T3 VM Image File Format
An "image" is a file that contains a program that the T3 VM can load and execute. An image file is so named because the file contains a snapshot of memory as it looks when the program is executing; the image file contains additional information as well, which describes the contents of the file and the image data. Because the image file contains more than just the memory snapshot, the VM can't simply copy the image file directly into memory and begin execution, but must perform some additional work to interpret the data in the file as it loads the file.
The image file format is part of the T3 specification because of the requirement that T3 programs be portable in their binary representation. In order to ensure that a compiled T3 program can be copied to any type of computer and executed using any T3 implementation, we must specify a common file format that all T3 interpreters understand.
- Format Versioning
- File Structure
- Signature
- Data Blocks
- Block Header Flags
- Data Block Types
- EOF (end of file)
- ENTP (entrypoint)
- OBJS (static objects)
- CPDF (constant pool definition)
- CPPG (constant pool page)
- MRES (multi-media resource)
- MREL (multi-media resource links)
- MCLD (metaclass dependency list)
- FNSD (function set dependency list)
- SYMD (symbolic names)
- SRCF (source file descriptor)
- GSYM (global symbol table)
- MHLS (method header list)
- MACR (preprocessor macro symbol table)
- SINI (static initializer list)
- Signature
- Resource-only Image Files
- MIME Type for T3 Image Files
File Format Versioning
The file header contains the file format version number that the image file uses. The file format version is separate from the rest of the VM specification; changes in the VM do not necessarily require changes in the file format, hence multiple VM versions may use a single format version. In addition, a particular VM implementation will usually recognize and accept a range of format versions; because the loader knows the file's version (from reading the information from the header), it can interpret the image file data correctly for a set of different format versions.
The image file format may evolve over time, so it may be necessary for the loader to know the file format version that the file uses so that the loader can properly interpret elements that vary in different format versions. The file format is designed for flexibility, so that additions and changes to the format can be made in such a way that they preserve compatibility with other format versions, even without actually knowing the file's format version; past experience has shown, though, that it is occasionally necessary to make incompatible changes. By encoding the format version number in the file, the loader can determine how it should interpret the file, which allows a newer version of the loader to handle older format versions, and also allows an older version of the loader to detect that it cannot properly interpret a newer format version.
Note that the file format is designed to accomodate many types of
changes without requiring a version change. Most of the information
stored in the file is arranged into self-describing structures,
which automatically adjust for additional fields. Whenever possible,
future changes will be made in such a way as to maintain compatibility
with the current file format. The file format
version number needs to be changed only when it would otherwise
be impossible for the loader to properly interpret new or changed
information under the old format rules.
File Structure
The image file starts with a signature, which is a short string of bytes that marks the file as a valid T3 image file and indicates the version of the image file format that the file uses. This information must be version-invariant for all future versions, so that any VM version will be able to determine the format version of any image file.After the signature, the file consists of a varying number of data blocks. Each block is marked with a type identifier, which specifies the nature of the data stored in the block, and a size marker, which indicates the number of bytes of data stored in the block.
In general, the order of the data blocks is unimportant, so the compiler or linker can generate blocks in any order that is convenient. In some cases, one type of block depends upon another having already been loaded; any such ordering dependencies are described below in the documentation of the specific block types.
The size of each data block is given by a 32-bit unsigned integer, with resolution of one byte, which allows each data block to be up to 4 gigabytes in length. Note that, in most cases, compilers should limit data blocks to smaller sizes. In particular, portions of data blocks that are meant to be treated as single contiguous units, such as the bytes of a constant pool page block, should be limited to sizes 64k or smaller, to accomodate 16-bit machines. These practical limits will be noted in the descriptions of the individual data block types to which they apply.
Finally, after all of the data blocks, the file contains an end-of-file marker. This marker is in the form of a data block header, but no data block follows.
Within the file, all data are stored without any padding or alignment, except where otherwise specified. Primitive types are stored using the TADS Portable Binary Encoding formats.
The file format is entirely self-relative: all file seek locations stored within the file are given as offsets from another position in the file (generally from the location of the seek offset value itself). This means that the entire image file can be stored within a larger file structure; for example, an image file could be appended to a T3 VM implementation's application executable, allowing a T3 program to be packaged as a native executable in a single file, or an image file could be embedded within a resource file. So, whenever we refer to a seek offset relative to the start of the file, we are actually referring to an offset relative to the first byte of the T3 image data, which can be at an arbitrary offset within the underlying operating system file.
The first bytes in the file (starting at byte offset zero) give the file signature. The signature should use this same format in all future versions of the file format, so that any VM can identify the format version of any image file.The signature starts with a set of fixed byte values. In hexadecimal:
54, 33, 2D, 69, 6D, 61, 67, 65, 0D, 0A, 1A
Or, as a C string:
When loading a file, the loader checks the first bytes of the file to ensure that they match this signature; if they do not, the loader can immediately reject the file. This is meant as a trivial test of validity for the file; although it would be possible (in fact, simple) to intentionally construct an invalid file that passes this test, checking the signature at least immediately detects when a user inadvertantly attempts to load a non-image file and allows the VM to generate a more specific and helpful diagnostic message ("this is not a T3 image file" instead of "corrupted file" or "attempt to read past end of file" or, even worse, successful loading of garbage data).
The signature also provides a simple means for other applications to classify the file as a T3 image file, merely by scanning the first few bytes of the file.
The inclusion of the values 0D, 0A, and 1A at the end of the string is meant as a convenience to users who attempt to view or process the file through a text-based file viewer or utility. Text-based utilities on many systems will interpret the 0D and/or 0A characters as end-of-line indicators, making the text "T3-image" appear on a line by itself; in addition, many utilities will interpret the 1A character as an end-of-file indicator, which will terminate the display. This won't show the user much information about the file, but will at least give an indication of the type of the file. This is purely a convenience; it's impossible to devise a scheme that will give any meaningful information about the file for every utility on every system, but this encoding should provide reasonable behavior on a large number of systems.
Following these fixed bytes is the file format version number. The version number is encoded in two bytes, in portable UINT2 format. The purpose of the format version number (as described in the File Format Versioning section) is to indicate changes to the structure of the file that are outside of other capabilities of the present format to describe, so that future loaders can distinguish between such incompatible format changes in order to load older files using older rules, and newer files using newer rules.
The current file format version is 2 (0x0002). Any future incompatible formats will use higher numbers.
Differences between file format version 1 and 2: The changes to the format in version 2 are backward compatible, so a v2 loader can read a v1 file without any extra work. However, a v1 loader won't be able to correctly execute a v2 file. The version number change ensures that an older loader will recognize the incompatibility and immediately exit with an error, rather than attempting to execute the program and producing erratic results. The changes that are problematic for v1 loaders are:
- Version 2 has the following new byte-code instructions not present in v1: IFCX
- The version 2 method header adds the optional argument count (as the second byte of the header).
Loaders written only to the current specification should check the format version number, and reject files with higher numbers than the current file format version. Since a file format version number change indicates an incompatible change, loaders written to the current specification will not be able to correctly interpret newer file formats. Note that this doesn't mean that a loader can't be written to read multiple versions; in fact, allowing support for multiple versions in the same loader is part of the point of the version number mechanism. However, a loader written at any given time obviously can't anticipate future changes, so it can only accept files with the latest (at the time of its implementation) format version, plus any earlier formats that it has also been designed to interpret.
Following the version number is a block of 32 reserved bytes. In the current format specification, the first 28 bytes of this block must all be set to zero (0x00), and the last 4 bytes are reserved for use by compilers, linkers, and other tools that produce image files. Such tools are free to use the four bytes at offsets 41 through 44 in the image file as they please; the format specification imposes no interpretation upon these bytes, but merely requires that VM implementations ignore these bytes. The first 28 bytes should always be set to zero for files conforming to this version of the format specification, to ensure compatibility in the event these bytes are assigned specific uses in the future.
Note that a version 1 loader must not look at the contents of the 32 reserved bytes; in particular, the loader must not consider it an error if the bytes contain values other than zero. By ignoring these bytes, the loader will ensure that files created with future versions that use the reserved area can be properly loaded (with reduction of any new functionality specified in the reserved area, of course).
Following the 32 reserved bytes is the image file timestamp. This timestamp consists of 24 bytes, using a format like "Sun Aug 01 17:05:20 1999" (this is the same format returned by the C standard library function asctime(), minus the newline and terminating null byte). The timestamp indicates the time the image file was created, so this value should be set by the compiler or linker when creating the image file.
The timestamp is stored in the image file to provide a simple way of ensuring that a saved state file, when loaded, was created by the same version of the image file that is attempting to load it. Since a saved state file can only be correctly restored by the same version of an image file that created it, we must have a way of checking this when loading a saved state file. The timestamp mechanism is not completely safe, because it would be possible to compile two separate image files with the same timestamp value, but the timestamp vastly reduces the likelihood of accidentally confusing one program's saved state files for another program's.
In schematic form, the signature block looks like this:
Byte Offset (from start of file) | Value |
0 | 0x54 'T' |
1 | 0x33 '3' |
2 | 0x2D '-' |
3 | 0x69 'i' |
4 | 0x6D 'm' |
5 | 0x61 'a' |
6 | 0x67 'g' |
7 | 0x65 'e' |
8 | 0x0D '\015' |
9 | 0x0A '\012' |
10 | 0x1A '\032' |
11 | low-order 8 bits of format version number (currently 0x01) |
12 | high-order 8 bits of format version number (currently 0x00) |
13-40 | currently reserved; set all 28 bytes to zero (0x00) |
41-44 | build configuration hash code (reserved for use by compilers, linkers, and other build tools, and up to these tools to use as they wish; VM implementations should simply ignore this field) |
45-68 | timestamp in format Sun Aug 01 17:05:20 1999 |
Data Blocks
After the signature, the file contains one or more data blocks. A file cannot have zero data blocks, because, minimally, an EOF block is required. In practice, the VM loader requires certain other data blocks to be present as well, so the loader will always reject a file with only an EOF block; but an image file could be considered well-formed, in the sense that the loader would be able to properly interpret the structure of the file, with only an EOF block.Each data block starts with a 10-byte header describing the block. The first four bytes of this header give the type of the block; each block type has a unique four-byte identifier. The next four bytes of the header give the size of the block, in bytes, expressed as a portable UINT4 value; this size value does not include the size of the 10-byte header. The next two bytes provide 16 bits of flags, expressed as a portable UINT2 value.
Immediately following the header is the data block itself. Following the data block is the next block's header.
In schematic form, the block header looks like this:
Byte Offset (from start of header) | Value |
0 | first byte of block type ID |
1 | second byte of block type ID |
2 | third byte of block type ID |
3 | fourth byte of block type ID |
4 | bits 0-7 of block size in bytes |
5 | bits 8-15 of block size in bytes |
6 | bits 16-23 of block size in bytes |
7 | bits 23-31 of block size in bytes |
8 | bits 0-7 of flags |
9 | bits 8-15 of flags |
Data Block Header Flags
Each header includes a 16-bit unsigned integer which specifies a set of flags for the header. These flags are defined independently of the block type (all type-specific flags and other information are stored within the data block itself)."Mandatory" Flag
Flag bit 0 (i.e., the least-significant bit in the first byte of the flags) is the "mandatory" flag. This flag is set to 0 for blocks that can safely be ignored by the VM, and is set to 1 for blocks that must be recognized and loaded.The purpose of the "mandatory" flag is to allow for new block types to be added in future revisions of the VM specification while retaining image file compatibility with older VM implementations. A particular VM implementation will only be able to recognize the block types that are defined in the version of the specification that it implements; thus, the implementation would be unable to recognize a new block type added in a later version of the specification. The "mandatory" field tells the older implementation whether the block is required to properly interpret the image file, or is only advisory. In the case that the block is not required, the implementation can load the newer image file simply by ignoring the new information that it can't interpret.
Past experience has shown that it is often useful to add new information to an image file that augments the information in the file, perhaps by adding new functionality or improving performance, but which can be omitted without completely losing the meaning of the file. In these cases, an older implementation will be unable to take advantage of the new information, and hence won't be able to offer the new functionality or improved performance the new information enables, but will still be able to provide otherwise correct behavior. In such cases, where the omission of a new block would result in graceful degradation of functionality, the new block could be included with the "mandatory" flag set to zero.
Any time the image file loader encounters a block type that it doesn't recognize, the loader checks the "mandatory" flag's value. If the flag is set to one, the loader throws an error (UNKNOWN_IMAGE_BLOCK). If the flag is set to zero, the loader simply ignores the block and continues loading the file at the next block; note that the block header always contains the size of the block, so the loader can determine where the next block starts even though it can't interpret the contents of the unrecognized block.
Reserved Flags
Flag bits 1 through 15 are reserved for future use.
The compiler must set all reserved flag bits to zero. This will simplify the addition of new flags in the future, since all image files created prior to a given version can be assumed to use a default value of zero for any new flags defined in the new version.
EOF Block
Identifier: "EOF "The EOF (end of file) block is always the last data block in the file. The EOF block contains no data, so the data block size in the EOF block header is zero. The EOF type identifier is "EOF " (the fourth byte is an ASCII space character, byte value 0x20).
The EOF block's "mandatory" flag should always be set to 1.
In schematic format:
Byte Offset (from start of header) | Value |
0 | 0x45 'E' |
1 | 0x4F 'O' |
2 | 0x46 'F' |
3 | 0x20 ' ' |
4 | 0x00 |
5 | 0x00 |
6 | 0x00 |
7 | 0x00 |
8 | 0x01 |
9 | 0x00 |
Note that it is legal for additional data (part of the same physical file as the image file, but not part of the image data) to follow the EOF block header in the file; the loader simply ignores anything that follows. The T3 image file may thus be embedded into a larger file structure (a resource file format, for example), or may contain additional data appended to the end of the file; the loader considers any data that follow the EOF block to be part of some external structure and not part of the image file.
Entrypoint Block
Identifier: "ENTP"The Entrypoint block specifies the address of the beginning of the executable code of the image, and the sizes of various data structures that are global to the file: the method header size, the exception table entry size, and the debugger line record entry size. After the VM loads the image, it invokes the byte code at the entrypoint address. When this code returns to its caller, or throws an exception, the VM terminates the program contained in the image.
The entrypoint address is given as a code pool offset value.
All method headers in an image file must be the same size. This size is specified in the ENTP block as a UINT2 value. Similarly, all of the exception table entries in the image file must be the same size, as must the debugger source line records (if the image file contains debugging information at all).
The entrypoint data block is arranged like this:
"ENTP" Header |
UINT4 (code pool offset of byte code to execute after loading image) |
UINT2 (method header size of all methods in image file) |
UINT2 (exception table entry size for all exception tables) |
UINT2 (debugger line table entry size for all line tables) |
UINT2 (debug table header size for all debug tables) |
UINT2 (debug table local symbol record header size for all debug tables) |
UINT2 (debug records version number) |
UINT2 (debug table frame header size) (new in version 2) |
An image file is required to have exactly one Entrypoint block. The VM throws an exception if the image has no Entrypoint block or more than one such block.
If the method header size specified in the ENTP block is incompatible with the header size required by the current version of the VM implementation, the VM throws an error. The purpose of specifying the size in the image file is to allow version flexibility: if new fields are added at the end of the method header in the future, the VM can detect from the information stored in the ENTP block whether or not the new fields are present in the image file, and can thus run older image files by providing default values for the missing fields (possibly with degraded performance or functionality due to the missing information). Conversely, the VM can run image files with newer fields that it doesn't recognize by ignoring the new fields; since the VM knows the size of the header from ENTP information, the VM can know how much data to skip even though it doesn't know what the data bytes contain.
The exception table entry size, the debugger line table entry size, the debug table header size, and the debug table local symbol header size are similarly specified here to allow for future expansion while maintaining compatibility. The debug table frame header size is similar; this was added in image file format version 2; the default is 4 bytes if the field isn't present.
The "debug records version number" allows the debugger, if any, to check for compatibility. It is possible that new types of debugger information could be added in the future in such a way that debuggers would have to be upgraded, but while still retaining compatibility with the VM for non-debugger use. The current debug information version number is 0x0002. If the image file does not contain any debugging information, this field can optionally be set to zero; the image loader should not inspect this field's contents unless it wishes to use debug information, so if no debug information is present, the loader should ignore this field.
Note that if the image file contains a block of type SINI, the VM must execute the static initializers before invoking the program's main entrypoint.
Debug version information:
- The original debug version number was 0x0001.
- Version 0x0002 introduced a new format for the frame record, adding two UINT2 values to give the byte-code range covered by the frame. This version also added a new storage format for the local variable record, which allows the name of the local to be stored in the constant pool as a string value.
Static Object Block
Identifier: "OBJS"Order dependency: All OBJS blocks in an image file must come after the image file's MCLD block. (This is required because an OBJS block contains a metaclass index number whose meaning is established in the MCLD block, and the meaning must be known in order to interpret the metaclass-dependent part of the per-object data.)
The Static Object block defines one or more root-set object instances, all of a single metaclass, whose contents are defined by the compiler. This block type is used to load compiler-initialized static objects.
The load image may have any number of Static Object blocks. Each individual block defines objects of only one metaclass; the load image thus must have at least one Static Object block per metaclass that the program uses for compiler-initialized objects.
A Static Object block's "mandatory" flag should be set to 1.
A Static Object block's contents start with a UINT2 value giving the number of static objects defined in the block; this is followed by a UINT2 value giving the metaclass dependency table index of the metaclass used by the objects defined in the block.
Next come the object definitions. Each object definition starts with a UINT4 value giving the object ID that the compiler assigned to the object; the VM will use this object ID for the loaded object (the VM throws an error if the object ID is already used by another object). After this is a UINT2 giving the number of bytes in the object's metaclass-specific data, followed by the bytes of the metaclass-specific data for the object.
The high-level schematic looks like this:
"OBJS" Header |
UINT2 (number of objects in block) |
UINT2 (metaclass dependency table index) |
UINT2 (flags) |
First Object |
Second Object |
... |
The "flags" field is a combination of bit flags. The defined bit flag values are:
- 0x0001 - large objects. If this flag is set, the per-object size field (see below) is a UINT4. If this flag is not set, the per-object size field is a UINT2. This flag allows metaclasses that require very large object data to be stored with a 32-bit size field per object, while allowing smaller metaclasses to conserve space in the image file by using a 16-bit size field.
- 0x0002 - transient objects. If this flag is set, all of the objects in this OBJS block are transient; otherwise, they're ordinary (persistent) objects.
Each object's data has this format:
UINT4 (object ID) |
UINT2 or UINT4 (number of bytes in the object's data - see flags) |
Metaclass-specific object data |
Note that the size field is specified as a UINT2 or a UINT4; which type is used depends upon the "large objects" flag in the "OBJS" block header.
Schematically, in terms of byte layout (assuming 16-bit per-object size fields):
Byte Offset (from start of header) | Value |
0 | 0x4F 'O' |
1 | 0x42 'B' |
2 | 0x4A 'J' |
3 | 0x53 'S' |
4 | bits 0-7 of block size in bytes |
5 | bits 8-15 of block size in bytes |
6 | bits 16-23 of block size in bytes |
7 | bits 23-31 of block size in bytes |
8 | 0x01 |
9 | 0x00 |
10 | low-order 8 bits of number of objects in block |
11 | high-order 8 bits of number of objects in block |
12 | low-order 8 bits of metaclass dependency table index |
13 | high-order 8 bits of metaclass dependency table index |
14 | bits 0-7 of first object's ID |
15 | bits 8-15 of first object's ID |
16 | bits 16-23 of first object's ID |
17 | bits 23-31 of first object's ID |
18 | low-order 8 bits of first object's metaclass data size in bytes |
19 | high-order 8 bits of first object's metaclass data size in bytes |
20 | first byte of first object's metaclass-specific initialization data |
... | |
20+n-1 | last byte of first object's metaclass-specific initialization data |
20+n | bits 0-7 of second object's ID |
... and so on, for each object defined in the block ... |
Note that string and list objects generally do not appear in static object blocks. Instead, static strings and lists should be defined in the constant pool. It is legal to define static string and list objects, but constant pool values consume somewhat less space in the image file and in memory during program execution, and do not add any work for the garbage collector.
Constant Pool Definition Block
Identifier: "CPDF"The Constant Pool Definition block specifies the overall structure of a constant pool. This block contains the number of pages in the pool, and the size of each page.
An image file must have exactly one Constant Pool Definition block for each constant pool, and the Constant Pool Definition block must precede the first Constant Pool Page block for that pool (i.e., the Definition block must be located at an earlier byte position in the image file than any Page block for the same pool).
A Constant Pool Definition block's "mandatory" flag should be set to 1 if the pool identifier is 1 or 2. (In other words, all pools currently defined are mandatory. However, it is possible that new pool types added in future versions of the VM would not be mandatory, hence we refrain here from specifying that all constant pool definition blocks are mandatory.)
The high-level schematic of a Constant Pool Definition block is as follows:
"CPDF" Header |
UINT2 (pool identifier) |
UINT4 (number of pages in the pool) |
UINT4 (size in bytes of each page in the pool) |
The "pool identifier" value indicates the constant pool to which the information in the Definition block applies. The following pool identifier values are defined:
Identifier | Meaning |
1 | Byte-code pool |
2 | Constant data pool |
The data in each constant data pool page should be limited to 64k when possible, to accomodate 16-bit machines. VM implementations may be designed to load each constant pool page into a single memory allocation block, which on 16-bit machines cannot exceed 64k. In practice, it should be possible for the compiler to generate pages that fit within this limit transparently to the programmer.
Constant Pool Page Block
Identifier: "CPPG"A Constant Pool Page block provides the data for one page of a constant pool. The block contains a small header that specifies the pool with which the page is associated and the page's index within the pool, followed by the data contained in the page.
The first Constant Pool Page block associated with a particular constant pool must be preceded by a Constant Pool Definition block for that pool. (Other blocks may intervene; the requirement is merely that the Definition block be earlier in the file than the first associated Page block.) Constant Pool Page blocks for a particular pool need not be in any particular order in the image file, and need not be contiguous.
A Constant Pool Page block's mandatory flag should be set to the same value as the mandatory flag for the associated Constant Pool Definition block.
The load image has one Constant Pool Page block for each page of each constant pool.
The high-level schematic of a Constant Pool Page block is as follows:
"CPPG" Header |
UINT2 (pool identifier) |
UINT4 (page index) |
UBYTE (xor mask) |
Page data bytes |
The "pool identifier" value has the same meaning as for a Constant Pool Definition block.
The "page index" value specifies the index of the page within the pool. The first page in the pool has index 0, the second page has index 1, and so on. The starting byte offset of the data in the page is given by multiplying the pool's page size (specified in the Constant Pool Definition block for the pool) by the page index.
The "xor mask" is a byte value that must be XOR'ed with each byte of the page data bytes whenever the page data bytes are loaded. If this is zero, it has no effect and can be ignored (since x xor 0 equals x for any value of x). Otherwise, whenever the page data bytes are loaded, each byte must be XOR'ed with this value.
The Page block's data may be smaller than the pool's page size as defined in the Definition block, because pages may not always be completely filled. A page's data may never exceed the pool's page size.
Implementation note: The purpose of the xor mask is to allow for a very slight obfuscation of the constant data (especially text strings) contained in the image file, to prevent casual browsing of the text in the file. The xor mask obviously does not provide any degree of encryption security, not because the obfuscation algorithm is simple but because the "decryption key" is stored directly with the data to be decrypted. The compiler is free to use any value for the mask; all pages can use the same mask, or the compiler can choose a different mask for each page.
Multimedia Resource Block
Identifier: "MRES"A Multimedia Resource block contains data for one or more data resources. In order to allow an image file to store a large number of resources but still provide fast access to each resource, the Multimedia Resource block contains a table of contents that provides a compact index to the resources within the block.
A data resource is a named block of binary data; effectively, a data resource is equivalent to an operating system file, but is embedded within the image file so that it is always copied and moved along with the image file. We refer to the resources as "multimedia" resources because the primary use we envision for this feature is for storing graphics, digitized sounds, and other binary multimedia data; however, it is up to the user code and the host application environment to interpret and use resource data, and the T3 VM makes no assumptions about the types of data that can be stored in a resource. This specification, therefore, does not enumerate a list of resource types that can be included, nor does it impose any limits on what can be stored or how resources can be used. In fact, the VM itself does not make direct use of multimedia resources; it simply provides the storage format and retrieval mechanism for use by the user code and the host application environment.
The first part of the Multimedia Resource block is the table of contents. This table consists of a count of the number of entries in the table, followed by the size in bytes of the table, and finally the table entries. Each entry consists of a count of the number of bytes in the entry name, the offset within the Multimedia Resource block of the first byte of the entry's resource data, the size in bytes of the resource data, and the resource name. The resource name is simply a string of text characters, one byte per character; each character can be any ASCII character in the range 32 to 126 inclusive. The length of a resource name can range from 1 to 255 characters.
Following the table of contents are the data resources. Each resource is stored as a contiguous block of bytes, and is immediately followed by the next resource.
The high-level schematic of the Multimedia Resource block is as follows:
"MRES" Header |
Table of contents |
First resource's binary data |
Second resource's binary data |
Third resource's binary data |
... |
Last resource's binary data |
The table of contents is structured like this:
UINT2 (number of entries in table of contents) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry in the table of contents has this structure:
UINT4 (offset from start of MRES data block of first byte of the entry's binary data) |
UINT4 (size in bytes of the entry's binary data) |
UBYTE (number of bytes in entry's name) |
Entry name, using 7-bit ASCII characters encoded in single bytes, each XOR'ed with 0xFF |
Note that the first field in each table-of-contents entry is the offset to the start of the entry's binary data. This is expressed as an offset from the start of the MRES data block, which means from the beginning of the table of contents. Hence, to find an entry, simply add the entry's offset to the seek position of the first byte of the table of contents; this yields the seek position of the first byte of the object's binary data.
A single image file may have multiple MRES data blocks. If more than one data block is present, the VM treats the set of blocks as though the resources all occurred in a single block. In other words, there is a single global namespace for multimedia resources contained in MRES blocks.
The bytes of the entry names are masked by XOR'ing each byte with 0xFF (decimal 255). This is simply to obscure the resource names to hide them from casual browsing. Resource names might sometimes contain information that the program's author would prefer not to make visible to casual browsers, so we make this slight effort to obscure them.
Multimedia Resource Link Block
Identifier: "MREL"A Multimedia Resource Link block is a special variation on the MRES block. Like an MRES block, an MREL block stores information on multimedia resources. Unlike an MRES block, an MREL doesn't store the actual binary data of the resources; instead, an MREL simply stores links to the resources.
A link is simply a filename in the local file system, giving the location of a local copy of the resource data.
A link to a local file is stored using local file naming conventions, and can contain relative paths (i.e., partial directory paths that can only be resolved relative to a working directory). This makes MREL blocks inherently non-portable, and for this reason they're designed only for Debug builds. MREL blocks should not be used in regular "release" builds.
The purpose of the MREL block is to make Debug builds faster to compile and smaller on disk. The reason that a developer creates a Debug build is to run the build under the debugger, within the development environment on the developer's own machine. In this environment, all of the resource files are available as local files (they have to be, because it's the only way the compiler can copy them into the image file in a regular Release build). Since the resources are all available anyway, copying them into the Debug build's image file is essentially pointless - it just takes time and consumes disk space. However, the index to the resources that's part of the MRES block is still important, because resources in the MRES block can be renamed from their local file system names. The MREL block is designed to solve this problem, by storing the index to the resources without storing copies of their contents.
The MREL block consists simply of a list of resource mappings. The table starts with a count of the number of entries. Following the count are the mappings: a mapping consists of a resource name and the name of the corresponding local file. Each name is prefixed with a length byte. Resource names follow the same rules as they do in an MRES block; local filenames can be any combination of ASCII characters, up to 255 characters in length.
The schematic of the Multimedia Resource Link block is as follows:
"MREL" Header |
UINT2 (number of mapping) |
First mapping |
Second mapping |
Third mapping |
... |
Last mapping |
Each mapping is structured as follows:
UBYTE (number of bytes in entry's resource name) |
Entry resource name, using 7-bit ASCII characters encoded in single bytes |
UBYTE (number of bytes in entry's filename) |
Corresponding local filename, using single-byte characters and local file naming conventions |
A single image file may have multiple MREL data blocks. If more than one data block is present, the VM treats the set of blocks as though the resources all occurred in a single block. In other words, there is a single global namespace for multimedia resources contained in MREL blocks.
Note that the resource names are not obscured, as they would be in an MRES block. There's no point in protecting an MREL block from browsing, because the original developer is the only one who should ever see a file with this block type, as it should never be included in a Release build.
Metaclass Dependency List Block
Identifier: "MCLD"Order dependency: The MCLD block must come before the image file's first OBJS block.
The Metaclass Dependency List block specifies the metaclasses that the program contained in the image file depends upon, and provides the mapping from metaclass index numbers (which the image file uses in static object instance definitions and in byte code to refer to metaclasses) to the corresponding metaclass implementations.
The MCLD block consists of a count of the number of entries, followed by the entries. Each entry contains a count of the number of bytes in the entry name, followed by the name of entry, given as a string of 7-bit ASCII characters, encoded one byte per character.
Schematically, the MCLD block looks like this:
"MCLD" header |
UINT2 (number of entries in the table) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry is arranged as follows:
UINT2 (offset from this UINT2 to start of the next entry) |
UBYTE (number of bytes in entry name) |
Entry name, given as 7-bit ASCII characters, one byte per character |
UINT2 (number of property ID's) |
UINT2 (size in bytes of each property record; currently 2) |
UINT2 First property ID |
UINT2 Second property ID |
... |
UINT2 Last property ID |
The index value for each entry is implicit in the order of the table. The first entry is at index 0, the second entry is at index 1, and so on.
An image file must have exactly one MCLD block. The VM should throw an error if it finds more than one MCLD block in an image file, or if an image file does not have an MCLD block at all. (While it would be possible to construct an image file that did not, in fact, have any metaclass dependencies at all, such a program is unlikely to be useful in practice, since it could not define any static objects nor create any objects dynamically.)
Each metaclass entry contains a list of property entries. These are the properties that the metaclass defines and which the program can call. The purpose of the property list is to provide a mapping that allows the image file to specify the ID's of the properties it calls in instances of the metaclass. Each metaclass provides its property-invoked functions as a vector of properties; the property ID list in the image file gives the property ID's that the program will use to invoke the metaclass vector functions. The first property ID is the property ID that the program will use to invoke the first metaclass vector function, the second ID is the property that the program will use to invoke the second vector function, and so on. In this respect, the vector of metaclass properties is similar to the vector of functions that a function set uses. By providing this mapping, the compiler can let the program invoke metaclass functions using the identical mechanism that the program uses to invoke object properties.
Refer to the metaclass identifier list in the Machine Model section for more information on metaclass dependencies.
Function Set Dependency List Block
Identifier: "FNSD"The Function Set Dependency List block specifies the function sets that the program contained in the image file depends upon, and provides the mapping from function set index numbers (which the image file uses in byte code to invoke intrinsic functions) to the corresponding function entrypoint vectors in the VM.
The FNSD block consists of a count of the number of entries, followed by the entries. Each entry contains a count of the number of bytes in the entry name, followed by the name of entry, given as a string of 7-bit ASCII characters, encoded one byte per character.
Schematically, the FNSD block looks like this:
"FNSD" header |
UINT2 (number of entries in the table) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry is arranged as follows:
UBYTE (number of bytes in entry name) |
Entry name, given as 7-bit ASCII characters, one byte per character |
The index value for each entry is implicit in the order of the table. The first entry is at index 0, the second entry is at index 1, and so on.
An image file must have exactly one FNSD block. The VM should throw an error if it finds more than one FNSD block in an image file, or if an image file does not have an FNSD block at all.
Refer to the intrinsic function documentation in the Machine Model section for more information on function sets and intrinsic functions.
Symbolic Names Block
Identifier: "SYMD"The Symbolic Names block allows the VM to determine the values to use for user-defined objects, properties, and any other values that must be used directly by the VM. Refer to Pre-defined Objects and Properites in the Machine Model section for information on the purpose of this block.
The Symbolic Names block starts with a count of the number of entries. Following the count is the list of entries. Each entry contains the number of characters in the symbol name, the value of the symbol, and the symbol name, given as a string of 7-bit ASCII characters, encoded one byte per character.
The structure of the Symbolic Names block is as follows:
"SYMD" header |
UINT2 (number of entries in the table) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry in the table is arranged thus:
DATA_HOLDER (value of the symbol) |
UBYTE (number of bytes in symbol name) |
Symbol name, using 7-bit ASCII characters, one byte per character |
Any number of Symbolic Names blocks may appear in a given image file. If more than one block appears, the loader logically concatenates the blocks; in other words, the loader acts as though all of the symbols from all of the blocks had appeared together in a single block. The VM generates an error if it finds the same symbolic name defined more than once with different values in a single image file.
Source File Descriptor Block
Identifier: "SRCF"The non-mandatory Source File Descriptor block contains information on the source files that were compiled to create the image file. Source-level debuggers use this information to display the source code corresponding to the byte-code in the compiled image file. This information is not required for executing the program; normally, a compiler includes this information only when the program is being compiled for use with a debugger.
The Source File Descriptor block starts with a count of the number of entries, and the byte size of each source line record in the block (currently, this value should be set to 8). Following the count is the list of entries. Each entry consists of a UINT2 giving the index in the list of the master source file record for the file; a UINT2 length field for the filename string; a varying-length string field containing the filename; a UINT4 giving the number of source-line position records; and a varying number of source-line position records.
The master record index is a zero-based index in the SRCF list of the first source file record with the same filename. If there is no previous instance of the same file, this entry should give its own list index, because it is its own master record. The purpose of this record is to allow debuggers to suppress redundant entries when showing a list of the source files to the user. (A given source file can appear more than once in this list for a variety of reasons; for example, a header file could be included in more than one compilation unit.)
The length field gives the number of bytes in the string field. The string field contains the filename of the source file. The compiler should, to the extent possible, store information that is portable and relative (in the sense that any directory path information is given relative to a working directory, rather than in terms of physical devices or explicit file system root locations), but is under no obligation to do so; a programmer using a debugger must therefore usually compile and debug a program on the same type of computer and operating system, which is typical practice anyway.
The UINT4 source line record count specifies the number of source line records. Each source line record associates a source line in this file with its byte-code address.
"SRCF" header |
UINT2 (number of entries in the table) |
UINT2 (byte size of each source line record) |
First file record entry |
Second file record entry |
... |
Last file record entry |
Each file record entry is arranged like this:
UINT4 (byte size of this entire file entry) |
UINT2 (index of master source file record for this file) |
UINT2 (length in bytes of filename) |
Varying-length character string (the filename, expressed in local system format) |
UINT4 (number of line records) |
First line record |
Second line record |
... |
Last line record |
The first field (a UINT4 giving the size of the entire entry) should be set to the byte size of the entire structure above, including the size field itself. A reader should determine the file offset of the start of the next file record by adding the size value to the seek position of the start of the current record.
The line records look like this:
UINT4 (source line number) |
UINT4 (byte-code address) |
The source line number is the location in the current source file of the source line; the first line is number 1. The byte-code address is the absolute address in the code pool of the start of the executable code that resulted from compiling the given line of source code.
The source records must be sorted in ascending order of source line number; in addition, a given source line number may appear only once in a given list, so this mechanism can associate a given source line with only a single executable code address. The purpose of the source line records is to allow an interactive debugger to find the executable code for a given line of source code, so these records are ordered by source line number to make it efficient to find a record for a given source line.
Note that non-master records should not contain any source line information. All source line information for a given file should be consolidated into the master record for the file. Debuggers are free to ignore any source line information that appears in non-master records.
Other types of debugging records refer to source file records; in particular, line records (which store the source file location of a block of byte-code) refer to source records. Other records refer to a source file record using the zero-based index of the source record; thus, record 0 is the first record in the list, 1 is the second record, and so on. The order of the source records is thus significant.
For compatibility with future specification changes, image readers should use the size information embedded in the records to determine how large the data structures are in the file. Readers should ignore any data whose presence is implied by sizes larger than the current specification would use.
Implementation note: The source line records included in the SRCF block are essentially a reverse mapping from the line records that appear in the per-method debug tables. The line records in the method debug tables specify the mapping from a given byte code location to its source file location; the debugger uses those records, for example, to show the user the current source file location when a breakpoint is encountered, since the debugger will know the byte-code location and will need to find the corresponding source location. The SRCF line records, in contrast, are used to find the byte-code location for a given source location; the debugger uses these records, for example, to find the byte-code location at which to set a breakpoint when the user specifies a source file location for the breakpoint.
Global Symbol Table Block
Identifier: "GSYM"The optional Global Symbol Table block contains information on the top-level symbols in the original source code that was compiled to create the image file. Source-level debuggers use this information to evaluate symbolic expressions entered interactively by the user during a debugging session. This information is not required for executing the program; normally, a compiler includes this information only when the program is being compiled for use with a debugger.
The Global Symbol Table block begins with a count of the number of entries. Following the count is the list of entries. Each entry gives information on a single global symbol. The order of the entries is undefined; there is no requirement, for example, that symbols be grouped by type, or appear in any lexical sequence.
Each entry consists of a UINT2 symbol length, giving the number of bytes in the symbol name; a UINT2 extra data length, giving the number of bytes of additional type-specific data accompanying the symbol; a UINT2 type code, which specifies the datatype of the symbol; the bytes of the symbol name, as a UTF8 string; and a varying number of bytes of extra data, whose meaning and interpretation vary by symbol type.
The table looks like this:
"GSYM" header |
UINT4 (number of entries in the table) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry looks like this:
UINT2 (length in bytes of symbol name) |
UINT2 (length in bytes of extra data following symbol name) |
UINT2 (type code) |
Symbol name (as a UTF-8 string) |
Varying number of bytes of extra data (the number of bytes is given by the value of the "extra data length" in the second field in the record, above) |
The type codes, and current interpretation of the extra data fields, are:
Value | Meaning | Extra Data Fields |
1 | Function | UINT4 (code offset) UINT2 (argc) BYTE (non-zero if the function takes a variable number of arguments) BYTE (non-zero if the function has a return value) UINT2 (opt_argc) (number of additional optional parameters after the fixed 'argc' list) |
2 | Object | UINT4 (object ID) UINT4 (modifying object ID) |
3 | Property | UINT2 (property ID) BYTE (flags: 0x01 → this is a "dictionary property" symbol) |
6 | Intrinsic function | UINT2 (index of function
in function set) UINT2 (index of function set in image file's function set dependency list) BYTE (non-zero if function has a return value) UINT2 (minimum argument count) UINT2 (maximum argument count) BYTE (non-zero if function takes a varying number of arguments) |
7 | External function | Reserved; never implemented, and deprecated as of TADS 3.1 |
9 | Intrinsic Class | UINT2 (metaclass dependency table
index) UINT4 (object ID of metaclass's IntrinsicClass instance) |
10 | Enumerator | UINT4 (internal enumerator ID) BYTE (flags: 0x01 → this is an "enum token" symbol) |
Note for intrinsic functions: the function index is the zero-based index of the function in its intrinsic function set. The function set index is the zero-based index of the function set within the function set dependency list for the image file, as specified by the data in the FNSD block. Also, note that the flag indicating whether the function has a varying number of arguments is true only if the number of arguments is unlimited; if the minimum and maximum argument counts differ, but the function accepts no more than the maximum argument count, the variable arguments flag should be set to zero, despite the fact that the argument count can vary between the minimum and maximum counts.
Note for objects: the "modifying object ID" is the object that is modifying this object, if this object is indeed modified via a 'modify' definition. This field is set to zero if this object is not modified by another.
No other type codes may currently appear in the global symbol table; however, to improve compatibility with future versions, VM implementations (if they parse the global symbol table at all) should simply ignore any symbols whose type codes they do not recognize. Similarly, if the extra data block is longer than expected, the implementation should simply skip the extra data beyond the fields specified above.
Method Header List
Identifier: "MHLS"The Method Header List is a non-mandatory block that is used to give interactive debuggers and other tools a list of the method headers in the program. This list is not required for program execution, but some tools might require it; normally, compilers will only include this block in an image file when the user has specified that debugging information is to be included.
The MHLS block contains a list of method headers. Each entry in the list is the code pool address of a method header; the list must be in ascending order of code pool address.
The block is structured like this:
UINT4 (number of entries in list) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry looks like this:
UINT4 (code pool address of method header) |
Preprocessor Macro Symbol Table
Identifier: "MACR"The Preprocessor Macro Symbol Table is a non-mandatory block that provides interactive debuggers and other tools with information on preprocessor symbols ("macros") defined in the program's source code. This table is not required for program execution, but debuggers and other tools might find it useful. For example, a debugger could use it to allow the user to interactively evaluate source-code expressions that refer to macros defined in the program being debugged.
Compilers will probably want to include this block only under certain conditions, because it increases the size of the image file and isn't required for normal execution. For example, it could be included only at the user's request via a compiler command-line option. The reference compiler doesn't have a separate option for MACR inclusion, but only includes the block when compiling in debug mode, since the debugger is the only tool in the reference tool set that uses the information.
The MACR block contains a list of preprocessor symbols. Each entry in the list specifies the definition of one symbol. The symbols are entered in the table in arbitrary order.
The block is structured like this:
UINT4 (number of entries in list) |
First entry |
Second entry |
... |
Last entry |
Each entry looks like this:
UINT2 (length in bytes of symbol name) |
Varying-length character string (the symbol name, encoded in UTF-8) |
UINT2 (flags; see below) |
UINT2 (number of formal parameters) |
First formal parameter |
Second formal parameter |
... |
Last formal parameter |
UINT4 (length of expansion text) |
Varying-length character string (the expansion text, encoded in UTF-8, with certain special character sequences embedded; see below) |
The "flags" field is a combination of the following bit values:
0x0001 | If this bit is set, the macro is "function-like" (i.e., it takes arguments). |
0x0002 | If this bit is set, the macro takes a varying number of arguments. The last formal parameter in the list given in the macro's definition is actually a placeholder for zero or more actual parameters. |
Each formal parameter entry looks like this:
UINT2 (length of the formal parameter name) |
Varying-length character string (the name of the formal parameter, encoded in UTF-8) |
The expansion text is given in UTF-8. The expansion should simply be stored as the original source text of the macro definition.
Note: in version 1 of this spec, the expansion text was stored with special characters embedded in place of occurrences of formal parameter names and certain other special tokens. Tools that wish to load MACR blocks in image files stored in format version 1 will need to be aware of the following special character embeddings:
\u0001 formal_id | Specifies a location where a formal parameter's expansion text is to be substituted. The \u0001 character is followed immediately by one byte giving the index of the formal in the argument list; 1 indicates the first paramter, 2 indicates the second parameter, and so forth. |
\u0005 | Specifies the "#foreach" flag. This specifies the start of a "#foreach" sequence: the text following is to be treated as a substitution sequence to be expanded in place once for each actual parameter associated with the final variable-count parameter. This is meaningful only in a macro with a varying number of arguments. The UTF-8 character immediately following the \u0005 is the delimiter character; the characters following this character and up to the next instance of the same character give the iterated expansion text, and the characters following the second instance of the delimiter and up to the third instance of the delimiter give the between-iteration expansion. This format is exactly as used for the TADS 3 Compiler's "#foreach" preprocessor construct; refer to the TADS 3 Compiler documentation for full details. |
\u0006 | Specifies the "#argcount" flag. The number of actual parameters associated with the final variable-count parameter is to be substituted at this point, expressed as a decimal number. |
\u0007 | Specifies the "#ifempty" flag. The character immediately following the \u0007 is the delimiter character; the characters between this character and the next instance of the same delimiter character are the expansion text that is to be substituted if the final variable-count parameter has no actual parameters (i.e., it's "empty"). |
\u0008 | Specifies the "#ifnempty" flag, which works exactly like the "#ifempty" flag but has the opposite sense (in other words "#ifnempty" expands its argument text if the variable-count parameter has at least one actual parameter associated with it). |
Static Initializer List
Identifier: "SINI"This block contains information on "static initializers," which are property values to be evaluated prior to the start of program execution. In addition, this block specifies a portion of the code pool that can be discarded after this initialization is performed, because it contains code only required during static initialization. Compilers can use this information to load an image, perform static initialization, then re-write the image file with the static initializer code omitted, to save space in the file and in memory at run-time. Note that it is harmless to leave the static initializer code attached to the image file permanently, but it is more efficient to remove it if it is possible to do so.
The SINI block looks like this:
UINT4 (header size) |
UINT4 (static code pool offset) |
UINT4 (initializer count) |
(any future header fields will appear here) |
First Initializer |
Second Initializer |
... |
Last Initializer |
The "header size" field gives the size in bytes of the header. In the current image file format, this is 12 bytes; future versions might add new fields, so a loader must use the indicated size to find the offset in the file of the first initializer.
The "static code pool offset" gives the byte offset of the first byte of static initializer code. A compiler or linker is required to prepare the image file in such a way that all code blocks with code pool offsets equal to or higher than this given offset are static initializer code blocks; no ordinary code blocks may appear above this offset. The purpose of this information is to allow the VM to perform static initialization on an image file and then discard all static initializer code, to reduce the size of the image file.
Each initializer entry looks like this:
UINT4 (object ID) |
UINT2 (property ID) |
Each entry contains simply an object ID and property ID. During static initialization, the VM must simply invoke each given object property once.
If an image file contains static initializers, the VM must execute all of the static initializers before executing any other code. In particular, the static initializers must be executed before the VM invokes the program's main entrypoint.
Futher, the static initializers must be executed in order from first to last, as they appear in the image file. This specified ordering lets compilers reliably handle any ordering dependencies among initializers.
Resource-only Image Files
It is usually desirable to store multi-media resources (such as image and sound data) within the image file itself; the MRES data block type is provided for this purpose. In some cases, though, it is better to store some or all of the multimedia data for a program in a file separate from the image file, but still bundled together into a single resource file.
A variation of the T3 image format allows for one or more separate resource files to accompany an image file; this is a resource-only image file. A resource-only image file is identical to a standard image file, but contains only MRES and EOF blocks.
A resource-only image file cannot be loaded as a regular image file, because it lacks the required blocks specifying the executable program data. This type of file can only be used specifically as a resource file.
MIME Type for T3 Image Files
There's no officially registered MIME type for T3 image files, but we recommend the ad hoc type "application/x-t3vm-image". This identifier was chosen in consultation with the managers of the IF Archive (www.ifarchive.org), which has adopted it as a local standard. The structure of the name has some significance: the "x-" prefix conforms to the MIME standard for indicating an unregistered ad hoc type; the "t3vm" portion is descriptive and relatively unlikely to collide with other ad hoc types; and the "-image" suffix suggests an obvious namespace structure, which we can extend to MIME types for other t3vm-related file types. (Note that the MJR-T3 implementation uses the same pattern for its saved-state files.)
Revision: September, 2006