: same as CALLPROP, possibly with a subset of the arguments passed to the byte-code constructor, and the new object as self.
Create a new object of the metaclass identified by the metaclass_id, passing to the metaclass constructor the argument count. The metaclass constructor will read and remove arguments from the stack and initialize the object appropriately. Store a reference to the resulting object in data register 0 (R0).
Some types of metaclass will invoke a byte-code constructor for the new object. If the object invokes a byte-code constructor, this instruction sets up a stack frame for the constructor in the same manner as for any other function call; the exact protocol is defined by the metaclass. For example, the TADS Object metaclass uses the first argument to identify the new object's superclass, and invokes the new object's "construct" method, passing the remaining arguments as parameters to the method.
New objects need not initially be explicitly marked as referenced, even if a byte-code constructor is called. In the event that garbage collection takes place during execution of the byte-code constructor, the object will be reachable through the stack (since the new object will be the "self" object for the purposes of the constructor) and hence will not be deleted during garbage collection. In any other case, the new object will be stored in register R0 by the metaclass constructor and will thus be reachable.
The VM will store a reference to the new object in data register 0 (R0) after this instruction. This means that, if no byte-code constructor is invoked, this instruction will look to the caller as though it had a return value equal to a reference to the new object.
The metaclass_id value does not directly identify the metaclass, but is simply an index into the metaclass dependency table. The image file contains the metaclass dependency table, which establishes the correspondence between the metaclass_id index value and the actual metaclass, which the table identifies by a universally unique metaclass name. Refer to the metaclass ID list for more information on the metaclass dependency table.
Compiler note: A byte-code constructor must return the "self" object. Compilers must take care to generate byte-code for constructors accordingly.
NEW2 (0xC1)
UINT2 arg_count
UINT2 metaclass_id
Stack: same as NEW1
This instruction performs the same operation as NEW1, but provides 16-bit values for the metaclass_id and arg_count values. This form of the instruction can be used when one or both of these operands exceeds the 8-bit capacity of NEW1.
TRNEW1 (0xC2)
UBYTE arg_count
UBYTE metaclass_id
Stack: same as NEW1
This instruction performs the same operation as NEW1, but the object created is transient.
TRNEW2 (0xC3)
UINT2 arg_count
UINT2 metaclass_id
Stack: same as NEW1
This instruction performs the same operation as NEW2, but the object created is transient.
UINT2 local_number
Stack: No change.
Adds the integer 1 to the local variable at index local_number, using the same semantics as the ADD instruction. This instruction is intended as an optimization, especially for the case where the local contains an integer value; implementations are encouraged to check for this case and apply the increment in-place if doing so would be faster.
NEW2 (0xC1)
UINT2 arg_count
UINT2 metaclass_id
Stack: same as NEW1
UINT2 local_number
Stack: No change.
Subtracts the integer 1 from the local variable at index local_number, using the same semantics as the SUB instruction. This instruction is intended as an optimization, especially for the case where the local contains an integer value; implementations are encouraged to check for this case and apply the decrement in-place if doing so would be faster.
UBYTE local_number
Stack: No change.
Compute the result of adding val, a signed integer, to the value in the local variable at index local_number, using the same algorithm that the ADD instruction uses. Assign the result to the local variable at index local_number.
UINT2 local_number
INT4 val
Stack: No change.
Compute the result of adding val, a signed integer, to the value in the local variable at index local_number, using the same algorithm that the ADD instruction uses. Assign the result to the local variable at index local_number.
UINT2 local_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Compute the result of adding val to the value in the local variable at index local_number, using the same algorithm that the ADD instruction uses. Assign the result to the local variable at index local_number.
UINT2 local_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Compute the result of subtracting val from the value in the local variable at index local_number, using the same algorithm that the SUB instruction uses. Assign the result to the local variable at index local_number.
UBYTE local_number
Stack: No change.
UINT2 local_number
Stack: No change.
NILLCL1 (0xD8)
UBYTE local_number
Stack: No change.
NILLCL2 (0xD9)
UINT2 local_number
Stack: No change.
UBYTE local_number
Stack: No change.
Sets the given local to the numeric value 1.
UINT2 local_number
Stack: No change.
Sets the given local to the numeric value 1.
SETLCL1 (0xE0)
UBYTE local_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Store the value in the local variable at index local_number.
SETLCL2 (0xE1)
UINT2 local_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Store the value in the local variable at index local_number.
SETARG1 (0xE2)
UBYTE arg_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Store the value in the parameter variable at index arg_number.
SETARG2 (0xE3)
UINT2 arg_number
Stack: ... val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value val. Store the value in the parameter variable at index arg_number.
No operands.
Stack: ... newval container_val index_val → ... new_container_val
Pop the top element from the stack, calling the value index_val. Pop the next element from the stack, calling the value container_val. Pop the next element from the stack, calling the value newval. Check the type of container_val:
- If container_val is of type list constant, check the type of index_val; if the value is not numeric, throw an error (NUM_VAL_REQD), otherwise convert the value to an integer. Check the value to ensure that it's in the range 1 to the number of elements in the constant list, inclusive; throw an error (INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE) if not. Create a new list object in which the element at index index_val (1 refers to the first element) from the original list is replaced by newval, and the other elements have the same values as their corresponding elements in the original list. Push the resulting object.
- If container_val is of type object, invoke the object's virtual (metaclass) "set value at index" method, passing index_val and newval as parameters. Push the result. If the metaclass doesn't define a set-index method, try operator overloading with the imported property symbol "operator []=".
- If container_val is of any other type, throw an error (CANNOT_INDEX_TYPE).
Compiler note: This instruction does only part of the job of compiling an assignment to an indexed value. Consider this code in the TADS language:
local x; x = [1 2 3 4]; x[1] = 5;
The final statement sets element 1 of the list in local variable x to the value 5. Because assignment to a list element does not actually change the original list value but creates a new list, compiling this statement requires two steps: first, the new list with the modified element is created; second, the new list is assigned to x. So, to compile this statement, the following sequence should be generated, assuming that x is local variable #1:
pushint8 5 ; push the new value to assign to the element getlcl1 1 ; get the value of x (local variable #1) push_1 ; push the index value setind ; create and push the modified list value setlcl1 1 ; assign the resulting value back to x
Note the order of the stack parameters. The new value to assign to the element is popped last, hence pushed first. In some languages (including the TADS language), the result of an assignment expression is the value assigned. The order of the stack parameters to this instruction facilitates this by allowing the compiler to duplicate the new value on the stack after first pushing it, so that after the sequence of instructions for carrying out the assignment, one copy of the assigned value will remain on the stack for use in the enclosing expression. In the example above, inserting a DUP instruction immediately after the PUSHINT8 5 instruction would accomplish this.
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... new_val object(obj) → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling the value obj. Pop the next element of the stack, calling it new_val. Check that obj is of type object; throw an error (OBJ_VAL_REQD) if it's not. Set the property prop_id of the object obj to the new value new_val, using the object's virtual "set property" method.
Compiler note: The new value parameter is the last item popped from the stack (hence the first pushed) so that the compiler can duplicate this value after originally pushing it if it's necessary to use the value again (for example, as the result of an assignment expression).
No operands.
Stack: ... new_val object(obj) propid(prop_id) → ...
Pop the top element off the stack, calling the value prop_id. Pop the next element off the stack, calling this obj. Pop the next element off the stack, calling this value new_val. If prop_id is not of type property ID, throw an error (PROPPTR_VAL_REQD). Proceed as with SETPROP, using the prop_id value from the stack rather than from immediate data.
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... new_val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling this value new_val. Proceed as with SETPROP, but use the "self" object rather than popping an object from the stack.
UINT4 obj
UINT2 prop_id
Stack: ... new_val → ...
Pop the top element of the stack, calling this value new_val. Proceed as with SETPROP, but use the object obj from the immediate data rather than popping an object from the stack.
UINT2 local_number
UINT2 stack_level
Stack: ... val → ...
Set a debugger local: pop the top element of the stack, and store it in the given local variable at the given stack level. This instruction is similar to SETLCL2, but rather than storing a value in a local in the active stack frame, this instruction stores a value in the given stack frame. A stack_level value of 0 indicates the last active non-debug stack frame, 1 is the first enclosing frame (i.e., the frame that called the last active non-debug stack frame), 2 is the next enclosing frame (the frame that called level 1), and so on. Note that if stack_level is 0, this has exactly the same effect as a SETLCL2 instruction.
Refer to the GETDBLCL instruction for details on what stack_level means.
UINT2 param_number
UINT2 stack_level
Stack: ... val → ...
Set a debugger argument. This instruction works the same way as SETDBLCL, but stores the value in a parameter variable in the given stack frame rather than in a local variable.
No operands.
Stack: ... objval → ...
Pop the top element of the stack. If the value is not nil or an object reference, throw an error (OBJ_VAL_REQD). Otherwise, set the "self" local variable in the current frame to the given value.
No operands.
Stack: ... ctx_value → ...
Pop the top element of the stack. Interpret the value as a stored method context, as created by STORECTX. Copy the values from the stored context into the current activation frame. This instruction allows code to re-establish a method context that was previously in effect.
No operands.
Stack: ... → ... ctx_value
Create a "stored method context" and push its value onto the stack. The method context consists of the current "self" object, the current "original target object" value, the current "defining object" value, and the current "target property" value.
The format for representing the stored context is left to the implementation, but the a couple of requirements must be met. First, the values must be stored in such a way that they can be restored later with LOADCTX (this is, in fact, the only defined way for a program to use the stored context). Second, the values must be stored in such a way that the referenced objects are recognized by the garbage collector as reachable as long as the context object itself is reachable. Third, the values must be stored so that they are properly handled for saving state, restoring state, and undo. A suggested implementation that meets these requirements is to create a List object and populate its elements with the method context values.
UBYTE local_number
Stack: No change.
Takes the value in register R0, and stores the value in the local variable at index local_number.
UBYTE local_number UBYTE index_val
Stack: ... newval → ...
This instruction behaves like SETIND, except that container_val is taken from the local variable indicated by local_number, and index_val is the integer given by index_val. newval is still taken from the stack (and is the only value taken from the stack in this instruction). Given these value substitutions, perform the same steps as performed by SETIND; however, at the final step, do not push the resulting new container value (new_container_val) onto the stack, but instead assign new_container_val to the local variable in local_number.
This instruction can be used for a more efficient encoding of an operation that assigns a value to an indexed element of the value in a local variable when the index is a small integer constant.
BP (0xF1)
No operands.
Stack: No change.
Breakpoint. This instruction is included for the convenience of debugging tools. When the VM encounters this instruction, it will invoke the debugger's main entrypoint, if a debugger is active. If a debugger is not present, the VM throws an exception (BREAKPOINT) upon executing this instruction.
Compilers do not usually generate this instruction. Instead, debuggers use this instruction to replace an actual instruction in a method at the point where the debugger wishes to take control (usually chosen by an interactive user: the user points to a location in the source code at which to place a breakpoint, and the debugger resolves this source location to a byte code location). The debugger saves the original instruction in its own records, then overwrites the original instruction with the BP instruction. The debugger then allows the VM to execute the program. When the VM executes the BP instruction, it calls the debugger; the debugger find the breakpoint based on the byte code location, and might allow the user to inspect the machine state (such as local variables and object properties) before resuming execution. The debugger must restore the original instruction (which was overwritten with the BP instruction) before proceeding. (If the debugger wishes to re-establish the breakpoint, it must do this in a series of steps: restore the original instruction; step through a single instruction, to execute the original instruction; overwrite the original instruction again with the BP instruction, saving the original once again; and resume execution.)
NOP (0xF2)
No operands.
Stack: No change.
NOP = "No Operation"; this instruction has no effect. This opcode is included in the instruction set for the convenience of compilers and other tools that might need to insert padding into a byte code sequence. This instruction provides a single byte of padding; it can always be inserted immediately before any other instruction without changing the meaning of a byte code sequence.
Index to Instructions, Alphabetically by Mnemonic
Index to Instructions, Arranged by Category
Bitwise Operations
Logical Operations
Intrinsic Function Calls
External Function Calls
Function Calls
Object Method Calls
Stack Manipulation
List Manipulation
Function Return
Object Creation
Value Retrieval
Value Storage
Revision: December, 2009